Contact: Fiona McCallum Tel: 01546 604392
No. | Item |
The Chair intimated that Councillor Kieron Green, who was not a member of the Community Services Committee, had notified the Executive Director that he wished, in terms of Standing Order 22.1, to speak but not vote on items 9 and 10 of the Agenda. The Chair confirmed that she would exercise her discretion to allow Councillor Green to speak but not vote on items 9 and 10 of this Minute. The Chair intimated that Councillor Jan Brown, who was not a member of the Community Services Committee, had notified the Executive Director that she wished, in terms of Standing Order 22.1, to speak and vote on item 5 of the Agenda. The Chair confirmed that she would exercise her discretion to allow Councillor Brown to speak but not vote on item 5 of this Minute. The Chair intimated that Councillor John Armour, who was not a member of the Community Services Committee, had notified the Executive Director that he wished, in terms of Standing Order 22.1, to speak but not vote on items 5 and 11 of the Agenda. The Chair confirmed that she would exercise her discretion to allow Councillor Armour to speak on items 5 and 11 of this Minute. The Chair intimated that Councillor Luna Martin, who was not a member of the Community Services Committee, had notified the Executive Director that she wished, in terms of Standing Order 22.1, to speak and vote on item 9 of the Agenda. The Chair confirmed that she would exercise her discretion to allow Councillor Martin to speak but not vote on item 9 of this Minute. The Chair intimated that Councillor Julie McKenzie, who was a member of the Community Services Committee but could not be in attendance today, had submitted a letter in respect of item 9 of the Agenda. It was noted that a copy of this letter had been circulated to the Committee in advance of the meeting. |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Audrey Forrest and Julie McKenzie. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Additional documents: Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Community Services Committee 10 March 2022 Additional documents: Minutes: The Minute of the Community Services Committee held on 10 March 2022 was approved as a correct record. |
THE ELECTION OF TEACHER REPRESENTATIVES TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE PDF 274 KB Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Education Additional documents: Minutes: A report advising the Committee on the appointment of two non-voting teaching representatives to sit on the Community Services Committee to represent the teacher workforce, was considered. Decision The Committee noted the content of the report and endorsed the appointments of Alison Palmer and Lorna Stewart as the representatives nominated as non-voting members of the Community Services Committee. (Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Education dated 25 August 2022, submitted) |
EDUCATION CHANGE PROGRAMME - SCHOOL LEADERSHIP STRUCTURES PDF 581 KB Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Education Additional documents:
Minutes: A report detailing the programme of engagement which Officers undertook with our communities, our staff, their representative bodies and the wider group of stakeholders in relation to the school leadership model proposals was considered. The report set out the findings and outcomes of that consultation process and made a number of recommendations in relation to the next steps for this element of the overall process. The Committee also heard from Tony Blow from the Stand Agency who gave a presentation on the analysis and findings of the engagement and consultation exercise carried out with education professionals, pupils, community bodies, and the general public on the school leadership model proposals. Motion To agree the recommendations detailed in the report by the Executive Director with responsibility for Education. Moved by Councillor Yvonne McNeilly, seconded by Councillor Daniel Hampsey. Amendment 1. In terms of the School Leadership consultation, the Community Services Committee are invited to: a) note the outcomes and analysis of the extensive engagement and consultation process, involving our communities, our staff and their representative bodies, our school pupils, and the wider group of stakeholders; b) agree that the consultation exercise provided valuable feedback from teachers, pupils and communities and identified areas where improved communication with partners would be beneficial on an area by area committee basis. Local area forums involving members and parent teacher organisations in that area should be established; c) recognise the commitment of the Education Service in striving to deliver the best possible outcomes for the children and young people of Argyll and Bute, in line with Members’ ambitions; d) agree that the proposals as consulted on are not progressed; e) note the continued use of shared headships as a useful operational tool to address recruitment challenges only in those areas where there is consensus from staff and parent teacher councils; f) agree that the Education Service, working with Head Teachers and Chairs of Parent Councils, continue to work across all aspects of the Service to deliver improvement, to address the implications of national reform, to address the key issues raised in the consultation and other local and national challenges the Service is encountering, and will continue to encounter (such as those detailed in Sections 5 and 9.3 of this report and in Section 8 and Appendix 1 of this report). 2. In terms of the wider attainment gap and variations between schools, the Community Services Committee are invited to: a) Note the Audit Scotland findings that: · The poverty-related attainment gap remains wide and inequalities have been exacerbated by Covid-19. Progress on closing the gap has been limited and falls short of the Scottish Government’s aims, and · There is wide variation in education performance across councils, with evidence of worsening performance on some indicators in some councils, and b) agree that the Education Service continues to address the variation in performance within Argyll and Bute schools and work with Head Teachers at a local, and with partners at regional level, to improve outcomes for children and young people. Updates on progress would be reported to Committee within the current performance reports; c) agree that, as a result of the outcome of this exercise the process undertaken should be reviewed by our Audit and Scrutiny Committee to confirm best value in senior staff time and consultancies; and d) agree that Officers should initiate an amended but deliverable programme to meet the educational challenges ahead with improved structures in place allowing open and constructive dialogue between all partners. Moved by Councillor Gordon Blair, seconded by Councillor Dougie Philand. A vote was taken by calling the roll. Motion Amendment Councillor Garret Corner Councillor Gordon Blair Councillor Daniel Hampsey Councillor Math Campbell-Sturgess Councillor Graham Hardie Councillor Dougie McFadzean Councillor Andrew Kain Councillor Iain Shonny Paterson Councillor Paul Kennedy Councillor Dougie Philand Councillor Liz McCabe Margaret Anderson Councillor Yvonne McNeilly Councillor Gemma Penfold Reverend Sandy MacPherson The Motion was carried by 9 votes to 6 and the Committee resolved accordingly. Decision 1. In terms of the School Leadership consultation, the Community Services Committee: a) noted the outcomes and analysis of the extensive engagement and consultation process, involving our communities, our staff and their representative bodies, our school pupils, and the wider group of stakeholders; b) agreed that the consultation exercise provided valuable feedback from teachers, pupils and communities; c) recognised the commitment of the Education Service in striving to deliver the best possible outcomes for the children and young people of Argyll and Bute, in line with Members’ ambitions; d) agreed that the proposals as consulted on are not progressed; e) noted the continued use of shared headships as a useful operational tool to address recruitment challenges; and f) agreed that the Education Service, working with Head Teachers, continue to work across all aspects of the Service to deliver improvement, to address the implications of national reform, to address the key issues raised in the consultation and other local and national challenges the Service is encountering, and would continue to encounter (such as those detailed in Sections 5 and 9.3 of the report and in Section 8 and Appendix 1 of the report). 2. In terms of the wider attainment gap and variations between schools, the Community Services Committee: a) Noted the Audit Scotland findings that: · The poverty-related attainment gap remains wide and inequalities had been exacerbated by Covid-19. Progress on closing the gap has been limited and falls short of the Scottish Government’s aims, and · There was wide variation in education performance across councils, with evidence of worsening performance on some indicators in some councils; and b) agreed that the Education Service should continue to address the variation in performance within Argyll and Bute schools and work with Head Teachers at a local, and with partners at regional level, to improve outcomes for children and young people. Updates on progress would be reported to Committee within the current performance reports. (Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Education dated 12 August 2022, submitted) |
The Chair ruled, and the Committee agreed to adjourn the meeting at 1.10 pm for lunch. The Committee reconvened at 1.45 pm. |
Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Education Additional documents:
Minutes: A report providing an update on the progress made by the Education Service in achieving the priorities included in the Argyll and Bute Annual Education Plan for 2021-22 presented to the Community Services Committee in August 2021, and outlining priority actions for 2022-24 was considered. Decision The Committee: 1. noted the progress made with respect to priority actions within the 2021-22 Argyll and Bute Annual Education Plan; 2. approved the Education Strategic Plan 2022-2024 and Recovery, Renewal and Progress Report 2021-22 (Appendix 1); 3. approved the publishing of the Education Strategic Plan 2022-2024 and Recovery, Renewal and Progress Report 2021-22; and 4. approved the submission of the Education Strategic Plan 2022-2024 and Recovery, Renewal and Progress Report 2021-22 to Scottish Government. (Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Education dated 1 July 2022 and Education Strategic Plan 2022-2024 and Recovery, Renewal and Progress Report 2021-22, submitted) |
SCHOOLS (CONSULTATION) (SCOTLAND) ACT 2010 - SKIPNESS PRIMARY SCHOOL PDF 288 KB Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Education Additional documents:
Minutes: A report providing details of the outcome and findings of the statutory consultation exercise undertaken in respect of the formal proposal to close Skipness Primary School as detailed in the published Consultation Report (Appendix A); and in accordance with the Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Act 2010, as amended, was considered. Decision The Committee: 1. noted the contents of the Consultation Report (Appendix A); and 2. approved the implementation of the following proposals – a) Education provision at Skipness School be permanently discontinued with effect from 1 December 2022, b) the pupils of Skipness Primary School’s catchment area continue to receive their education at Tarbert Primary School on a permanent basis with effect from 1 December 2022, and c) the delineated catchment area of Tarbert Primary School be permanently extended to subsume the whole delineated catchment area of Skipness Primary school from 1 December 2022. (Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Education dated 14 July 2022, and Consultation Report – Skipness Primary School dated August 2022, submitted) |
SCHOOLS (CONSULTATION) (SCOTLAND) ACT 2010 - MINARD PRIMARY SCHOOL PDF 220 KB Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Education Additional documents:
Minutes: A report providing details of the Option Appraisal for Minard Primary School, carried out in accordance with the preliminary requirements set out in Section 12A of the Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Act 2010, as amended, was considered. Decision The Committee: 1. noted the outcome of this consideration of the preliminary requirements; and 2. agreed that Officers now formulate a draft closure proposal that would come back to the June 2023 meeting of the Committee for approval by Members which would subsequently trigger the formal consultation process under the Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Act 2010. (Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Education dated 30 June 2022 and Options Appraisal – Minard Primary School, submitted) |
SCHOOLS (CONSULTATION) (SCOTLAND) ACT 2010 - LUING PRIMARY SCHOOL PDF 218 KB Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Education Additional documents:
Minutes: A report providing details of the Options Appraisal for Luing Primary School, carried out in accordance with the preliminary requirements set out in Section 12A of the Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Act 2010, as amended, was considered. Motion To agree the recommendations in the report by the Executive Director with responsibility for Education. Moved by Councillor Yvonne McNeilly, seconded by Councillor Daniel Hampsey. Amendment To agree Option B as outlined within page 461 of the full meeting pack while ensuring compliance with the necessary statutory obligations. Moved by Councillor Gordon Blair, seconded by Councillor Dougie McFadzean. A vote was taken by calling the roll. Motion Amendment Councillor Garret Corner Councillor Gordon Blair Councillor Daniel Hampsey Councillor Math Campbell-Sturgess Councillor Graham Hardie Councillor Dougie McFadzean Councillor Andrew Kain Councillor Iain Shonny Paterson Councillor Paul Kennedy Councillor Dougie Philand Councillor Liz McCabe Reverend Sandy MacPherson Councillor Yvonne McNeilly Councillor Gemma Penfold Margaret Anderson The Motion was carried by 9 votes to 6 and the Committee resolved accordingly. Decision The Committee: 1. noted the outcome of this consideration of the preliminary requirements; and 2. agreed that Officers now formulate a draft proposal that would come back to the June 2023 meeting of the Committee for approval by Members which would subsequently trigger the formal consultation process under the Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Act 2010. (Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Education dated 30 June 2022 and Options Appraisal – Luing Primary School, submitted) |
SCHOOLS (CONSULTATION) (SCOTLAND) ACT 2010 - ACHALEVEN PRIMARY SCHOOL PDF 126 KB Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Education Additional documents: Minutes: A report providing an update on the current situation of Achaleven Primary School, and inviting the Committee to agree the recommendations therein, was considered. Decision The Committee: 1. agreed that Achaleven Primary School should continue to be mothballed on a temporary basis and the school premises be retained on a care and maintenance basis; 2. agreed that Officers should start the pre-consultation process and produce an Options Appraisal paper for the March 2023 Committee meeting for a decision in relation to the future of Achaleven Primary School; and 3. noted that there had been no requests to use the building since 2021, however if any did come forward they would be considered in light of the current condition of the building, and any recommissioning works required. (Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Education dated 25 August 2022, submitted) |
SCHOOLS (CONSULTATION) (SCOTLAND) ACT 2010 - SOUTHEND PRIMARY SCHOOL PDF 123 KB Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Education Additional documents: Minutes: A report providing an update on the current situation of Southend Primary School, and inviting the Committee to agree to the recommendations therein, was considered. Decision The Committee: 1. agreed that Southend Primary School should continue to be mothballed on a temporary basis and that the building be retained on a care and maintenance basis; 2. agreed that Officers should start the pre-consultation process and produce an Options Appraisal paper for the March 2023 Committee meeting for a decision in relation to the future of Southend Primary School; and 3. noted that there had been no requests to use the building since 2021, however if any did come forward they would be considered in the light of the current condition of the building, and any recommissioning works required. (Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Education dated 27 June 2022, submitted) |
SCHOOL HOLIDAY DATES - 2023-2026 PDF 740 KB Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Education Additional documents: Minutes: A consultation on School Holiday Dates was carried out during May 2022 with an aim to set the in-service days for teachers and the holiday dates for pupils across the authority for 2023-2026. The consultation included parents/carers, pupils and staff. The proposed dates, contained within Appendix 1 of this report, were before the Committee for consideration. Decision The Committee agreed the school holiday dates for 2023-2026 contained within Appendix 1 of the report. (Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Education dated 25 August 2022 and School Holiday Dates 2023-2024 to 2025-2026, submitted) |
SQA SCHOOL EXAMINATION RESULTS 2022 PDF 484 KB Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Education Additional documents: Minutes: A report providing an update on the initial outcome of the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) 2022 examination diet for young people in Argyll and Bute was considered. Decision The Committee: 1. noted the outcome of the initial SQA examination results for pupils in academic year 2021/22, and that the performance of Argyll and Bute Schools in 2022 was above the current national performance in SQA examinations in three of the four measures (National 4, Higher and Advanced Higher); and 2. requested that the Executive Director provide further reports to the Committee to allow the consideration of updated statistical school and national information, scheduled to be released by Insight (school data analysis tool) in September 2022 and February 2023. (Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Education dated 10 August 2022, submitted) |
KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS FQ4 2021/22 - EDUCATION SERVICE PDF 292 KB Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Education Additional documents: Minutes: A paper presenting the Committee with the FQ4 2021/22 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for the Education Service was considered. Decision The Committee reviewed and scrutinised the FQ4 2021/22 KPI Report as presented. (Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Education dated 25 April 2022, submitted) |
The Chair ruled, and the Committee agreed to vary the order of business and take Agenda items 16, 17, 18 and 19 next. |
Reports by Divisional Commander for Argyll and Bute, West Dunbartonshire Division, Police Scotland Additional documents:
Minutes: Superintendent Derek Lang presented the Quarter 4 – 2021/22 and Quarter 1 – 2022/23 updates in relation to the Argyll and Bute Local Policing Plan 2020 – 2023 and responded to a number of questions asked. Decision The Committee reviewed and noted the contents of the reports. (Reference: Reports for Quarter 4 2021/22 and Quarter 1 2022/23 by Divisional Commander for Argyll and West Dunbartonshire Division, Police Scotland, submitted) |
Councillor Gemma Penfold and Margaret Anderson, Church Representative, left the meeting during consideration of the foregoing item. |
Reports by Local Senior Officer, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Additional documents: Minutes: Group Commander Fraser Grant presented reports highlighting Scottish Fire and Rescue Service’s review of local performance within Argyll and Bute for Q4 2021-2022 and Q1 2022-2023, and responded to a number of questions asked. Decision The Committee reviewed
and noted the contents of the reports and passed on their congratulations to
Volunteer Fire Fighter John Fraser of Coll, who had been awarded the Queens
Fire Service Medal earlier this year, and also to on call Fire Fighter Lorraine
Taylor who marked 32 years in the fire service at Tarbert. (Reference: Q4 2021-2022 and Q1 2022-2023 Reports by Local Senior Officer, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, submitted) |
ARGYLL & BUTE HSCP - PERFORMANCE REPORT MAY 2022 PDF 246 KB Report by Head of Strategic Planning, Performance and Technology, Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration was given to a report which provided an update on the impact of service performance with regards to the Covid-19 Pandemic and the progress made with regard to remobilising health and social care services in Argyll and Bute up to 31 March 2022, which was presented to the Integration Joint Board (IJB) in May 2022. Decision The Committee considered and noted the IJB Health and Social Care Partnership report presented to the IJB in May 2022. (Reference: Report by Head of Strategic Planning, Performance & Technology, Argyll & Bute HSCP dated May 2022, submitted) |
LIVE ARGYLL Additional documents: |
Monitoring and Performance Reporting - Update Report PDF 229 KB Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Commercial Services Additional documents: Minutes: A report providing the Committee with an update on the performance and monitoring arrangements between Live Argyll and the Council as set out in the various agreements between the Council and the Trust was considered. Decision The Committee noted and considered the contents of the report. (Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Commercial Services dated 9 August 2022, submitted) |
Live Argyll Annual Report 2021/22 PDF 1 MB Report by General Manager, Live Argyll Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration was given to Live Argyll’s Annual Report for 2021/22. Decision The Committee reviewed and noted the contents of the report and passed on their congratulations to Eleanor McKay who had been awarded a Members of the Order of the British Empire (MBE) during lockdown for services to local studies. (Reference: Live Argyll Annual Report 2021/2022, submitted). |
SERVICE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE REVIEWS 2021/22 - EDUCATION SERVICE PDF 276 KB Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Customer Support Services Additional documents: Minutes: The Council’s Performance and Improvement Framework (PIF) sets out the presentation process for regular performance reporting. A paper presenting the Community Services Committee with the Service Annual Performance Review and Scorecard 2021/22 for the Education Service was considered. Decision The Committee reviewed and approved the Service Annual Performance Review (Service APR) and Scorecard 2021/22 as presented prior to publishing on the Council website. (Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Customer Support Services dated 13 July 2022, submitted) |
COUNSELLING IN SCHOOLS PDF 223 KB Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Education Additional documents:
Minutes: A paper presenting an update on the delivery and impact of the first 18 months of the Counselling in Schools service was before the Committee for information. Decision The Committee noted the contents of the report. (Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Education dated 18 July, 2022, submitted) |
CARE EXPERIENCED CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE PDF 374 KB Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Education Additional documents: Minutes: A report providing an update on information about interventions being taken within Education Services to ensure that Care Experienced Children and Young People achieve the best possible educational outcomes, as agreed at the Community Services Committee on 10 June 2021, was before the Committee for information. The report also detailed the expenditure against the grant allocated by Scottish Government to Argyll and Bute Council for session 2021/22 from the Scottish Attainment Challenge Care Experienced Children and Young People Fund. Decision The Committee noted the contents of the report. (Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Education dated 25 August 2022, submitted) |
SCOTTISH ATTAINMENT CHALLENGE PDF 228 KB Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Education Additional documents:
Minutes: A paper providing an update on the refreshed Scottish Attainment Challenge which is supported by funding through the Attainment Scotland Fund, the aims of which are to address the challenges of the poverty related attainment gap, was before the Committee for information. The paper also included an overview of the 2022-23 Scottish Government Pupil Equity Funding (PEF) allocations for Argyll and Bute schools eligible to receive PEF funding (Appendix 1), the draft authority ‘core’ stretch aims (Appendix 2), and an overview of the planned Strategic Equity Fund (SEF) spend. Decision The Committee noted the contents of the report. (Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Education dated 30 June 2022, submitted) |
OUR CHILDREN, THEIR NURTURING EDUCATION PDF 226 KB Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Education Additional documents: Minutes: A report advising on the authority wide Our children, their nurturing education strategy that brings together nurture, adverse childhood experiences and trauma-informed practice, was before the Committee for information. Decision The Committee noted the contents of the report. (Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Education dated 18 July 2022, submitted) |
EXTERNAL EDUCATION ESTABLISHMENT INSPECTION REPORT PDF 328 KB Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Education Additional documents: Minutes: A report providing details of all external establishment inspection reports received across Argyll and Bute Education Service during the period January to June 2022 was before the Committee for information. Decision The Committee noted the contents of the report. (Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Education dated July 2022, submitted) |
PERIOD PRODUCTS: LAUNCH EVENT PLAN PDF 666 KB Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Commercial Services Additional documents: Minutes: The Period Products (Free Provision) (Scotland) Act 2021 becomes law in August 2022, and all local authorities must have a robust service in place by this time. A paper outlining how the Council is launching this service into a recognisable and accessible scheme for all who need to use the service was before the Committee for information. Decision The Committee noted the contents of the report. (Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Commercial Services dated 1 August 2022, submitted) |
GAELIC LANGUAGE PLAN PROGRESS REPORT PDF 374 KB Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Customer Support Services Additional documents: Minutes: A report providing an update on progress in delivering the actions in the approved Argyll and Bute Council Gaelic Language Plan was before the Committee for information. Decision The Committee noted the contents of the report. (Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Customer Support Services dated 25 August 2022, submitted |
COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE WORK PLAN 2022/2023 PDF 319 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Community Services Committee work plan for 2022/2023 was before the Committee for information. Decision The Committee noted the contents of the work plan. (Reference: Community Services Committee Work Plan 2022/2023, submitted) |
Minutes: The Learning Estate Investment Programme (LEIP) is the Scottish Government’s flagship programme for investment in education and is now into Phase 3. It is the successor to the ‘Schools for the Future’ programme which the Council has delivered new builds or substantial refurbishments across the education estate at Oban, Kirn, Dunoon, Campbeltown, Lochgilphead etc. A report providing an update on a potential bid to the fund for a new Mull Campus was considered. Decision The Committee noted and considered: 1. the Scottish Government had recently confirmed the timescales for the next round of Learning Estate Investment Programme (LEIP) ie inviting submissions by 31 October; 2. that an Outline Business Case was being prepared for a potential submission to the LEIP process for a new Campus on mull in line with the adopted Learning Estate Strategy; 3. that pre-engagement activity had been ongoing with Mull community about the potential LEIP bid over recent weeks and there had been a number of workshops and meetings in August 2022. Further statutory consultation would take place if a bid was made and successfully progressed to the next stage; 4. the financial position and affordability of a LEIP bid as set out in attached Appendix B. The appendix is publically exempt due to the commercially sensitive nature of financial forecast information contained; and 5. that a paper outlining the Council’s approach to LEIP, including feedback from the pre-engagement with the community, would be presented to Council on 29 September. If a bid was progressed a submission would be required by 31 October 2022. (Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Commercial Services and Education dated 25 August 2022, submitted) |