All of
the functional areas relating to the delivery of all aspects of Education and
Lifelong Learning not otherwise reserved to the Council or the Policy and
Resources Committee including, without prejudice to the foregoing generality,
the following:-
and Lifelong Learning
relevant functional areas relating to schools education, educational
psychology, early learning and childcare, youth services and lifelong learning.
For the
avoidance of doubt, it shall discharge the powers and duties as education
authority, and in relation to those functions, the dismissal of a teacher whose
contract of employment incorporates the Strathclyde Regional Council Conditions
of Service for Teachers in Day Schools.
and Culture
To comment on and offer advice to
the Leisure Trust in respect of the operation of Libraries, halls, arts and
scrutinise performance and contract management arrangements in respect of
Community Learning and Development and the operation of all services
transferred to the Live Argyll Trust and to consider and comment on any policy
proposals in respect of these services.
Council’s Education Service will undertake the client role and remain as the
key contact for liaison with Education Scotland, Live Argyll will be
responsible for ensuring that the four statutory obligations, as set out in the
Community Learning and Development (Scotland) Regulations 2013, are met.
In respect of the following
matters now delegated to the Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership
to consider any policy proposals in respect of the following areas and to offer
comment thereon:-
and Families and Adult Social Work Services
The relevant functional areas
relating to children and families and adult social work services, criminal
justice services, child and adult protection, corporate parenting, school
hostels and community justice social work services.
Receiving the quarterly
performance reports in relation to the relevant functional areas listed above
in line with the Planning and Improvement Framework.
The scrutiny of external
inspection reports relating to the functional areas listed above, except where
the receipt of such reports and their outcomes are reserved for Council or
Policy and Resources Committee.
the scrutiny and performance review function on behalf of the Council in
relation to Police Scotland, Scottish Fire and Rescue and the Argyll and Bute
Health and Social Care Partnership (Integrated Joint Board).