To consider the performance of
Internal and External Audit;
To facilitate training to
support the role of Audit and Scrutiny Committee Members;
To develop a culture of
compliance within the Council to ensure the highest standards of probity and
public accountability;
To support best practice in the
financial administration of the Council;
To review the Council’s
financial performance as contained in the Annual Report, and to report
annually to the Council on the internal control environment;
There should be a least one
meeting a year, or part thereof, where the Audit and Scrutiny Committee meets
the Internal and External Auditors separately from management;
The Committee will prepare an
annual work plan setting out meeting dates for the financial year and
anticipated internal audit, external audit, management reports and scrutiny
topics expected to be covered at each meeting; and
The Committee shall prepare an
annual report to the Council covering its activities and key findings each
year. This report will be considered at the Council meeting that agrees the
External Auditor's annual audit letter.
To oversee the arrangements for
Risk Management.