Appendix 1: Proposed 2021/22 Savings with impact on services

Appendix 1


 2021/22 £k

2022/23 £k

Savings descriptions

No. of staff impacted

Children & Families & Justice


2122-01 100 100  Align business model for staffing for the 2 children's homes  
2122-02 44 44  Carry out hostel review to achieve best value in admin and catering  
2122-03 8 8 Do not replace independent chair of  panel  

Community & Hospital services


2122-04 110 221 Bring back urology services from NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde and offer from Oban Hospital instead  
2122-05 35 35 Only pay for escort travel where it is essential  
2122-06 190 380 Transfer current clients from in house run care home which is no longer fit for purpose to private sector home which has capacity within same locality 34
2122-07 0 380 Transfer current clients from in house run care home which is no longer fit for purpose to private sector home which has capacity within same locality  
2122-08 70 140 Pay for care home placements for older people in line with national contract with no added enhancements  
2122-09 60 100 When a new client is assessed as requiring 24 hour care and refuses care home placement, offer to fund a package of care at home up to £30k,  allowing the service user to fund the additional hours of care if they chose to remain at home   
2122-10 74 74 Redirect Oban Integrated Care Funding (used to pay grants to a range of voluntary sector organisations) to pay for day responder service as in other areas   
2122-11 29 29  Remove funding for all lunch clubs  
2122-12 60 60  Reduce payments to voluntary organisations for non-contracted services  

Mental Health and Learning Disability and Physical Disability


2122-13 220 440 End externally contracted day services for learning disability and replace with alternative provision  
2122-14 0 41 End Service Level Agreement for commissioned advocacy service and replace with signposting to carers groups, other advocacy services and national mental health organisations  
2122-15 6 6 End grants paid to link clubs, some of which are no longer providing services   
2122-16 12 12 Reduce befriender service following review of clients  
2122-17 9 9 Encourage clients to have individual tenancies with housing association - they will qualify for benefits covering housing costs - rather than HSCP paying for rents and council tax - encouraging fuller independence for clients  
2122-18 32 32 Reduce budget for Oral Health which would  impair ability to deliver this service  
Totals 1059 2111   34


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