Guidance - Our children - their mental health and wellbeing
All staff within the education service have a responsibility for addressing additional support needs. A child or young person with additional support needs is defined under the terms of the Education (Additional Support for Learning) (Scotland) Acts 2004 and 2009.
Children or young people may require additional support for a variety of reasons, either for short periods of time or throughout their education.
Children with additional support needs may include those who:
- have motor or sensory impairments
- are being bullied
- are particularly able or talented
- have experienced a bereavement
- have a learning difficulty
- are living with parents who are abusing substances
- are living with parents who have mental health problems
- have English as a second language
- are not attending school regularly
- have emotional or social difficulties
- are on the child protection register
- are young carers
It is most helpful to discuss any questions, issues or concerns about the provision for additional support needs with the Head Teacher in the first instance. Education Support Officers can also be involved in providing very useful information and support. Contact details for each of the Education Support Officers are listed below.
Area | Education Support Officer | Email address |
Helensburgh and Lomond | Alison Currie | |
Cowal and Bute | Ruth Sweeney | |
Mid Argyll, Kintyre and Islay | Elaine Ross | |
Oban, Lorn and the Isles, and Mull | Laurie Black | |
If you would like further information in relation to any aspect of meeting additional support needs please contact:
Louise Lawson
Manager of Equality and Inclusion
Email -
Enquire is the Scottish Advice Service for additional support for learning and can be contacted on 0345 123 2303.