Contact: Sandra Campbell Tel: 0154660 4401
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Having noted the apologies of the
Chair, Councillor Yvonne McNeilly, and the Vice-Chair Councillor Daniel
Hampsey, the Committee Manager invited those Members present to elect a Chair
for the meeting. It was agreed that Councillor Audrey
Forrest would assume the role of Chair for this meeting. |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies for absence were intimated from Councillors Math Campbell-Sturgess, Amanda Hampsey, Daniel Hampsey, Graham Hardie and Yvonne McNeilly. |
DEPUTATION The Chair intimated that a request for a deputation to be heard by the Committee had been received from Colin Buchanan on behalf of Luing Community Trust and Luing Community Council. It was unanimously agreed to hear from this deputation. The Committee heard from Colin Buchanan, Chair of the Luing Community Trust and member of Luing Community Council, in relation to Luing Primary School which would be dealt with at Item 7D of the Agenda. The Chair thanked Colin Buchanan and advised that the submission would be considered under item 7D of the Agenda (Luing Primary School). The Chair intimated that Councillor Kieron Green had notified the Executive Director that he wished, in terms of Standing Order 22.1, to speak but not vote on items 7C and 7D of the Agenda. The Chair confirmed that she would exercise her discretion to allow Councillor Green to speak but not vote on items 7C and 7D of this Minute. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Additional documents: Minutes: There were no declarations of interest intimated. |
Community Services Committee held on 14 December 2023 Additional documents: Minutes: The Minute of the Community Services Committee held on 14 December 2023 was approved as a correct record. |
Report by Divisional Commander for Argyll and Bute, West Dunbartonshire Division, Police Scotland Additional documents: Minutes: Chief Superintendent Lynn
Ratcliff presented the Argyll & Bute Performance Summary Report of Police Scotland’s
Policing Priorities for Q3 April – December 2023
and responded to questions asked. Decision The Committee reviewed
and noted the contents of the report. (Reference: Report for Quarter 3 2023 by Divisional Commander for Argyll and Bute West Dunbartonshire Division, Police Scotland, submitted) |
Report by Local Senior Officer, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Additional documents: Minutes: With the aid of power
point slides, Commander Fraser Grant presented a report highlighting Scottish Fire
and Rescue Service’s review of local performance within Argyll and Bute for Q3
1 October – 31 December and responded to a number of questions asked. Decision The Committee reviewed and noted the contents of the report. (Reference: Q3 2023 Report by Local Senior Officer, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, submitted) |
ARGYLL & BUTE HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE PARTNERSHIP - PERFORMANCE REPORT - FQ2 2023/24 Report by Head of Strategic Planning, Performance and Technology, Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership Additional documents: Minutes: A report detailing
performance for FQ2 (July – September) 2023/24 for Argyll & Bute Health
& Social Care Partnership was considered. The Chair thanked Fiona Davies
for all her assistance to the Committee and wished her all the best in her new
role. Decision The Committee: 1. Acknowledged performance for FQ2 (July -
September 2023/24) and improvement against the previous quarter, which is the
second full quarter of data for the Integrated Performance Management Framework
(IPMF). 2. Acknowledged supporting performance
commentary from Heads of Service and Service Leads. 3. Acknowledged performance update on the
National Health & Wellbeing Outcomes and Ministerial Steering Group
Integration Indicators contained within Appendix
1 of the report. 4.
System Pressure Report for August 2023 contained within Appendix 2 of the report. 5.
Delayed Discharge Sitrep for August 2023 contained within Appendix 3 of the
report. (Reference: Report by Head of Strategic Planning, Performance and Technology, Argyll & Bute HSCP dated 7 March 2024, submitted) |
SCHOOLS (CONSULTATION) (SCOTLAND) ACT 2010 Additional documents: |
MINARD PRIMARY SCHOOL Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Education Additional documents: Minutes: A report providing
details of a draft proposal for Minard Primary School formulated in accordance
with the requirements of the Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Act 2010, as
amended (the 2010 Act), was considered. Decision The Committee agreed to: a) note the contents of the Consultation Report contained within Appendix
A; and b) approve the implementation of the following alternative to the
Proposal as consulted on:
education provision at Minard
Primary School be permanently discontinued with effect from 31 May 2024; and
the delineated catchment area
of Furnace Primary School shall be extended to subsume the whole delineated
catchment area of Minard Primary School from 31 May 2024. (Reference:
Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Education dated 13
February 2024, submitted) |
SOUTHEND PRIMARY SCHOOL Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Education Additional documents: Minutes: A report providing
details of a draft proposal for Southend Primary School formulated in
accordance with the requirements of the Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Act 2010,
as amended (the 2010 Act), was considered. Decision The Committee agreed to: a) note the contents of the Consultation Report contained within Appendix
A; and b) approve the implementation of the following alternative to the
Proposal as consulted on:
education provision at Southend
Primary School be permanently discontinued with effect from 31 May 2024; and
the delineated catchment area
of Castlehill Primary School shall be extended to subsume the whole delineated
catchment area of Southend Primary School from 31 May 2024. (Reference:
Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Education dated 13
February 2024, submitted) |
ACHALEVEN PRIMARY SCHOOL Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Education Additional documents: Minutes: A report providing
details of a draft proposal for Achaleven Primary
School formulated in accordance with the requirements of the Schools
(Consultation) (Scotland) Act 2010, as amended (the 2010 Act), was considered. Decision The Committee agreed to: a) note the contents of the Consultation Report contained within Appendix
A; and b) approve the implementation of the following alternative to the
Proposal as consulted on:
education provision at Achaleven Primary School be permanently discontinued with
effect from 31 May 2024; and
the delineated catchment area
of Lochnell Primary School shall be extended to subsume the whole delineated
catchment area of Achaleven Primary School from 31
May 2024. (Reference:
Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Education dated 13
February 2024, submitted) |
LUING PRIMARY SCHOOL Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Education Additional documents: Minutes: A report providing
details of a draft proposal for Luing Primary School formulated in accordance
with the requirements of the Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Act 2010, as
amended (the 2010 Act), was considered. Motion The Committee agrees to: a) note the contents of the Consultation Report contained within
Appendix A; and b) approve the implementation of the following alternative to the
Proposal as consulted on:
education provision at Luing
Primary School be permanently discontinued with effect from 31 May 2024; and
the delineated catchment area
of Easdale Primary School shall be extended to subsume the whole delineated
catchment area of Luing Primary School from 31 May 2024. Moved by Councillor Liz McCabe, seconded by Councillor Gemma Penfold. Amendment The
Community Services Committee: (a) note the contents of the Consultation Report contained
within Appendix A of the report; and (b) agrees to continue mothballing Luing Primary School
for a further year to allow the community adequate time to demonstrate the
sustainability of the school long term. Moved by Councillor
Audrey Forrest, seconded by Councillor Julie McKenzie As the meeting was being held on a
hybrid basis, the vote required to be taken by calling the Roll and Members
voted as follows –
Decision The Amendment was
carried by 7 votes to 4, and the Committee resolved accordingly. (Reference: Report by Executive Director with
responsibility for Education dated 13 February
2024, submitted) The
Chair ruled and the Committee agreed to take a 10 minute comfort break at this
point. The Committee reconvened at 1.00pm. Councillors
Paul Kennedy and Andrew Kain left the meeting at this point. |
FINAL ATTAINMENT AND ACHIEVEMENT REPORT - SESSION 2022-2023 Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Education Additional documents: Minutes: Following the release on 28 February 2024 of
data on the Scottish Government’s Insight tool, a report updating Members on
final attainment, across all Argyll and Bute Secondary Schools for session
2022-2023 was considered. The Committee also heard from Camille Annan
from Lochgilphead High School and Eva Bonetti from Oban High School on their
academic and attainment pathways. The Chair, on behalf of the Committee thanked
Camille and Eva and wished them both well in their next steps. Decision The Committee: 1.
the information in the report, particularly as it relates to the attainment
performance of school leavers; 2.
noted the
increase in attainment brought about by successful appeals, at authority level
and school-by-school; and 3.
noted that
the information contained in the report constitutes all attainment across both
National Qualifications and Wider Achievement courses, the latter of which was
described in the December report without the associated tariff points having
been included in statistics. (Reference:
Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Education dated 7 March
2024, submitted) |
EXTERNAL EDUCATION ESTABLISHMENT INSPECTION REPORT Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Education Additional documents: Minutes: A report providing details of all external establishment inspection reports received across Argyll and Bute Education Service during the period October 2023 to January 2024 was before the committee for consideration. Decision The Committee noted: a) the contents of the report;
b) this quarterly report would be presented on an ongoing basis to the Community Services Committee detailing all establishment inspections conducted and published by Education Scotland within that period, and c) that Ward members would receive copies of school inspection reports for schools within their area as published by Education Scotland. (Reference:
Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Education dated January
2024, submitted) |
COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE WORK PLAN 2023/2024 Additional documents: Minutes: The Community Services
Committee work plan for 2023-2024 was before the Committee for information. Decision The Committee noted the
contents of the work plan. (Reference: Community Services Committee Work Plan
2023-2024, submitted) |