Local Place Plans

Local Place Plans (LPPs) are a new way for local communities to become engaged in planning to help shape the places where the community lives, works and plays.

The Local Place Plan is a proposal for the development or use of land. It may also identify land and buildings that the community body considers to be of particular significance to the local area.

  • Communities can use an LPP to highlight issues, gather ideas and look at needs and aspirations for the future of their community.
  • LPPs are community-led plans that can be promoted and developed by any individual or collection of community groups that either constitute a “community body” or a “community council”.
  • An LPP enables communities to set out proposals for the development and use of land for a locally defined area. This can be a single place or building or cover a wider geographic area.
  • Once registered, LPPs will be taken into account in the preparation of the next Local Development Plan (LDP3). The current Local Development Plan (LDP2) can be viewed here. In order to help fully inform the LDP3, LPPs should be received by 30th June 2025 ahead of us finalising our Evidence Report.
  • The preparation of Local Place Plans is governed by legislation. Sources of information on how to prepare an LPP are set out below.

Information Sources

Legislation and regulation



Register of Local Place Plans


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