Why you need a horse passport
You could be fined up to £5000 if you don't have an up-to-date horse passport. You are responsible for making sure you have an up-to-date horse passport so your horse can be identified.
Further information about horse passports and how to apply for them is available on the Scottish Government website
If you require any further information, please contact animal.health@argyll-bute.gov.uk
Horse passports are important because they help to:
- make sure horses that have been treated with certain medicines don't make it into food intended for humans
- stop the possible spread of diseases, like African Horse Sickness, by restricting horse movements, and
- prevent the sale of stolen horses - when you buy a horse, its passport proves its identity
If you don't have a valid horse passport, you can't do things like:
- use your horse in competitions, like a race or show
- move your horse to a new premises
- sell or export your horse
- use your horse for breeding
- have your horse slaughtered for human consumption
Information included in a horse passport
Horse passports are small booklets that contain details about your horse, including:
- its appearance, which is illustrated in diagram called a 'silhouette'
- its age
- its breed/type
- all the medications it has been given (if it has been declared 'intended for human consumption')
Make sure your horse passport is available for inspection
For example, passports might be inspected at a show or riding event/gymkhana
Buying and selling a horse
You must not buy or sell a horse without a horse passport.
Argyll and Bute Council Regulatory Services officers enforce horse passport legislation within the Council’s area. Argyll and Bute Council Animal Health & Welfare officers enforce horse passport legislation within the Council’s area.
Contact us if you are sold a horse without a passport - we may prosecute the seller. Failure to comply with the law can lead to prosecution with heavy penalties and possible imprisonment.
The definition of 'horse' includes any horse, pony, ass, mule or donkey, equine, asinine and any crossbreed.