Committee’s Terms of Reference are generally to promote good, internal
control, financial and risk management, governance and performance management, in order to provide
reasonable assurance of effective and efficient
operation, and compliance with laws and regulations, including the Council’s
Financial and Security Regulations, Contract Standing Orders and accounting
codes of practice. The
Audit and Scrutiny Committee in carrying out its scrutiny functions will take
a discursive, collegiate and non-political approach to carry out
methodological consideration of a wide range of evidence and perspectives,
with the aim of providing viable and well-evidenced solutions to support the
delivery of services. The
specific Terms of Reference are as follows – |
2.7.1 |
Key Activities |
To agree the internal audit
strategic plan, oversee and review action taken on internal audit
recommendations; ·
To consider the annual report,
opinion, and summary of Internal Audit activity including the level of
assurance it can give over the Council’s corporate governance arrangements
internal control and risk management system; and to consider other specific Internal
Audit reports. ·
To consider the External
Auditor’s Annual Audit Plan, Annual Letter, relevant reports, and the report
to those charged with governance and other specific External Audit reports; ·
To comment on the scope and
depth of External Audit work and to ensure it gives value for money; ·
To commission work from
Internal, External Audit and third parties where appropriate; |
To consider the performance of
Internal and External Audit; ·
To facilitate training to
support the role of Audit and Scrutiny Committee Members; ·
To develop a culture of
compliance within the Council to ensure the highest standards of probity and
public accountability; ·
To support best practice in the
financial administration of the Council; ·
To review the Council’s
financial performance as contained in the Annual Report, and to report
annually to the Council on the internal control environment; ·
There should be a least one
meeting a year, or part thereof, where the Audit and Scrutiny Committee meets
the Internal and External Auditors separately from management; ·
The Committee will prepare an
annual work plan setting out meeting dates for the financial year and
anticipated internal audit, external audit, management reports and scrutiny
topics expected to be covered at each meeting; and ·
The Committee shall prepare an
annual report to the Council covering its activities and key findings each
year. This report will be considered at the Council meeting that agrees the
External Auditor's annual audit letter. ·
To oversee the arrangements for
Risk Management. |
2.7.2 |
Regulatory Framework |
To maintain an overview of the
Council’s Constitution in respect of contract procedure rules, and financial
regulations; ·
To monitor and seek assurance
with regard to risk control measures through the review of the effectiveness
of risk management systems and corporate governance in the Council; ·
To monitor the Anti-fraud and
corruption strategy and the Council’s arrangements for dealing with any
allegations of fraud or similar improper behaviour; and ·
To consider the Council’s
compliance with its own and other published standards and controls. ·
To monitor the Council's
compliance with the Public Interest Disclosure Act and the Bribery Act in the
discharge of its functions. |
2.7.3 |
Financial Accounts and Governance |
To examine the activities and
accounts of the Council and exercise a governance role over management
efforts to ensure that: (a) The
expenditure approved by the Council has been incurred for the purposes
intended; (b) Services are being provided
efficiently and effectively; (c)
Value for money is being obtained, all in accordance with Best Value
requirements; and (d) The
Council has appropriate information and advice available to them to make
decisions. |
To review the annual statement
of accounts. Specifically to consider whether appropriate accounting policies
have been followed and whether there are concerns arising from the financial
statements or from the audit that need to be brought to the attention of the
Council; ·
To oversee the production of
the Council’s Governance and Internal Control Statement; and ·
To consider the External
Auditor’s report to those charged with governance on issues arising from the
audit of the accounts. |
2.7.4 |
Other Monitoring |
To assess the effectiveness of
the Council’s Performance Management System; ·
To consider performance and
inspection reports from internal audit, external audit and other relevant
scrutiny bodies; ·
To commission specific reviews
to be carried out where necessary; ·
To review Best Value
arrangements and outcomes, with consideration of both external and internal
Best Value reports, strategy/plans and outcomes from Best Value reviews; and ·
To review the impact of
national performance reports from external bodies such as Audit Scotland and
consider their impact on future audit plans in terms of audit work to be undertaken by
both external and internal audit. ·
The Chief Executive will attend
one meeting per annum to report on how the Council is addressing its key
strategic risks and other matters of interest. |
2.7.5 |
Scrutiny |
To oversee and co-ordinate the scrutiny function
including approval of the scrutiny framework and associated policies or
procedures. ·
To scrutinise the performance of the Council in
relation to the achievement of policy objectives and performance targets in
relation to all functions of the Council. ·
To develop and approve the scrutiny workplan in relation to the performance of the Council
and funded third party organisations. ·
To consider and make recommendations in respect
of scrutiny reports brought to the Committee for consideration. ·
To monitor the implementation of scrutiny
recommendations accepted by the Council. ·
To provide an annual report to the Council on the
work of the scrutiny function. ·
To periodically review the scrutiny function to
ensure it is operating effectively. ·
To receive the Council performance report. Note that the responsibility
for scrutiny at service committee level will be incorporated into the service
committee terms of reference. |
Support officer: Lynsey Innis, Senior Committee Assistant Tel: 01546 604338.