Full Partnership - has responsibility for the strategic direction of community planning in Argyll and Bute.
- All Partners
- provide strategic direction for the partnership.
- responsible for progress of community planning in Argyll and Bute at strategic and local level.
- responsible for funding that is allocated to the partnership and monitoring any joint budgets.
- responsible for reporting to and feeding back to the Scottish Government.
- agrees priorities for the partnership taking cognisance of views from thematic and local community planning groups and national priorities.
- reviews and agrees the Community Plan/SOA.
- responsible for the monitoring and evaluation of community planning in Argyll and Bute.
- delegates action/decision to other groups in the partnership as appropriate.
- ensures that ALL work by partners is carried out in accordance with the principles of community planning and the National Standards for Community Engagement
Way of working / support
Way of working
- meets three times a year.
- meetings conducted by the Chair, currently Leader of the Council.
- ensure agendas and minutes are posted on modern.gov.
Argyll and Bute Council - Improvement and HR
- Administrative support including preparation and distribution of papers and minute taking.
- Strategic guidance, support
- Development of Community Plan/Single Outcome Agreement.
- Prepare Community Planning Scorecards.
Partner organisations role
- to ensure appropriate representation at every Board meeting – must be able to provide resource and strategic commitment as required.
- to ensure that a substitute is in attendance where the group member is unable to attend, and that said person is fully briefed.
- to ensure handover/briefing is undertaken where the representative permanently changes.
Role of chair
- to convene and chair meetings.
- to guide and draw discussion to a conclusion.
- to ensure appropriate representation is provided from partners.
- to ensure roles of groups and individuals in the partnership is fulfilled
Individual members roles
- responsible for promoting principle of community planning within their organisation.
- liaise with their organisation’s Executive representative.
- act as a conduit within own organisation for agreed scope of activity.
- to provide appropriate resources from their organisation.
- on an annual basis carry out review/self assessment of group and individual roles.
Management Committee - has responsibility for operational delivery across Argyll and Bute and for progress of work of community planning objectives.
- Argyll and Bute Council
- NHS Highland
- Police Scotland
- Scottish Fire & Rescue service
- Scottish Natural Heritage
- Highlands and Islands Enterprise
- Third Sector Partnership
- implements operational delivery of community planning at Argyll and Bute level.
- progresses work towards the agreed objectives.
- drafts the annual report on community planning and SOA.
- delegates work to and receives reports from the thematic groups and local groups.
- deals with issues where they not able to be dealt with by the thematic groups or local groups.
- recommends action to the Full Partnership.
- provides guidance to thematic groups and local groups when required.
- keeps abreast of national initiatives and good practice.
- ensures that ALL work by partners is carried out in accordance with the principles of community planning and the National Standards for Community Engagement
Way of working / support
Way of working
- Meets every two months (6 meetings a year)
- meetings conducted by the Chair
- ensure agendas and minutes are posted on modern.gov
Supported by Argyll and Bute Council - Improvement and HR
- Administrative support including preparation and distribution of papers and minute taking
- Strategic guidance, support
- Development of Community Plan/Single Outcome Agreement
- Prepare Community Planning Scorecards
Partner organisations role
- to ensure appropriate representation at every Management Committee meeting
- to ensure that a substitute is in attendance where the group member is unable to attend and that said person is fully briefed
- to ensure handover/briefing is undertaken where the representative permanently changes
Role of chair
- to convene and chair meetings
- to guide and draw discussion to a conclusion
Individual members roles
- important role in promoting principle of community planning within their organisation
- liaise with and inform their organisation’s FP representative
- act as a conduit within own organisation for agreed scope of activity
- work to identify opportunities for community planning
- work to progress agreed objectives
- on an annual basis carry out review/self assessment of group and individual roles
Area Community Planning Groups
Have responsibility for ensuring that relevant partners and community representatives in their area have the opportunity to attend each meeting and that steps will be taken to report on progress of the Local Community Planning Group to the area’s residents in an appropriate and cost effective way.
To be determined by group but to be a minimum of:
- Argyll and Bute Council
- ABC – Elected Members
- Community Councils
- Third Sector Partnership
- Police Scotland
- Scottish Fire & Rescue service
- to work collaboratively and lead community planning in the Area.
- to keep abreast of, and analyse data, evidence and feedback from the local community to identify community needs.
- to keep abreast of best practice and apply as appropriate.
- to identify opportunities for joint working.
- to develop, oversee the implementation, and monitor any agreed plan(s) for the Area.
- to establish, maintain, work with and support a network of community interests.
- to disseminate information and engage with community interests.
- to initiate, support and implement local (strategic) initiatives as appropriate.
- to ensure that locally all strategies are developed and implemented, and services designed and delivered, in accordance with the National Standards for Community Engagement.
- to report to Management Committee and Full Partnership as appropriate, including feedback and issues from the community.
Way of working / support
Way of working
- LACPGs will meet four times a year
- hold virtual meetings/ discussions/ share information as required.
- ensure agendas and minutes are posted on modern.gov.
- be open and transparent and promote Community Planning.
- on an annual basis, carry out review/self assessment.
Supported by Argyll and Bute Council:
- Improvement and HR
- provide strategic guidance and development.
- Customer Support Services
- oversee effective management of community planning activities across 4 administrative areas and support work carried out from centre.
- provide administrative support including preparation and distribution of papers and minute taking.
- Community Development Team
- lead bi-annual/ annual community consultation events ensuring communities are participating in and influencing community planning.
- building capacity within local communities.
Partner organisations role
- to ensure that LACPG partner members are given sufficient resources, time and empowerment to fulfil role.
- to ensure that a substitute is in attendance where the partner member is unable to attend, and that said person is fully briefed.
- to ensure that the whole scope of activity in the Area can be covered by Local Area Community Planning Group Member(s)
Role of chair
- to convene, chair, administer meetings.
- to ensure roles of group and individuals is fulfilled.
Individual members roles
- share information, alert group members to important issues.
- generally promote Community Planning to all.
- on an annual basis carry out review/self assessment of group and individual roles.
- act as a conduit within own organisation for agreed scope of activity.
- identify and promote opportunities for joint working.