Venue: By Microsoft Teams
Contact: Lynsey Innis, Senior Committee Assistant; Tel: 01546 604338
No. | Item |
The Chair moved and the Committee agreed to vary the order of business to facilitate the commitments of officers in attendance. This minute reflects the order in which discussion took place. . |
Apologies Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. There were no apologies for absence intimated. |
Declarations of Interest Additional documents: Minutes: There were no declarations of interest intimated. |
Minutes Additional documents: |
Minute of meeting held on 14 September 2021 PDF 241 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The minute of the meeting, held on 14 September 2021, was approved as a correct record. |
Minute of Special Meeting held on Wednesday, 24 November 2021 PDF 208 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The minute of the Special meeting, held on 24 November 2021, was approved as a correct record. |
Internal Audit and Counter Fraud Summary of Activities PDF 279 KB Report by Interim Chief Internal Auditor Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee gave consideration to a report providing a summary of Internal Audit activity and progress during quarter three of 2021/22 against the following areas: Audits Completed · Child Protective Services · Contract Management Roads and Infrastructure Services · Fixed Asset Register · Oban Airport · Street Cleaning · HSCP – Care Programme Approach Audits in Progress · Civil Contingencies · Environmental Health · Live Argyll – Budget Monitoring · Purchase Cards · School Funds · Workforce Planning – HSCP The report also included information on the work carried out by the Counter Fraud Team (CFT) since 14 September 2021 and provided an update on total billing to date as a direct consequence of their work. Decision The Audit and Scrutiny Committee agreed to note and endorse the Summary of Activities report. (Reference: Report by Interim Chief Internal Auditor, dated 14 December 2021, submitted) |
2020/21 Annual Audit Report PDF 456 KB Report by Audit Scotland Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration was given to the 2020/21 Annual Audit Report which was provided by Audit Scotland. The report provided information on their findings in relation to the 2020/21 annual accounts; financial management; financial sustainability; governance and transparency and best value. The report also included an assessment of the arrangements in place to ensure that findings from national reports are reviewed and actions are identified to ensure good practice. Discussion was had in relation to Covid-19 expenditure in both a national and local context, with it being noted that Audit Scotland plan to undertake a piece of work around the national position, which will be published in the Spring of 2022. Decision The Audit and Scrutiny Committee agreed to note the contents of the report. (Reference: Report by Audit Scotland, submitted) |
Having indicated that this would be his last meeting of the
Audit and Scrutiny Committee, the Interim Head of Financial Services took the
opportunity to thank colleagues from Audit Scotland for the support they have
provided over the last two years. Mr Cornett
from Audit Scotland thanked Mr Slavin for his kind words and wished him well
for the future. . |
Internal and External Audit Report Follow Up 2021-22 PDF 396 KB Report by Interim Chief Internal Auditor Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration was given to a report providing an update on all open actions as at 30 September 2021 including information on actions where the agreed implementation date had been rescheduled. Decision The Audit and Scrutiny Committee agreed to endorse the contents of the report. (Reference: Report by Interim Chief Internal Auditor, dated 14 December 2021, submitted) |
Internal Audit Reports to Audit and Scrutiny Committee 2020/2021 PDF 291 KB Report by Interim Chief Internal Auditor ·
Protective Services ·
Management Roads & Infrastructure Services ·
Assets Register ·
Airport ·
Street Cleaning
HSCP Care Programme
Approach (for information only) Additional documents:
Minutes: The Audit and Scrutiny Committee gave consideration to a report containing the action plans in relation to the following 6 audits:- · Child Protective Services · Contract Management: Roads and Infrastructure Services · Fixed Asset Register · Oban Airport · Street Cleaning · HSCP – Care Programme Approach Discussion
was had in relation to the limited level of assurance of the Contract
Management: Roads and Infrastructure audit, and in particular the
timescales involved in the delivery of the actions outlined within the action
plan. Members noted that the Head of Roads and Infrastructure Services
had provided verbal assurance to the Interim Chief Internal Auditor that
arrangements had been put in place to ensure that actions are addressed
swiftly. It was also noted that consideration would be given to a follow
up audit on contract management to be included in a future audit plan.
Members also expressed their concern over the timescale for delivery of the
high priority actions to improve control and governance, as outlined within the
HSCP audit report on the Care Programme Approach, which had been submitted for
information. Decision The Audit and Scrutiny Committee agreed to note and endorse the summary report and detail within each individual report. (Reference: Report by Interim Chief Internal Auditor, dated 14 December 2021, submitted) |
Verbal Update by Chair(s) of Scrutiny Panel Verbal Update by Martin Caldwell and Councillor Jim Lynch Additional documents: Minutes: Martin Caldwell, the Chair of the Community Asset Transfer Review Panel provided a short update in relation to the progress of the review. He advised that having noted that issues had been raised as part of the Best Value review, the Panel had undertaken a useful session with Audit Scotland and were in the process of pulling together the conclusion of the review, and hoped to be in a position to present it to the Committee at their next meeting in March 2022. Councillor Lynch, Chair of the Fly Tipping Review Panel provided a short update in relation to the progress of the review. He advised that to date only one meeting of the Panel had taken place and that it had not been possible for Councillor Freeman to attend the meeting. Councillor Lynch requested that Internal Audit forward a note of this meeting to Councillor Freeman and undertook to schedule a further meeting as soon as possible, with an update to be provided to the Committee meeting in March 2022. Decision The Audit and Scrutiny Committee agreed to note the contents of the verbal updated by the Chairs of the Scrutiny Panels. |
Council 6-month Performance Report - April to September 2021 PDF 506 KB Report by Chief Executive Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee gave consideration to a report
presenting the Council’s 6-month Performance Report and Scorecard for April to
September 2021. Information was also
provided on planned activity for Performance Management and Reporting during
2021/22 onwards. Discussion took place around the statistics
provided in relation to street lighting faults; the information held in
relation to covid related staff absences; the health
and wellbeing of staff while working from home and the information provided in
relation to school meals. Decision The Audit and Scrutiny Committee:- 1. reviewed the
Council 6-month Performance Report and Scorecard as presented for the purposes
of scrutinising the Council’s performance; 2. noted that
due to Covid-19 demands on staff and resources, Performance Management was
deprioritised; and 3. noted the
planned activity for Performance Management and Reporting during 2021/22
onwards. (Reference:
Report by Chief Executive, dated 14 December 2021, submitted) |
Audit and Scrutiny Workplan PDF 226 KB Additional documents: Minutes: In order to facilitate forward planning of reports to the Audit and Scrutiny Committee, Members considered the outline Audit and Scrutiny workplan. Decision The Audit and Scrutiny Committee agreed to note the outline workplan. (Reference: Audit and Scrutiny workplan, dated 14 December 2021, submitted) |