Iona Breakwater works

Updates on the Iona Breakwater project - Argyll and Bute Council proposes to dredge and dispose of sediment from the harbour area, construct a breakwater and demolish/ replace the public toilet unit.

Project Update - September 2024

The Construction Licence and Dredge Licence have now been awarded from Marine Directorate. The decision notice outlining the reasons and considerations on which the decision is based can be viewed below:

Planning permission was approved on Thursday 2nd May 2024. Further details on this can be found at:

23/01793/PP | Construction of breakwater, demolition of existing toilet block, erection of replacement toilet block and installation of septic tank | Land South Of Iona Slipway Isle Of Iona Argyll And Bute (

The contract is now in the process of being awarded to the Preferred Bidder

Project update - April 2024

The Iona Breakwater tender responses have been received and assessed.

Works are currently on standby while the Land Acquisition, Planning Application, and Marine Scotland Licences are finalised.

Project Update – December 2023

Iona Breakwater Tender

The Iona Breakwater Tender has been uploaded to Public Contracts Scotland on 01/12/2023.

The tender documents comprises of: 

  • Breakwater Construction
  • Demolition of the Existing Toilet Building and Construction of a new Toilet Block
  • Completion of Lower Slipway Works
  • Dredging Works

Project Update – November 2023

Marine Scotland Licences under public and stakeholders consultation 



Notice is hereby given that Argyll and Bute Council, 1A Manse Brae, Lochgilphead PA31 8RD have applied to the Scottish Ministers for marine licences under section 20 of the Marine (Scotland) Act 2010 to carry out construction, dredging and deposit of dredge material associated with the breakwater project at Iona Harbour.

The proposed works are subject to an environmental impact assessment (“EIA”) under the above EIA Regulations. Copies of the applications, including plans detailing the location, together with a copy of the EIA report discussing Argyll and Bute Council’s proposed development in more detail and presenting an analysis of the environmental implications, are available for inspection, free of charge at: The Argyll Hotel, Isle of Iona, Argyll, PA76 6SJ (Monday to Friday, 0900 – 1700), Calmac ferry terminal building waiting room, Fionnphort, Isle of Mull, PA66 6BL (Monday to Saturday, 0900 – 1600), Planning and Building Standards, Argyll and Bute Council, 1A Manse Brae, Lochgilphead, Argyll, PA31 8RD (Monday to Friday, 0900 – 1700).

Any representations should be made in writing to the consenting authority by email to: or by post to The Scottish Government, Marine Directorate Licensing Operations Team, Marine Laboratory, 375 Victoria Road, Aberdeen, AB11 9DB, identifying the proposed works and specifying grounds for the representation, not later than 15th December 2023. The Scottish Ministers may consider representations received after this date. Representations should be dated and clearly state the name (in block capitals) and the email or postal address of those making the representation.

A full copy of the Public Notice can be viewed here: Iona EIA Public Notice

Project update - October 2023

Project Objectives

Protection to the exposed landing slip at Iona such that the Cal-Mac Ferry can safely and consistently expect to be able to berth without fear of service disruption, significant passenger discomfort, or threat to safety of passenger and vehicular traffic in anything other than weather conditions.

Proposed Works

At Iona, Argyll and Bute Council proposes to dredge and dispose of sediment from the harbour area, construct a breakwater and demolish/ replace the public toilet unit. 

Current Progress

Recently we have added the replacement of the existing toilet unit to form part of the full Planning Application which was uploaded on the 11/09/2023. 

At current, Infrastructure Design are working on the Tender documents for construction, detail design of the toilet unit, and progressing with Marine Scotland consents.

Associated documents

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report (this document has been split into 8 parts due to the size of the document)

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