Oban South and the Isles
Scottish National Party

Leader of Argyll and Bute Council
SNP Group Leader
Policy Lead - Economic Development, Islands and Rural Communities, Housing
Depute Policy Lead - Finance and Commercial Services
Membership of Committees
- Environment, Development and Infrastructure Committee
- Policy and Resources Committee - (Chair)
- Argyll Islands Sounding Board - (Chair)
- Argyll and Bute Renewables Alliance
Membership of Other Bodies
- Highland and Argyll Local Plan Flood District
- Convention of the Highlands and Islands
- Islands Strategic Group
- A83 Taskforce
- COSLA Convention
- COSLA Leaders
- Community Planning Partnership Management Committee
- Oban Common Good Fund
- Board Member Ionad Chaluim Chille Ìle (ICCI), The Gaelic Centre, Islay