
Yvonne McNeilly

Policy Lead welcomes HMIE report on remote learning

Argyll and Bute Council’s Policy Lead for Education has welcomed a report from HM Inspectors of Education (HMIE) which provides a national overview of remote learning across Scotland. This report was developed to learn what is working well, identify challenges, and look at what further assistance is required to continue to improve the delivery of remote learning to young people.

29 January 2021

Achaleven Primary receives its eighth Green Flag

Achaleven Primary has been awarded its eighth Green Flag by Ecoschools Scotland. Pupils have been working hard to incorporate environmental matters into everyday life, not only in the school, but also in the local community and beyond.

28 January 2021

Projects in Argyll and Bute to benefit from £1.25million Sport Facilities Fund

Issued by sportscotland    Clubs, communities, and leisure trusts across Scotland have received a great start to the new year thanks to more than £1.25million in investment from sportscotland’s Sport Facilities Fund. Two projects in Argyll will benefit from £200,000 of the funding, which is made possible thanks to National Lottery players, who raise £30 million each week for good causes across the UK.

28 January 2021

Consultation on future cemetery needs launched

The council is developing new policies on the best way to manage cemeteries throughout the area in the coming years and we would like to hear your views. It is really important to take steps now to ensure that options are available for people when they need them in the future. Argyll and Bute has 131 Cemeteries spread throughout its communities, however 67 cemeteries are now closed to the sale of spaces. Community volunteers, in a small number of areas, support council services by maintaining local burial grounds. Similar initiatives would be welcomed elsewhere.

26 January 2021

Hermitage team wins SUBS in Schools competition

A group of creative pupils from Hermitage Academy received a top award for their skills in building an underwater vehicle. Hermitage was one of 15 schools selected to take part in SUBS in Schools – a new initiative run by Engineering in Motion (EIM), and backed by the Royal Navy, based around the four STEM subjects - Science, Technology, Engineering and Technology.

25 January 2021

Major investment for Lochgilphead

Work will start on 24 January to provide a safer and more attractive environment for people walking and cycling to Lochgilphead. The £500, 000 investment includes improvements to Colchester Square and Argyll Street, and will help support local businesses by encouraging more people to visit the town centre.  Footways will be widened and resurfaced using Achnaba greenstone, sourced from a local quarry. Other improvements include:                                       

20 January 2021

Business Support for Argyll and Bute reaches £38M

Argyll and Bute Council continues to support businesses in dealing with the impact of Covid-19. To date the council has supported around four thousand businesses and has paid out over £38 million across all the Scottish Government grant schemes including the Strategic Framework Business Fund. The council has a dedicated webpage with information and support for businesses including access to a range of grants. Please visit the website in the first place for details and to check you are eligible to apply.

19 January 2021

Reuse or recycle – a New Year’s resolution

Councillor Rory Colville, Policy Lead for Roads and Infrastructure Services, is urging us all to join in the drive to create a Climate Friendly Argyll and Bute by pledging to reuse or recycle. He says: “For those of us having an early year clear out, remember that a lot of what we plan to throw away won’t have reached the end of its useful life. “And although we don’t want it, someone else might. “Reusing unwanted items, by donating or selling them, is much better for the environment. It cuts down on waste, the associated carbon impacts and can create jobs.

18 January 2021

Future plans for Craignure Pier being considered

Argyll and Bute Council is considering options to secure the future of Craignure ferry terminal and anyone interested, whether a Mull resident, business or visitor, is being encouraged to give their thoughts through a consultation. Plans being developed will cover not just the long-term future of the pier, but also what needs to be done now to make sure it can continue to operate in the medium term.

18 January 2021
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