

Argyll and Bute Scottish Parliamentary Constituency candidates announced

The candidates standing for election to the Argyll and Bute Scottish Parliamentary Constituency have now been confirmed. Voters will be asked to elect one constituency MSP as well as regional/list MSPs in the Scottish Parliament Election on Thursday 6 May 2021. There are four candidates standing for election as Argyll and Bute’s constituency MSP: Donald Cameron (Scottish Conservative and Unionist) Jenni Minto (Scottish National Party) Alan Reid (Scottish Liberal Democrats) Lewis Whyte (Scottish Labour Party)

1 April 2021

Top tips to re-open your business safely

We welcome the re-opening of some non-essential retail services and hairdressers/barbers on 5 April. To help businesses do this safely, our Environmental Health team has five top tips to share. Top Tip 1- Employees and Risk Assessment Talk with your staff and review your risk assessments together:

31 March 2021

New works added to roads reconstruction plan

Plans for how to use the additional £2.61m added to the roads reconstruction programme at last month’s budget have now been completed. The total value of works planned for 2021/22 is £10m, as reported to the Environment, Development and Infrastructure Committee earlier this month. Members will review the full, updated, programme at the committee’s next meeting in June.

26 March 2021

Fees introduced for electric vehicle charging points

Argyll and Bute Council has increased its electric vehicle charging network to 28 points across the area as part of its commitment to reduce the impact of climate change. Its new policy of recovering costs for the electricity drawn to charge private vehicles comes into effect on 9 April 2021. This will bring Argyll and Bute in line with many other Scottish local authorities. Read more information on locations of the EV charging points and fees.   

25 March 2021

Funding secured to fight against fuel poverty

Argyll and Bute Council and Argyll Community Housing Association (ACHA) have secured £1.23m from the UK Government’s Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund Demonstrator (SHDFD) project. ACHA will manage and deliver the project with support from SSE Energy Solutions, owned by OVO.

25 March 2021

Testing for people without covid symptoms available in Helensburgh

Rapid coronavirus (COVID-19) testing is available now in Helensburgh for people without symptoms.  The community testing initiative aims to drive down local COVID-19 rates and transmission by identifying positive cases more quickly, as people can spread the virus to others before symptoms appear. Residents who don’t have any of the three COVID symptoms (a new continuous cough, temperature, loss or change in sense of taste or smell) are encouraged to get tested.

23 March 2021

Ardencraig Gardens - updated

We’ve heard concerns that Ardencraig Gardens, on Bute, will close. Ardencraig Gardens themselves will remain open, the only difference will be that the flowers will be sourced externally. The tearoom has been commercially leased and has been vacant for some time. If anyone is interested in taking on the lease, we would like to hear from them. The aviary and display glasshouses are being retained as these are integral parts of the gardens.

23 March 2021
Port Askaig

Harbour restrictions at Port Askaig for resurfacing works in April

Argyll and Bute Council can advise that following discussion with CalMac Ferries, re-surfacing works planned for last year at Port Askaig will now take place from Monday 19 to Wednesday 28 April. This  means there will be changes to the CalMac ferry timetable, to and from Islay.The work, which will be carried out in-house by Argyll and Bute Council, was postponed last year because of COVID-19 restrictions. The areas being resurfaced include the marshalling area, through lanes and exit lane.

22 March 2021
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