
a picture of coins

The responsible budget set for 2019/20

“The challenges we face are substantial. We need to have the ambition, the determination and the drive to do more than just survive, to do more than just protect the existence of this council and its essential services. “Setting a responsible budget for Argyll and Bute is about making choices that support people and communities now, and also look after the future of Argyll and Bute – and that’s what we’ve done.” These were the words of Councillor Aileen Morton, Leader of Argyll and Bute Council, following the budget-setting meeting today (21 February).

21 February 2019

Provost statement on Alesha MacPhail

Len Scoullar, Councillor for the Isle of Bute and Provost of Argyll and Bute, said: “Words cannot begin to explain the pain and anguish being felt by everyone in our very caring community here on Bute. Alesha will never be forgotten by the people of Bute, and my thoughts are with Alesha’s loved ones at this most awful time.”

21 February 2019
A photo of the external area at Cardross Crematorium

Improvement work at Cardross Crematorium

Major work being carried out at Cardross Crematorium will lead to improved access, as well as providing better toilet facilities. It requires the facility to be closed to the public from Saturday, February 23. The refurbishment will be completed in time for the crematorium to open to the public once again on Monday, April 1.

20 February 2019

Dunoon pupils take a large bite of success in national sandwich competition

A team of budding young entrepreneurs from Dunoon Grammar School will see a tasty sandwich they created being sold in over 100 fast food stores across the West of Scotland, after winning a national competition organised by Subway.   More than 80 entries were submitted to the fast food giant’s annual ‘Design a Sub Challenge’, but only six teams made it through to the ‘Dragon’s Den’ style finals in Glasgow – two of which were from Dunoon Grammar.  

20 February 2019

Council and Police dog campaign to be shared at Holyrood

Successful partnership working between Argyll and Bute Council and Police Scotland, which secured a conviction following a horrific livestock attack last year, has led to improved working practices which could be shared throughout Scotland.

20 February 2019

Dunoon language students visit international exporter

A group of S4 French pupils from Dunoon Grammar School had an interesting day out when they were invited along to PG Paper’s head office in Greenock.   Being one of the largest exporters in Scotland, the visit provided students with an informative insight into what the paper trading business is like. It also and enabled them to see how important it is to have language skills, and an awareness of cultural differences, when dealing with international clients.

19 February 2019

Important notice regarding 'safety guides'

We have had reports that a company called are trying to sell safety guides to local businesses, saying that the guides will be going to help local schools. Please note: We have no connection with this company, do not endorse their products and do not ask people to support their schools in this way.

19 February 2019
A photograph spelling the word 'equality' using scrabble pieces

Council affirms commitment to equality

The right of everyone in Argyll and Bute to be treated fairly will be protected by a range of priorities designed to tackle all forms of discrimination. Argyll and Bute Council’s Policy and Resources committee today (February 14) agreed seven Equality Outcomes for the period 2019-2023, setting out clearly that the council will not tolerate discrimination, harassment or victimisation of anyone who comes into contact with the Council – employees or service users. The Equality Outcomes agreed are: Workforce

14 February 2019
A photograph spelling the word 'equality' using scrabble pieces

A’ Chomhairle a’ dearbhadh mar a bheir i taic do cho-ionannachd

Chaidh diofar phrìomhachasan a stèidheachadh a tha a’ dèiligeadh ris gach seòrsa leth-bhreith gus dìon a chur air a’ chòir a th’ aig a h-uile neach ann an Earra-Ghàidheal is Bòd gun tèid dèiligeadh riutha ann an dòigh chothromach.

14 February 2019
A picture of the Dunoon Grammar School pupils who won the Subway competition

Subway stores will make sandwiches created by Dunoon Grammar pupils

You’ll soon be able to grab a Subway sandwich designed by pupils from Dunoon Grammar School. A business savvy team from the school have won Subway’s 2019 ‘Design a Sub’ competition, and their creation – called ‘Carnival Crunch’ – will be available in Subway stores across the West of Scotland in the near future. We’re not sure what the filling will be, but we’ve no doubt it will be absolutely ‘sub-lime.’ Congratulations also to the enterprising pupils on the school’s ‘Brain Buster’ team who scooped Subway’s top prize for their social media campaign.

13 February 2019
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