Public transport

Timetables for public transport services, plus information about school/community transport and details of concessionary travel.

Flood advice

If flooding is an emergency or causing danger to life, please contact the emergency services for immediate help by phoning 999

Service updates

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  • B8074 Glen Orchy road currently closed at Invergaunan Bridge

    The B8074 Glenorchy road is currently closed to all traffic at Invergaunan Bridge, 2 miles south of the A82 junction, due to damage to the bridge. Access is available to the southerly side of the bridge via the A85 Dalmally road.

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  • B8035 (Mull) currently closed due to storm damage

    The B8035 (Knock to Balmeanach road) is currently closed at Dhiseig due to damage caused by the storm on 20th October. Local access is available via the A849 at Kinloch.

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