Service Development - Educational Psychology

The Educational Psychology Service (EPS) is committed to a process of continuous improvement. 

Each year the service produces as an improvement plan to guide the work of the service and ensure activity is focused on making a difference to children and young people in Argyll and Bute.  The plan is developed based on analysis of progress against previous plans, the views of parents, young people and our partners, analysis of data and evaluation of interventions.  The EPS improvement plan links directly to wider Education and Authority planning, to deliver on key objectives.

To support continuous improvement, in November 2015 the EPS is working along with partners and a team from Education Scotland, through a process of Validated Self-Evaluation (VSE).  The purpose of this partnership is to support, extend and challenge the service’s own self-evaluation thereby strengthening outcomes for learners and other stakeholders. 

The VSE model aims to: 

  • build and  support the capacity of EPS to evaluate their services and  improve the quality of services they provide;
  • support EPS own self‑evaluation and quality systems;
  • support, promote and develop good practice and best value in educational psychology;
  • provide information to Scottish Ministers, the national Shared Risk Assessment process and the public on the quality of provision in EPS, and
  • offer independent evaluation and validation of the processes of self-evaluation.

More detail on the VSE process can be found at

The EPS and the Education Service very much welcome the support and challenge offered by colleagues in Education Scotland through the VSE process.

The following documents relating to service development can be found below:

Self-evaluation summary for VSE

Improvement Planning



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