Venue: On a Hybrid Basis in the Queen's Hall, Dunoon and by Microsoft Teams
Contact: Julieann Small, Senior Committee Assistant - 01546 604043
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: The Vice-Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. Apologies for absence were received from Councillor
Liz Mccabe. |
The Vice-Chair ruled, and the
Committee agreed, to consider a report on the Third Marquis of Bute’s Silver
Wedding Dowry Fund as a matter of urgency by reason that the dowry can only be
awarded to girls resident in Rothesay being married in December and to consider
this after item 13 of the Agenda. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Minutes: Councillor Peter Wallace declared
a non-financial interest in relation to item 10 of the agenda (Former Rothesay
Academy, Isle of Bute – Pre-application for proposed demolition and redevelopment),
advising that he is the Council representative on the Fyne Homes Board. He
advised that he would remain in the meeting during the consideration of this
item of Business. Councillor Ross Moreland declared
a non-financial interest in relation to item 6 of the agenda (CHARTS (Argyll
and the Isles)), advising that he is a Council representative on the CHARTS Board.
He advised that he would remain in the meeting during the consideration of this
item of Business. |
Bute and Cowal Area Committee - 5 September 2023 Minutes: The Minute of the meeting of the
Bute and Cowal Area Committee, held on 5 September 2023 was approved as a
correct record. |
Bute and Cowal Area Community Planning Group - 31 October 2023 Minutes: The Minute of the meeting of the Bute and Cowal
Area Community Planning Group, held on 31 October 2023 was noted. |
Cowal Transport Forum - 13 September 2023 Minutes: The Minute of the meeting of the
Cowal Transport Forum, held on 13 September 2023 was noted. |
PUBLIC QUESTION TIME Minutes: The Committee Manager advised that there had been
no public questions submitted in advance of the meeting. Having noted that there
were members of the public in attendance, the Vice Chair invited them to submit
any questions they may have. Juliette Gill (Present) On behalf of Hunters Quay Community Council, how
will the Levelling Up Fund be distributed and how will it benefit Hunters Quay? Councillor McNeilly advised that more information
on the funding would be rolled out in due course, and that the Council were
exploring, big, strategic projects that would benefit the whole of Argyll and
Bute. Councillor McNeilly added that a number of agencies would be involved in
delivering this project and that all were committed to taking a creative
approach to ensure all possible benefits are realised. The Committee highlighted that they were excited
for what the funding could do for the area. |
Report by Chief Executive, Argyll Community Housing Association Ltd Minutes: Consideration was given to a
presentation by the Chief Executive of ACHA, which provided an update on a number
of areas including the investment programme for 2023/24; the Scottish
Government Grant which has allowed the progression of a number of adaptations
and essential aids for the most vulnerable customers across Argyll and Bute;
the Exemplar Estates initiative; the Business, Energy, Industrial Strategy
(BEIS); the Whole House Retrofit Programme; the Net Zero and Warm Homes Funds
and the installation of air source heating pumps. Information on Welfare rights
was also provided. Decision The Bute and Cowal Area Committee
considered and noted the information provided in the presentation. (Reference: Presentation by Chief
Executive, Argyll Community Housing Association Ltd, submitted) |
CHARTS (ARGYLL AND THE ISLES) Presentation by Vice Chair of the Cultural Heritage and Arts Assembly for the Argyll and Isles Minutes: The
Committee gave consideration to a presentation by the Vice-Chair of the
Cultural Heritage and Arts Assembly (CHARTS) for Argyll and the Isles. The
presentation included information on the impact of partnership working on both
regional and local areas and provided highlights of key projects throughout the
Bute and Cowal Area. Mr Adams also provided
information in relation to funding streams and the benefits of the continued
support received from Argyll and Bute Council. Decision The Bute and Cowal Area Committee
considered and noted the information provided in the presentation. (Reference:
Presentation by Vice-Chair, Cultural Heritage and Arts Assembly, submitted) |
by Executive Director with responsibility for Customer Support Services Minutes: Consideration was given to the Area Performance
Report for financial quarter 2 of 2023/24 (July to September 2023) which
illustrated the agreed performance measures for this period. Decision The Bute and Cowal Area
Committee: 1. noted and considered the performance and supporting commentary as
presented; 2. noted that upon receipt of the Quarterly Performance Report the Area
Committee should contact either the Responsible Named Officer or Sonya Thomas
with any queries; and 3. noted that work was ongoing and to respond to Sonya Thomas with requests
or comments regarding the layout and format of the Performance Report and
Scorecard. (Reference: Report by Executive Director with
responsibility for Customer Support Services, dated 1 November 2023, submitted) |
HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE PARTNERSHIP PERFORMANCE REPORT - FQ1 2023/24 Report by Senior Performance and Improvement Manager Minutes: The Committee gave consideration
to a report which provided an update on performance against each of the service
areas and the 93 supporting Key Performance Indictors, as well as an update
from the Heads of Service giving a wider context and identifying risks and
mitigations. The report also provided an update on the National Health and
Wellbeing Outcomes and Ministerial Steering Group Integration Indicators and information
in relation to delayed discharges. Decision The Bute and Cowal Area Committee
considered and noted: 1.
the performance for FQ1 (April - June 2023/24); 2.
the summary overview of the Heads of Service
Performance update; 3.
the performance update on the National Health &
Wellbeing Outcomes and Ministerial Steering Group Integration Indicators, as at
Appendix 1 of the report; 4.
the System Pressure Report for August 2023, as at
Appendix 2 of the report; and 5.
the Delayed Discharge Sitrep for August 2023, as at
Appendix 3 of the report. (Reference: Report by Senior
Performance and Improvement Manager, submitted) |
by Executive Director with responsibility for Roads and Infrastructure Services Minutes: The Committee gave consideration
to a report which provided links to the recent activities of Roads and
Infrastructure Services. Decision The Bute and Cowal
Area Committee considered and noted the contents of the report. (Reference: Report by Executive
Director with responsibility for Roads and Infrastructure Services, dated November
2023, submitted) |
by Executive Director with
responsibility for Commercial Services Minutes: Consideration was given to a
report asking members to endorse the submission of a pre-application to
consider the potential demolition and redevelopment of the Former Rothesay
Academy site that was closed in 2007 following the development of the new school. Decision The Bute and Cowal Area Committee: 1. noted the lack of a viable redevelopment option for the former Rothesay Academy despite the property being marketed and available for over a decade; 2. noted the interest from Fyne Homes to create a masterplan for the redevelopment of the site along with their adjacent site to create new homes for the area; and 3. endorsed officers to submit a pre-application to consider the potential demolition and redevelopment of the site and confirm this approach reflects the views of the area committee and the wider community for the future of this site. (Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Commercial Services dated 30 October 2023, submitted) |
by Executive Director with responsibility for
Development and Economic Growth Minutes: Due to
unforeseen circumstances there was no officer available to present this report. Decision The Bute
and Committee Area Committee agreed to continue consideration of this report to
the next meeting. (Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Development and Economic Growth, dated 18 October 2023, submitted) |
CHARITABLE TRUSTS, BEQUESTS AND TRUST FUNDS Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Legal and Regulatory Support Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee gave consideration
to a report which provided details on proposals relating to the ongoing
management and proposed distribution arrangements for Charitable Trusts,
Bequests and Trust Funds for which the Bute and Cowal Area Committee are Trustees.
Decision The Bute and Cowal Area Committee: 1. noted and considered the financial position of all the Charitable Trusts, Bequests and Trust Funds as of August 2023; and 2. agreed that funds that held less than £250 for distribution have a moratorium placed on them to lessen the administrative burden and allow interest to accumulate to ensure maximum community benefit at a later date. (Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Legal and Regulatory Support, dated November 2023, submitted) |
Committee workplan was before members for
information. Decision The Bute and Cowal Committee noted the contents of
the workplan. (Reference: Bute and Cowal
Area Committee workplan, dated 5 December 2023) |
gave consideration to a report which gave information regarding an application
that had been received requesting support from the Third Marquis of Bute’s
Silver Wedding Dowry Fund. Decision The Bute
and Cowal Area Committee agreed to grant £500 to the applicant. (Reference:
Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Legal and Regulatory
Support, dated December 2023, submitted) |