

Examples of best practice to be shared at Early Years Conference

Argyll and Bute Council’s annual Early Years Conference is being held in Dunoon this week.   The event will provide an opportunity for education professionals to come together to discuss examples of best practice and explore ideas.  

5 November 2018

Craignure Pier 'STAG' process survey

A number of events have been held in Craigmure recently to allow members of the public to learn more about work on the Scottish Transport Analysis Guide (STAG) exploring the future of Craignure Pier. At the events, it was confirmed that an electronic version of the public exhibition would be uploaded to the council website, along with a link to the consultation survey to allow members of the public to give their feedback on the STAG process.

5 November 2018

Development site - with a view - available at Oban Airport

A site with a stunning view, next to Oban Airport, is available for development. The Council is making a final call for offers from partners with the vision to help assist in developing this new strategic site to its full potential. The closing date for offers is 12 noon on 23 November 2018. The 3.5ha site, earmarked for business and industry, is six miles north of Oban and sits adjacent to the airport and the A828.

1 November 2018

International relationships are strengthened at Oban High School

A group of education professionals from a school in Norway made a second visit to Oban High School this week as part of an international exchange programme which looks at ways of sharing best practice and explores opportunities for young people aged 16 years and over. The Norwegian Head Teachers: Wenche Rudshaug Kavali and Olav Wennemo were welcomed to the school by Head Teacher Peter Bain; Argyll and Bute Council’s Policy Lead for Education, Councillor Yvonne McNeilly; Depute Policy Lead, Councillor Kieron Green; and Executive Director of Community Services, Douglas Hendry.

1 November 2018

'A Big Conversation' for Argyll and Bute's young people

Young people from across Argyll and Bute will be given the opportunity to have their say on how the area is run, when they meet with some of the area’s key decision makers next week.   ‘The Big Conversation’ is being organised by Argyll and Bute Council’s Youth Services Team, and will provide a platform for young people to talk to the Council Leader; members of the Scottish Youth Parliament; and community planning representatives, including Skills Development Scotland and the police.  

1 November 2018
A picture of a rainbow over the town of Tarbert

Winners announced in October Holidays photo competition

The winners have been named in our October holidays photo competition – although picking the best pictures was no easy task thanks to the quality of shots submitted. Policy Lead for Education, Councillor Yvonne McNeilly, judged the entries and after much thought was finally able to pick a top three. We asked school pupils in Argyll and Bute to send us photographs they took over the October break to be in with a chance of winning one of three prizes.

1 November 2018

Pupils have their say on teaching at Dunoon Grammar

Dunoon Grammar School has launched an initiative to encourage young people to make their voice heard and get involved in making important decisions about their learning experiences. The ‘Wee How Good is Our School’ (Wee HGIOS) initiative has been launched as part of Education Scotland’s HGIOS 4 - a framework designed to support self-evaluation in schools.

26 October 2018

Essential services are under threat. Enough is enough - says COSLA

Speaking ahead of the Chancellor’s Budget statement next week, the Resources Spokesperson for COSLA (Convention of Scottish Local Authorities), Councillor Gail Macgregor said: “Through delivery of essential services – children’s services, housing, transport, social care, environmental protection, and more - Local Government is the life blood of Scotland. These essential services create opportunities for individuals and communities to thrive.

25 October 2018

Council officer shortlisted for prestigious housing awards

  An Empty Homes Officer from Argyll and Bute Council has been short-listed for two prestigious awards for her work in trying to combat the problem of empty homes.    Kelly Ferns is a finalist in both the Outstanding Individual and Best Before and After Photography categories at the Howdens Scottish Empty Homes Champions of the Year Awards.    Winners will be announced at the awards ceremony which takes place alongside the Scottish Empty Homes Partnership annual conference on Monday 26 November in Stirling.  

24 October 2018
ann campbell and jenny hunter from dunoon burgh hall

Dunoon and Campbeltown projects win big at Heritage Angel Awards

Two heritage projects from Argyll and Bute are toasting success as the winners of the Scottish Heritage Angel Awards 2018 were revealed. Scooping the awards for Best Rescue of a Historic Building or Place (under £2m and over £2m respectively) were the project to rescue Dunoon Burgh Halls, which reopened in June 2017 as a community arts hub following major refurbishment, and Campbeltown Community Business Ltd, who led the project to restore the category A listed Campbeltown Picture House.

24 October 2018
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