1) What is the Integrated Children’s Service Plan?
The Integrated Children’s Service Plan is the map of services which are for and about children and families in Argyll and Bute. The plan makes proposals for improving children’s health, wellbeing and achievements. It is valid for three years, so that there is enough time for the actions in the plan to be carried out.
The plan sets out the best way to help make sure that every child is
- Safe – protected from abuse neglect and harm
- Healthy – in body and mind
- Achieving – getting the best of out of school and hobbies
- Nurtured – feeling secure and cared for
- Active and included – encouraged to take part in play and sport
- Respected and responsible – treated fairly and treating others with respect
2) Who wrote it?
The Argyll and Bute Community Planning Partnership (CPP), whose members include Argyll and Bute Council, NHS Highland, Police Scotland, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, Scottish Natural Heritage, Highlands and Islands Enterprise and Third Sector voluntary groups. The partnership works together to achieve the best for children, young people and families in Argyll and Bute. The new plan will see the partners working even more closely together, with a particular focus on preventing problems arising and getting involved early with the youngest children.
3) Why is it important that I know about it?
Argyll and Bute CPP would like to know what you think about the proposed new Integrated Children’s Service Plan. The council is asking everyone in all the communities in Argyll and Bute, from the smallest island or village to the biggest town, to tell them what they think about it, including children and young people themselves. Your opinion is important to the people who wrote the plan, so you need to know what is written in it.
4) Where can I find it?
The plan is available on the council’s website at www.argyll-bute.gov.uk/ICSP and also in printed form at the council’s Customer Service Point in each town. If you need a special format of any kind contact the communications team, Argyll and Bute Council, Kilmory, on 01546 604146 or by email at press@argyll-bute.gov.uk
5) How can I give my opinion on it?
There is an online survey on the website with the plan, or you can fill in a paper copy of the survey after you have read the printed version, and return it to your nearest Customer Service Point or by post to:
REF: ICSP, Argyll and Bute CPP, c/o 52 Sinclair Street, Helensburgh G84 8TQ
6) What will happen then?
Your answers will be noted and included in the report on people’s responses which will go before the Community Planning Partnership, who will make recommendations for the Argyll and Bute councillors and other partners to discuss. The CPP recommendations will be considered at the full council meeting in October, and councillors will accept them or make changes, depending on the advice they receive.
7) How will the plan be used?
The officers who work for the council and the people who work for all of the CPP partners will use the final agreed plan to organise services for children, so that children and young people in Argyll and Bute get the possible start in life.