Venue: on a hybrid basis in the Council Chamber, Kilmory, Lochgilphead and by Microsoft Teams
Contact: Hazel MacInnes Tel:01546 604269
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor
Ian MacQuire. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Gary Mulvaney
declared a non-financial interest to agenda item 15 (Helensburgh
East King Street Affordable Housing Update) on the basis of his appointment by
Council to Dunbritton Housing Association. He advised that he would leave the meeting
and take no part in the consideration of this item. |
Argyll and Bute Council held on 27 April 2023 Additional documents: Minutes: The
Minutes of the meeting of Argyll and Bute Council held on 27 April 2023 were
approved as a correct record. |
MINUTES OF COMMITTEES Additional documents: |
Policy and Resources Committee held on 11 May 2023 Additional documents: Minutes: The
Minutes of the meeting of the Policy and Resources Committee held on 11 May
2023 were noted. |
Environment, Development and Infrastructure Committee held on 1 June 2023 Additional documents: Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting of the Environment, Development and Infrastructure Committee held on 1 June 2023 were noted. |
Community Services Committee held on 8 June 2023 Additional documents: Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting of the Community Services Committee held on 8 June 2023 were noted. |
RECOGNISING COMMUNITY SPIRIT Report by Provost of the Council Additional documents: Minutes: The
Council gave consideration to a report proposing the introduction of the Argyll
and Bute Provost’s Certificate as a way of recognising exemplary community
spirit in the area. Decision The Council – 1. noted the content of the submitted report; and 2. noted the proposed process for the Argyll and Bute Provost’s
Certificate. (Reference:
Report by Provost of the Council dated 15 June 2023, submitted) |
Report by Leader of the Council Additional documents: Minutes: The
Council gave consideration to a report providing an update on the activities of
the Council Leader, Councillor Robin Currie, for the period 10 April 2023 to 12
June 2023. The report also included
notes on activities relating to the Leader’s Policy Lead portfolio of Strategic
Development. Decision The
Council – 1.
noted the
content of the report; and 2.
that any reports, briefings or copy correspondence referred to in the report
could be requested as appropriate through the Leadership Support Manager, and
noted that some confidential reports provided by external organisations such as
COSLA could be restricted. (Reference: Report by Leader of the Council dated 12 June
2023, submitted) |
Report by Policy Leads Additional documents: Minutes: The Council gave consideration to a report providing
an update on the activity for each Policy Lead Councillor from 27 April 2023 to
9 June 2023. The report aimed to provide
updates from all Policy Lead Councillors as regularly as possible to ensure
that all members were informed, up to date and able to engage with current
issues. Decision The
Council noted the content of the submitted report. (Reference:
Report by Policy Lead Councillors dated 15 June 2023, submitted) |
YEAR END REPORTS PACK Reports by Section 95 Officer Additional documents: |
2022-23 UNAUDITED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS Additional documents: Minutes: The Council gave consideration to a report providing an overview of the unaudited annual accounts for 2022-2023 and a
summary of the significant movements from 2021-22; and asking members to
approve the unaudited annual accounts for 2022-23 for issue. Decision The Council approved
the unaudited annual accounts for the year ended 31 March 2023 for issue. (Reference: Report by Section 95 Officer dated 29
June 2023, submitted) |
REVENUE BUDGET MONITORING - FOR THE YEAR 2022/23 Additional documents: Minutes: The Council gave consideration to a report
summarising the revenue budget position of the Council as at the end of the
financial year 2022-23. Decision The Council – 1.
noted the
revenue budget monitoring position as at the end of financial year 2022-23; 2.
that the unallocated balance within the General Fund as at 31 March 2023, after
taking into account the contingency, amounted to £1.252m; and 3.
the revenue virements over £0.200m between January and March 2023. (Reference: Report by Section 95 Officer dated 2
June 2023, submitted) |
EARMARKED RESERVES - 2022-23 YEAR END Additional documents: Minutes: The Council gave
consideration to a report providing information on
progress with balances already earmarked within the General Fund and new balances
earmarked at the end of 2022-23 that qualified for automatic carry forward or
had been previously agreed. It also presented proposals to earmark 9 new areas
of unspent budget which required approval. Decision The Council – 1.
the revised Policy on Year End Flexibility included as Appendix 1, including
the approval of one new category for automatic carry forward of unspent income
for the installation and maintenance of Electric Vehicle Charging points. 2.
the 9 new unspent budget earmarked reserve proposals totalling £4.610m as
supported by submitted business cases and noted that there were a further 4
unspent budget earmarkings amounting to £2.094m that
had been previously approved, as outlined in Appendices 2.1 and 2.2. 3.
noted the
new balances of £11.708m at the end of 2022-23 that qualified for automatic
carry-forward as outlined in Appendix 3. 4.
noted the
previously approved earmarked reserves of £61.054m and the justification for
continuing to earmark these as outlined in Appendix 4. 5.
that £1.124m of no longer required earmarked balances would be released back
into the General Fund. 6.
that £5.006m relating to Social Work reserves was recognised on the Balance
Sheet and was outwith the scope of this report. (Reference: Report by Section 95 Officer dated 2 June 2023, submitted) |
CAPITAL BUDGET MONITORING REPORT - 31 MARCH 2023 Additional documents: Minutes: The
Council gave consideration to a report providing an update on the
position of the capital budget as at 31 March 2023. The report provided
information on the financial position in respect of the capital plan and also
the performance in terms of delivery of capital plan projects. Decision The Council noted the contents of the submitted report and
the financial summaries as detailed in Appendix 8 to the report. (Reference: Report by Section 95 Officer dated 21
June 2023, submitted) |
ANNUAL TREASURY REPORT 2022-23 Additional documents: Minutes: The Council gave consideration to a report outlining
the Council’s Treasury Management Position for 2023-23. Decision The Council noted and approved the Annual
Treasury Report for 2022-23. (Reference: Report by Section 95 Officer dated 21 June 2023, submitted) |
STRATEGIC HOUSING FUND ANNUAL REPORT 2022-23 Additional documents: Minutes: The Council gave consideration to a report providing
an update on the Strategic Housing Fund income and expenditure position for
2022-23, the current balance on the Strategic Housing Fund and all future commitments
against this balance. Decision The Council - 1. noted the report on income and expenditure for 2022-23 and the
balance on the Strategic Housing Fund as at 31 March 2023; and 2.
noted the
estimated future income for the Strategic Housing Fund for 2022-23. (Reference: Report by Section 95 Officer dated 21
June 2023, submitted) |
Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Financial Services Additional documents:
Minutes: The
Council gave consideration to a report that sought approval of a response to the Scottish Government consultation on Council Tax for second and empty homes, and
non-domestic rates thresholds. The closing date of the consultation was 11 July
2023. Decision The Council approved the consultation response attached
as appendix 1 to the submitted report. (Reference:
Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Financial Services
/ Section 95 Officer dated 5 June 2023, submitted) |
CORPORATE PLAN 2023 - 2027 AND ANNUAL BUSINESS PLAN 2023 - 2024 Report by Chief Executive Additional documents:
Minutes: The Council
gave consideration to a report that sought approval of two key documents to
support the organisation in delivering on its agreed priorities. The new Corporate Plan (2023 – 2027) which
replaced the former (2018 – 2022) and the Annual Business Plan which was a new
document that brought focus and scrutiny to delivering the Council’s
priorities. Decision The
Council approved – 1.
Corporate Plan 2023 – 2027; and 2.
Annual Business Plan 2023 – 2024. (Reference: Report by Chief Executive dated 24 June 2023,
submitted) |
POLITICAL MANAGEMENT ARRANGEMENTS Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Legal and Regulatory Support Additional documents: Minutes: The
Council gave consideration to a report advising of changes to the Political
Management Arrangements and of vacancies arising following notification that
Councillor Mark Irvine wished to step down from the Audit and Scrutiny Committee
and Councillor Fiona Howard wished to step down from the Planning, Protective
Services and Licensing Committee. The
Council was asked to give consideration to political balance when filling these
vacancies. Decision The
Council agreed to appoint – 1.
Dougie McFadzean to fill the vacancy on the Audit and
Scrutiny Committee; and 2.
Dougie Philand to fill the vacancy on the Planning,
Protective Services and Licensing Committee. (Reference: Report by Executive Director with
responsibility for Legal and Regulatory Support dated 5 June 2023, submitted) |
SECOND REVIEW OF SCOTTISH PARLIAMENT BOUNDARIES - BOUNDARIES SCOTLAND PROPOSALS Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Legal and Regulatory Support Additional documents: Minutes: The Council gave consideration to a report providing
information on Boundaries Scotland’s consultation on its proposals relating to
the Second Review of Scottish Parliamentary Boundaries. Decision The Council noted the proposals. (Reference:
Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Legal and
Regulatory Support dated 29 June 2023, submitted) |
REST AND BE THANKFUL UPDATE Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Roads and Infrastructure Additional documents: Minutes: The
Council gave consideration to a report providing an update on the Scottish Government’s recent announcement on
the long term solution for the Rest and Be Thankful. The preferred option was for a debris flow
shelter along the line of the existing Trunk Road with a construction time of
three to four years following improvements to the Old Military Road. This had been considered the most deliverable
option by Transport Scotland. Decision The
Council agreed to – 1.
that the Leader of the Council writes to the newly appointed Minister for
Transport, Fiona Hyslop MSP, to highlight our
communities’ concerns and their need for urgency in progressing the permanent
solution for the Rest; 2.
reassurance from the Minister and her officials at Transport Scotland on a
range of points including clear timescales; measures to mitigate against delay;
contingency plans for maintaining access in the event of a major incident
during construction; and confirmation that the A82 upgrade will progress as
planned; 3.
ask the
Minister to convene an urgent meeting of the A83 Taskforce given the commitment
made at the last meeting in Arrochar, in the context
of this recent announcement and the questions that remain within the community
and local industry; 4.
call upon
the Minister to ensure that the Scottish Government, Transport Scotland and any
other relevant agency will prepare and share a robust communications strategy
which will reinforce the vital message at a national level that Argyll and Bute
is open for business; 5.
this Council’s longstanding position that urgent completion of the permanent
solution is of the utmost importance in order that Argyll and Bute’s current
and future opportunities for population and economic growth are not
compromised; and 6.
officers to respond to the Scottish Government’s recent announcement on the
basis of paragraphs 1 to 5, above. (Reference:
Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Roads and
Infrastructure Services dated June 2023, submitted) |
COLONSAY AFFORDABLE HOUSING UPDATE Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Development and Economic Growth Additional documents: Minutes: The
Council gave consideration to a report providing an update on the housing
project being delivered by Colonsay Community
Development Company (CCDC) at Scalasaig, Colonsay. Decision The
Council agreed to authorise a loan to Colonsay
Community Development Company of £445,000, subject to the granting of an appropriate
security, in line with policy agreed by Council in August 2012, to enable the
successful delivery of the multi tenure housing development at Scalasaig, Colonsay. (Reference: Report by Executive Director with
responsibility for Development and Economic Growth dated June 2023, submitted) |
Councillor Gordon Blair left the meeting during discussion of agenda item 14 (Colonsay Affordable Housing Update). . |
Having declared an interest to the following item, Councillor Gary Mulvaney left the meeting and took no part in the consideration of this item. . |
Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Development and Economic Growth Additional documents: Minutes: The
Council gave consideration to a report providing an update on the progress on
the 12 unit affordable housing development being delivered by Dunbritton Housing Association at a site on East King
Street, Helensburgh; and which requested further funding. Decision The
Council agreed to - 1. authorise a payment to Dunbritton Housing Association of £26,350 from the Strategic
Housing Fund to enable the development of 12 affordable houses in Helensburgh;
and 2. note that this was additional to the
£12,000 per unit already approved from the Strategic Housing Fund. (Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for
Development and Economic Growth dated May 2023, submitted) |
Councillor Gary Mulvaney rejoined the meeting at this point. . |
TARBERT HERITAGE REGENERATION PROJECT - DELIVERY PHASE Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Development and Economic Growth Additional documents: Minutes: The
Council gave consideration to a report advising that following the submission
of two delivery phase grants to take forward the Tarbert
Heritage Regeneration Scheme, the Council had been successful in securing delivery
grant funding from Historic Environment Scotland (HES) and the National
Heritage Lottery Fund (NHLF). The report
sought approval to progress with the delivery phase. Decision The
Council –
(Reference: Report by Executive Director with
responsibility for Development and Economic Growth dated 30 May 2023,
submitted) |
CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE'S SERVICE PLAN 2023 - 2026 Report by Chief Officer - Health and Social Care Partnership Additional documents: Minutes: The
Council gave consideration to a report presenting the Children and Young
People’s Service Plan 2023 – 2026 which was a legal requirement under Section
15 of the Children and Young People’s (Scotland) Act 2014. Decision The
Council endorsed and supported the Children and Young People’s Service Plan
2023 – 2026. (Reference: Report by Chief Officer – Health and Social
Care Partnership dated 24 May 2023, submitted) |
the budget meeting in February 2021, the Council agreed to a saving of £10,000
to stop the nursery growing service. It was agreed that spring and summer
bedding plants would still be provided by being sourced externally. The
previous decision was taken with the best intention, but due to changes in
market and circumstances it has not been successful in practice. Carrying
out a full procurement exercise only resulted in securing a supplier for the
summer bedding and not both the spring and summer beddings. Officers
are asked to give consideration to the future arrangements for the delivery of
planting across Argyll and Bute, with particular reference to the unique
circumstances of Rothesay which was served by Ardencraig,
and bring a report back to EDI on 31st August, on options that could be
delivered for 2024. Proposer: Councillor Liz McCabe Seconder: Councillor Ross Moreland Additional documents: Minutes: The
following Notice of Motion under Standing Order 13 was before the Council for
consideration – At the budget meeting in February 2021, the Council
agreed to a saving of £10,000 to stop the nursery growing service. It was
agreed that spring and summer bedding plants would still be provided by being
sourced externally. The previous decision was taken with the best intention,
but due to changes in market and circumstances it has not been successful in
practice. Carrying out a full procurement exercise only
resulted in securing a supplier for the summer bedding and not both the spring
and summer beddings. Officers are asked to give consideration to the
future arrangements for the delivery of planting across Argyll and Bute, with
particular reference to the unique circumstances of Rothesay which was served
by Ardencraig, and bring a report back to EDI on 31st
August, on options that could be delivered for 2024. Proposer:
Councillor Liz McCabe Seconder:
Councillor Ross Moreland Decision The
Council agreed the terms of the Motion and resolved accordingly. (Reference:
Notice of Motion Under Standing Order 13 proposed by Councillor Liz McCabe,
seconded by Councillor Ross Moreland, submitted) |