More information about this councillor
Committee appointments
- Argyll and Bute CouncilWard 5 Oban, North and Lorn
- Argyll and Bute HSCP Integration Joint Board (IJB)Ward 5 Oban, North and Lorn
- Argyll and Bute Licensing Board (Chair)Ward 5 Oban, North and Lorn
- Argyll Islands Sounding BoardWard 5 Oban, North and Lorn
- Budget PackWard 5 Oban, North and Lorn
- Climate Change Environmental Action GroupWard 5 Oban, North and Lorn
- Oban Common Good FundWard 5 Oban, North and Lorn
- Oban Lorn & The Isles Area CommitteeWard 5 Oban North and Lorn
- Planning, Protective Services and Licensing Committee (Chair)Ward 5 Oban, North and Lorn
- Policy and Resources CommitteeWard 5 Oban, North and Lorn
- Short Life Working Group on Political Management ArrangementsWard 5 Oban, North and Lorn
Terms of Office
- 02/06/2016 - 03/05/2017
- 04/05/2017 - 04/05/2022
- 05/05/2022 -
Appointments to outside bodies