Venue: Council Chambers, Kilmory, Lochgilphead. View directions
Contact: Fiona McCallum tel: 01546 604392
Note | No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Rory Colville, Julie McKenzie and Barbara Morgan and from William Stewart Shaw (Church Representative). |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Minutes: Councillors Jim Lynch, Jim Anderson and Graham Archibald Hardie each declared a non-financial interest in items 17a and 17b as they were Board Members on Live Argyll Trust. |
The Area Committee Manager intimated that Councillor Douglas Philand, who was not a Member of the Community Services Committee, had notified the Executive Director that he wished, in terms of Standing Order 22.1, to speak and vote on item 5 of the Agenda as he was the local Member for Ashfield Primary School. It was for the Chair to rule on this request. The Chair confirmed that she would exercise her discretion to allow Councillor Philand to speak but not vote on item 5. The Executive Director advised that Councillors Taylor and MacMillan, who were also local Members for Ashfield Primary School, were also present at the meeting but had not formally made a request to speak and vote on this item. He confirmed that it would be acceptable for Councillors Taylor and MacMillan to speak as local Members if they wished. |
Community Services Committee 13 June 2019 Minutes: The Minute of the Community Services Committee meeting held on 13 June 2019 was approved as a correct record. |
SCHOOLS (CONSULTATION) (SCOTLAND) ACT 2010 - ARDCHATTAN PRIMARY SCHOOL Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Education Additional documents: Minutes: A report providing details of the outcome and findings of the statutory consultation exercise undertaken in respect of the formal proposal to close Ardchattan Primary School as detailed in the published Consultation Report, and in accordance with the Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Act 2010 as amended, was considered. Decision The Committee agreed to: 1. note the contents of the Consultation Report (Appendix A); and 2. approve the implementation of the following: a) Education provision of Ardchattan Primary School be permanently discontinued with effect from 31 October 2019. b) The pupils of Ardchattan Primary School’s catchment area continue to receive their education at Lochnell Primary School on a permanent basis with effect from 31 October 2019. c) The delineated catchment area of Lochnell Primary School be permanently extended to subsume the whole delineated catchment area of Ardchattan Primary School from 31 October 2019. (Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Education dated 7 August 2019 at Ardchattan Primary School Consultation Report dated August 2019, submitted) |
Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Education Additional documents:
Minutes: A report providing details of the outcome and findings of the statutory consultation exercise undertaken in respect of the formal proposal to close Ashfield Primary School as detailed in the published Consultation Report, and in accordance with the Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Act 2010 as amended, was considered. An email submitted by the Chair of Achnamara Village Hall Committee was also tabled for the Committee’s information. Decision The Committee agreed to: 1. note the contents of the Consultation Report (Appendix A); and 2. approve the implementation of the following: a) Education provision of Ashfield Primary School be permanently discontinued with effect from 31 October 2019. b) The pupils of Ashfield Primary School’s catchment area continue to receive their education at Tayvallich Primary School on a permanent basis with effect from 31 October 2019. c) The delineated catchment area of Tayvallich Primary School be permanently extended to subsume the whole delineated catchment area of Ashfield Primary School from 31 October 2019. (Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Education dated 7 August 2019 at Ashfield Primary School Consultation Report dated August 2019, submitted and email from Chair of Achnamara Village Hall Committee dated 2 September 2019, tabled) |
SCHOOLS (CONSULTATION) (SCOTLAND) ACT 2010 - ST COLUMBA'S PRIMARY SCHOOL Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Education Additional documents: Minutes: A report providing details of the outcome and findings of the statutory consultation exercise undertaken in respect of the formal proposal to rezone the catchment area of St Columba’s Primary School as detailed in the published Consultation Report, and in accordance with the Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Act 2010 as amended, was considered. Decision The Committee agreed to: 1. note the contents of the Consultation Report (Appendix A); and 2. approve that the catchment area of St Columba’s School be rezoned to match the current mainland catchment area for Oban High School with effect from 6 October 2019. (Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Education dated 7 August 2019 and St Columba’s Primary School Consultation Report dated August 2019, submitted) |
SCHOOLS (CONSULTATION) (SCOTLAND) ACT 2010 - SKIPNESS PRIMARY SCHOOL Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Education Services Minutes: Skipness Primary School was mothballed in 2016 with the Council agreeing that if there were no registered pupils by the close of the registration period for session 2018/19 the Council would consult formally on the future of school provision at Skipness Primary School. A report outlining the process for consulting formally on the future school provision at Skipness Primary School in accordance with the Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Act 2010 was considered. Decision The Committee: 1. noted the decision of the Council in September 2016; and 2. agreed that the Education Service undertake the required preliminary consultation, in compliance with the preliminary requirements set out in the Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Act 2010 for Skipness Primary School and prepare a report for Members’ consideration at the December 2019 meeting of the Community Services Committee. (Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Education dated 15 August 2019, submitted) |
SQA SCHOOL EXAMINATION RESULTS 2019 Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Education Minutes: A report providing an update to elected Members on the initial outcome of the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) 2019 examination diet was considered. Decision The Committee: 1. considered and noted the outcome of the initial SQA examination results for pupils in academic year 2018/19 as detailed in the report; 2. requested the Executive Director to provide a further report to the Community Services Committee in December 2019 to allow the consideration of further statistical school and national information, released by Insight (school data analysis tool) in September 2019; and 3. agreed that in session 2019/20 attainment and achievement outcomes would be presented to Community Services Committee only following the release of Insight data which affords full access to statistical school and national information in relation to attainment and achievement outcomes of the young people of Argyll and Bute. (Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Education dated 12 August 2019, submitted) |
ARGYLL AND BUTE - ANNUAL EDUCATION PLAN Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Education Additional documents: Minutes: A report updating the Committee on the progress made by the Education Service in achieving the priorities included in the Argyll and Bute Education Plan for 2018-19 presented at the Community Services Committee in August 2019, and to outline priority actions for 2019-20 was considered. Decision The Committee agreed to: 1. note the progress made with respect to priority actions within the 2018-19 Argyll and Bute Annual Education Plan; 2. approve the 2019-20 Annual Education Plan (Appendix 1); 3. approve the publishing of the 2019-20 Annual Education Plan; and 4. approve the submission of the 2019-20 Annual Education Plan to Scottish Government. (Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Education dated 12 August 2019 and Annual Plan 2019/20 and 2018/19 Progress Report, submitted) |
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ANTI-BULLYING POLICY Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Education Additional documents: Minutes: A report providing a copy of the Education Service revised Anti-Bullying policy following a review of the 2014 policy was considered. Decision The Committee agreed to: 1. note the continued commitment of the Education Service to build capacity, resilience and skills in children and young people and to prevent and deal with bullying in all of the Council’s schools, in the context of the Scottish Government’s policy position in regard to Respect for All: The National Approach to Anti-Bullying for Scotland’s Children and Young People; and 2. recommend to Council the revised Anti-Bullying policy as set out in Appendix 1 of the Executive Director’s report. (Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Education dated 12 July 2019 and Anti-Bullying Policy 2019, submitted) |
MAKE A STAND - DOMESTIC ABUSE PLEDGE Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Housing Minutes: A report outlining the Make A Stand pledge (The Pledge) and Argyll and Bute Council’s commitment to sign up to it was considered. Decision The Committee agreed to: 1. endorse the work being carried out to meet the four commitments of the Pledge; 2. note the work currently underway to support people experiencing domestic abuse; and 3. support further enhancements to the Council’s approach to addressing and responding to domestic abuse. (Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Housing dated 31 July 2019, submitted) |
GAELIC LANGUAGE PLAN PROGRESS REPORT Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Customer Support Services Additional documents: Minutes: A report updating the Committee on progress in delivering the actions in the approved Argyll and Bute Council Gaelic Language Plan was considered. Decision The Committee considered and noted the progress being made in delivering the Council’s Gaelic Language Plan. (Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Customer Support Services and Gaelic Language Action Plan, submitted) |
LOCAL GOVERNMENT BENCHMARKING FRAMEWORK 2017/18 - ANALYSIS AND COMMENTARY Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Customer Support Services Additional documents: Minutes: A report presenting an overview of the 22 Community Services performance indicators from the final Local Government Benchmarking Framework (LGBF) 2017/18 data for Argyll and Bute was considered. The analysis included ‘Telling Our Story’ and ‘Looking Forward – Expected Impact on Indicator’ commentary from Heads of Service. Decision The Committee: 1. considered and noted the report for scrutiny activity and performance reporting purposes; and 2. noted that the completed LGBF 2017/18 was published on the Council’s website as part of the Council’s statutory Public Performance Reporting duty. (Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Customer Support Services dated 22 July 2019 and LGBF 2017/18, submitted) |
SERVICE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE REVIEW 2018-2019 Joint Report by Executive Directors with responsibility for Education and Housing Additional documents:
Minutes: A paper presenting the Community Services Committee with the Service Annual Performance Reviews (APRs) and Case Studies 2018-19 for Education and Housing was considered. Decision The Committee endorsed the Service APRs 2018-19 as presented. (Reference: Joint report by Executive Directors with responsibility for Education and Housing dated 10 June 2019, submitted) |
EDUCATION PERFORMANCE REPORT FQ1 2019-20 Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Education Minutes: A paper presenting the Community Services Committee with Education’s performance report and associated scorecard for FQ1 2019-20 (April – June) was considered. Decision The Committee reviewed the scorecard as presented. (Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Education, submitted) |
HOUSING SERVICES PERFORMANCE REPORT FQ1 2019-20 Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Housing Minutes: A paper presenting the Community Services Committee with Housing Service’s performance report with associated scorecard for performance in FQ1 2019-20 (April – June 2019) was considered. Decision The Committee reviewed the scorecard as presented. (Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Housing, submitted) |
Having previously
declared an interest in the following 2 items, it was established at this point
that Councillors Anderson, Lynch and Hardie were claiming the benefit of the
dispensation contained at section 5.18 of the Code of Conduct for Councillors
to enable them to speak and vote on these items. |
Live Argyll - Monitoring and Performance Reporting - Update Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Commercial Services and Legal and Regulatory Support Minutes: A report providing the Committee with an update on the performance and monitoring arrangements between Live Argyll and the Council as set out in the various agreements between the Council and the Trust was considered. Decision The Committee considered and noted the contents of the report. (Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Commercial Services and Legal and Regulatory Support dated 8 August 2019, submitted) |
Live Argyll Annual Report 2018/19 Report by General Manager, Live Argyll Minutes: Consideration was given to Live Argyll’s Annual Report for 2018/19 following their first full year of operation. Decision The Committee considered and noted the contents of the report. (Reference: Live Argyll Annual Report for 2018/19, submitted) |
2018/19 ANNUAL REVIEW OF THE CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLES SERVICES PLAN 2017-20 Report by Chief Officer, Argyll and Bute HSCP Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee gave consideration to the second annual review of the Children and Young People’s Service Plan 2017-2020. The review considered updates on 2018/19 progress, provided information on developments that had taken place since the plan was published, and set out key plans for the year ahead. Decision The Committee agreed: 1. to note that both NHS Highland and Argyll and Bute were jointly and equally responsible for children’s services planning; 2. to approve Argyll and Bute’s Children and Young People’s Services Plan 2017-2020 Year 2 review for the period 2018/19; and 3. that once approved by the Community Services Committee and approved by the Integration Joint Board, to approve the submission of the Children and Young People’s Services Plan Year 2 review to Scottish Government as per the legislative requirement. (Reference: Report by Chief Officer, Health and Social Care Partnership dated 30 July 2019, submitted) |
ARGYLL AND BUTE HSCP ANNUAL PERFORMANCE REPORT 2018/19 Report by Chief Officer, Argyll and Bute HSCP Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration was given to the Argyll and Bute HSCP Annual Performance Report for 2018/19 which had been approved for publication at the Argyll and Bute Integration Joint Board on 7 August 2019. Decision The Committee considered and noted the Argyll and Bute HSCP Annual Performance Report for 2018/19 which had been produced in line with the current national reporting requirement. (Reference: Argyll and Bute HSCP Annual Performance Report 2018/19, submitted) |
ARGYLL AND BUTE LOCAL POLICING PLAN 2017-2020 - QUARTERLY REPORT Q1 2019/20 Report by Divisional Commander for Argyll and Bute, West Dunbartonshire Division, Police Scotland Minutes: The Committee considered a report by Police Scotland which provided the FQ1 – 2019/20 update in relation to the Argyll and Bute Local Policing Plan for 2017-2020. Decision The Committee noted the contents of the report. (Reference: Report by Divisional Commander for Argyll and Bute, West Dunbartonshire Division, Police Scotland, submitted) |
Report by Local Senior Officer, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Minutes: A report highlighting the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service’s (SFRS) FQ1 review of local performance within Argyll and Bute for 2019-20 was considered. Decision The Committee reviewed and noted the contents of the report. (Reference: Q1 2019/20 Report by Local Senior Officer, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, submitted) |
EXTERNAL EDUCATION ESTABLISHMENT INSPECTION REPORT Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Education Minutes: A report providing details of all external education establishment inspection reports received across Argyll and Bute Education Service during the period July – September 2019 was before the Committee for information. Decision The Committee noted the contents of the report. (Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Education dated August 2019, submitted) |
COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE WORK PLAN 2019/20 Minutes: The Community Services Committee work plan for 2019/20 was before the Committee for information. Decision The Committee noted the contents of the work plan. (Reference: Community Services Committee Work Plan 2019/20, submitted) |