Sensory Impairment
- To continue to deliver a quality service for people requiring Talking Books.
- To provide specialist services on a ‘one off’ basis as required from legitimate providers
- To develop support services with the Voluntary and Independent sectors to address the need for
- Sighted Guiding
- Note taking
- Interpretation
- Volunteers to deliver training in these skills
Mental Health
- Meet the increase demand for the provision of support for mental health clients within a community setting
- To ensure we have a range of appropriate accommodation options for mental health service users, with different levels of severity and degree of difficulty, and varying care and support needs
Addictions & Substance Misuse
Provision of community based recovery support including:
- Information and Advice
- Carers Support
- Social/Psychological user support
- Relapse prevention
- Harm reduction
- Assessment and referral
- Identification of parents and risk assessment of children
- Recovery planning
- Employment/Volunteering and training
- Counselling
- Support at home
In addition:
- Specialist residential care with input from statutory services to ensure initial assessment, review and progression to aftercare package.
Learning Disability
- Providing community based support to people with a learning disability; from quite simple support and developmental needs promoting independent living, through to complex and challenging behaviours often in conjunction with more significant physical disability
- Specialist providers for community based services such as Autism.
- Integrated housing solutions for clients with varying care needs so people can access shared support and on-call services rather than stand alone
- Residential care services to deliver Best Value through economies of scale for appropriate placements rather than individual contracts.
- Night response service so Tele-care can be used by clients without family or other named respondents
Older People
- Provision of Care at Home , particularly in extra care housing complexes
- Provision of Carers respite services
- Support for carers
- Specialist Dementia Services
- Telehealth Care and Equipment
- Expansion of Night care and Out of Hours Services including Extra Care Housing Developments
- Tender for provision of floating support to homelessness clients throughout Argyll & Bute
Children & Families
- To develop and expand in line with National Policy the statutory duties to provide Pre School Education within Argyll and Bute.
- Expand the availability of community based provision and support through development of a range of early interventions, prevention and support.
- Expand and invest in the availability of intensive support and respite provision.
- Develop the availability of local specialist foster care provision
- Use the recently developed framework agreement by Scotland Excel for the placement of children within secure accommodation.