COVID-19 Building Standards
Council offices remain closed to members of the public, following continuing government advice on the actions we must all take to stay safe from COVID-19. We would ask anyone therefore wishing to submit applications/documents that this is done either via the Scottish Government Portal or electronically to the appropriate area office detailed below:
- Bute and Cowal Area Office –
- Helensburgh and Lomond Area Office –
- Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Office –
- Oban Lorn and the Isles Area Office –
Service Delivery
Recognising the importance for inspection of sites or works prior to the acceptance of Completion Certificates and Temporary Occupation/Use Certificates, our systems have adapted to the challenges of COVID-19.
Building Standards have resumed all forms of site inspections which could include a Remote Verification Inspection (RVI), digital photographs or other means of alternative evidence. Physical inspections and RVI’S will only be carried out after prior agreement with the Building Standards Surveyor and internal inspections of occupied dwellings will only be carried out once all Covid protocol risk assessment criteria has been assessed and accepted by the Building Standards Surveyor. Completion Certificates may still be accepted by alternative means of demonstrating compliance. In other circumstances where these alternative means are not available, it may be that Temporary Certificates of Occupation/Use will be issued with appropriate conditions, providing that evidence provided is sufficient to address safety.
These arrangements ensure that we can provide a quality of service which meet your needs, whilst protecting public health. They can also reduce response times, where there may be significant travel requirements to visit sites, or resourcing issues.
Whilst as a service we are well equipped to work flexibly from home, it is anticipated that there may continue to be some disruption due to staff availability and delivery of processes which currently rely on hardcopy documentation.