
Apply for licenses and permits

You can find a list of our charges for council services, including charges for licenses and permits, on our council fees and charges page. 

Here are the charges for our Civic Government Licences.

Please use this form if you wish to make any changes to your civic government licence.

If you are not applying online, payments can be made by telephone; BACS or cheque (made payable to Argyll and Bute Council). Please contact the Licensing Office on 01546 604128 or email

For further information regarding any Licensing issues please contact the Council's Licensing Department on 01546 604128 or email:


There is no licence required to busk or perform street entertainment in Argyll and Bute, however it is advisable you contact Police Scotland to ensure that you are not/will not be causing an obstruction. Please note that is an offence to give any other person reasonable cause for annoyance and fail to cease playing on being required to do so by the Police. This may result in a summary conviction and a fine of up to £200.

Public Procession Licence

Any moving event held in a public place anywhere in Scotland can be considered a parade or a procession. This can include races, fun runs and sponsored walks; processions; gala day parades and street parties; demonstrations and protests; displays and promotions. Anyone who organises a public parade, procession, or event in which a body of people moves will need to submit a notice of proposal to the council.

Street Café

A licence is required to use a portion of a public street, road or place for the sale of food and drink and for the placing of tables, chairs or other temporary furniture outside a restaurant or cafe for patrons to use whilst consuming food and drink.

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