Early Learning and Childcare (ELC) - frequently asked questions

How & when to apply

How do I apply for my child's ELC space?

To apply for a funded Early Learning & Childcare (ELC) space you will need a copy of your child's birth certificate and, from January 2024, a proof of address letter.

Children born between 1st March 2020 and 28th February 2021 are eligible for funded ELC in the academic year starting August 2023.

  • To make a late application please complete the 2023-24 application form found on our useful documents page. Please take this directly to your first choice ELC setting, with your child's birth certificate. 

Children born between 1st March 2021 and 28th February 2022 are eligible for funded ELC in the academic year starting August 2024.

  • You should apply for this ELC space online between 22nd January and 28th January 2024.

I missed registration week or am new to the area, what should I do?

Please make an application directly to your chosen ELC setting, using the application form found on our useful documents page. Please note this will be a late application, which will receive a lower priority if the setting was oversubscribed and needed to go to ballot.

There may be a waiting period before your child can attend, while the ELC setting gets everything in place to facilitate the placement.

My child is in the date of birth range for the upcoming registration week, but already attends ELC as a funded 2 year old. Do I need to apply?

You do not need to make an application during registration week for any child already attending a funded 2 year old ELC placement, who will remain at the same ELC setting. You should apply if you want them to attend a different ELC setting when the 3 year old funding begins.

Can my child access funded ELC in a different authority to the one I am resident in?

Yes, this is called a cross boundary placement and offers a level of flexibility and choice to help meet family's childcare requirements. Further information is available via the Cross Boundary leaflet in our useful documents section. You should follow the normal application process for Argyll & Bute - highlighting to the ELC setting that you are resident in another local authority area. 

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