Agenda item



The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and advised that his first task would be to establish if the Members of the Local Review Body (LRB) felt that they had sufficient information before them to come to a decision on the Review.


Councillors Trail and Redman confirmed that they did have enough information.  Councillor Colville advised that he was of a different opinion.  He said that while they had been provided with photographs, he had difficulty working out what height the barrier would be as it was not clear to him if the ground level was from the shore or the base of the concrete.  He said that it was his opinion there was enough ambiguity to warrant a site visit.


Councillor Trail advised that he did not see that this was terribly important and that it was a matter between the Planning Officers and the Applicant to confirm where the height measurement should be taken from.  He confirmed that there was enough information before the LRB to determine the case today.


Councillor Redman agreed with Councillor Trail’s comments.


Councillor Colville questioned the practicalities of fixing the fence and Councillor Trail replied that he believed this was for the Applicant to address.


Councillor Trail said that he believed the Planning Officers had been caught in the cross fire of a neighbour dispute.  He advised that he thought that if there had been a better relationship between the neighbours they would have been able to come to a solution themselves.  He said that he believed the amenity of the neighbouring property was being adversely affected by the decking and that the response by Planning to insist on screening was proportionate. 


Councillor Redman concurred with all that Councillor Trail said.




The Argyll and Bute LRB, having considered the merits of the case de novo, agreed by a majority to reject the request to review the detail of Condition 2 of planning consent (reference: 17/01269/PP) in order to protect the amenity of neighbours.


(Reference: Notice of Review and supporting documents, comments from interested parties and comments from Applicant, submitted)

Supporting documents: