Marriage and Civil Ceremonies

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Melanie - Crear

Vows are a requirement for your ceremony some wording has to be legally included in your ceremony but you can add to them or write your own if you wish. It is essential both parties should declare they are accepting the other.

Examples of Vows

Vows 1

I (full name of Party) do solemnly and sincerely declare

That I know of no legal impediment

To my marrying this woman/man (full name of Party)

And accept her/him as my lawful wedded wife/husband/partner for life

Vows 2

I solemnly and sincerely declare that I (full name of Party)

accept you (full name of Party)

as my lawful wedded wife/husband/partner for life

to the exclusion of all others

Vows 3

I call upon those present

to witness that I (full name of Party)

do solemnly and sincerely declare

That I know of no legal impediment

To my marrying this woman/man (full name of Party)

And accept her/him as my lawful wedded wife/husband/partner for life

From this day forward

For better for worse, for richer for poorer

In sickness and in health

‘til death us do part

And there I pledge myself to you.

Vows 4

(Party 2) I love you

You are my best friend

And I solemnly and sincerely declare

That today in front of our family and friends that

I (full name of party 1)

accept you (full name of party 2)

as my lawful wife/husband/partner

From this day forward

For better for worse,

for richer for poorer

In sickness and in health

‘til death us do part

And there I pledge myself to you.

Vows 5

I (full name of Party) solemnly and sincerely declare

that I accept you (full name of Party )

To be my lawful wife/husband/partner for life

To have and to hold

From this day forward

For better for worse

For richer for poorer

In sickness and in health ‘til death us do part

Vows 6

I call upon those present to witness

That I (full name of party) accept you (full name of party)

As my lawful husband/wife/partner for life

To be by your side as your best friend, soul mate and lover

I will be faithful and support you in your dreams

I will be there for you always

Everything I am and everything I have is yours

From this moment forth and for eternity

Vows 7

(Full name of party) I love you

You are my best friend

and today i accept you in marriage

I promise to encourage and inspire you

to laugh with you

and comfort you when times are a struggle.

I promise to cherish you and to always be there.

These things i promise you

for all the days of my life.

Vows 8

 I (full name of party 1) affirm my love to you

(full name of party 2) I invite you to share my life

As I accept you in marriage as my wife/husband/partner

You are a beautiful, smart and generous person

I promise to always respect you.

With kindness, unselfishness and trust.

I will work by your side

To create a wonderful life together

Vows 9

I (full name of party 1)

promise loyalty and friendship,

and to love you (Full name of party 2)

with all that I am

and all that I have to give.

And accept her/him as my lawful wedded wife/husband/partner for life

I freely make these promises to you,

for today and all of our tomorrows,

from the depths of my heart and soul

for all of our lives together