Following the initial informal consultation which was received by over 1000 individuals we have received 65 responses of which 55.4% were supportive of the council progressing a Municipal Harbour Authority, 26.1% raised questions relating to the council progressing the Statutory Harbour Authority and 18.5% did not express a particular view.
- Total responses to mail address - 65 (includes 1 late entry)
- Responses supportive of Municipal Port - 36 (55.4%)
- Responses against Municipal Port - 17 (26.1%)
- Responses Neutral to Municipal Port - 12 (18.5%)
65 responses were received during the public consultation, but not all respondents left comments - we have listed all comments received in the document below:
Public consultation feedback - all comments
In addition we have received some comments from subject specialists and accountable organisations on the draft Harbour Revision Order, the comments can be seen here alongside the draft Harbour Revision Order (comments received are shown in context throughout the draft Order):
Draft Harbour Revision Order - with comments from subject specialists and accountable organisations
We are continuing to update the website with any substantive responses to the informal consultation that we receive:
Draft Harbour Revision Order - Crown Estate Scotland comments