
Attracting investment for Argyll and Bute graphic

Argyll and Bute large-scale projects update

Helping to sustain small businesses and community organisations, making Argyll and Bute more investor-ready, and improving the area’s towns and villages as places to live, work and visit - these are just some of the benefits from £45 million of investment secured by Argyll and Bute Council.

16 September 2024
yellow gritter driving through snow with plough attached

Plan to keep Argyll and Bute moving in winter agreed

Priorities and plans are already set out to keep Argyll and Bute open for business over the coming winter and these were approved by the council’s Environment, Development and Infrastructure committee on 12 September.

16 September 2024

Proposals made for ferry resilience

The council’s Environment, Development and Infrastructure Committee agreed on Thursday 12 September to pursue full funding for its ferry service as a way of best meeting the needs of island communities.

13 September 2024
Plastic bottles, tubs, pots and trays

Waste analyses show how we can recycle better

Households across Argyll and Bute are doing their bit to help save money, protect services and support climate-friendly measures by recycling, but recent studies by Zero Waste Scotland show we could all still do a bit more.

13 September 2024
Making a better future for Argyll and Bute graphic

Revised economic plan celebrates Argyll and Bute's key strengths

Providing a renewed focus to celebrate and deliver on Argyll and Bute’s key strengths and embrace the opportunities of its rural, natural resource-based economy – this is the purpose of the council’s revised Economic Strategy Action Plan for 2024 – 2027.

12 September 2024
silhouette of people in various working poses

Digital hubs create island opportunities

Connecting communities digitally remains a priority for Argyll and Bute Council as it continues to support and develop ongoing relationships with the Scottish Government, contractors, communities, and other external partners to ensure the digital future of Argyll and Bute is at the forefront of discussions.

12 September 2024
 green and blue waste bin

Reduce waste, and save on landfill tax

As landfill tax currently costs the council around £3m each year we need to reduce the amount of domestic waste that goes to landfill.

10 September 2024
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