Public transport

Timetables for public transport services, plus information about school/community transport and details of concessionary travel.

Flood advice

If flooding is an emergency or causing danger to life, please contact the emergency services for immediate help by phoning 999

Roads and Travel service disruptions message

For service updates on our Trunk roads, including the Rest and be Thankful, and other roads and motorways outside Argyll and Bute, please see the Traffic Scotland website

Service updates

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  • U22 Achavaich Road Closure

    The U22 Achavaich road has been closed between Achavaich Farm and ‘The Summit’ cottages. This is due to damage to the road surface.

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  • EV Charging Network - Faults - 02.09.2024

    Electric Vehicle Charger Faults: We have some faults across our network of 37 EV chargers at the moment. We are working with our maintenance contractors to have these repaired as soon as possible. Click 'Read more' for further details.

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