Venue: On a Hybrid Basis in the Queen's Hall, Dunoon and by Microsoft Teams
Contact: Julieann Small, Senior Committee Assistant - 01546 604043
Note | No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. There were no apologies for
absence intimated. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Minutes: Councillor Audrey Forrest
declared a non-financial interest in relation to item 12 of the agenda
(Supporting Communities Fund 2023/24) with specific reference to the
application from Addictions Recovery Café, advising that she is currently in the
process of joining the board. She advised that she would leave the meeting
during the consideration of this item of Business. Councillor Reeni
Kennedy-Boyle declared a financial interest in relation to item 12 of the
agenda (Supporting Communities Fund 2023/24) with specific reference to the
application from Fyne Futures, advising that she is employed by this
organisation. She advised that she would leave the meeting during the
consideration of this item of Business. Councillor Ross Moreland declared
a non-financial interest in relation to item 12 of the agenda (Supporting
Communities Fund 2023/24) with specific reference to the application from Duthchas, advising that he is a member of the group. He
advised that he would leave the meeting during the consideration of this item
of Business. Councillor Peter Wallace declared
a non-financial interest in relation to item 12 of the agenda (Supporting
Communities Fund 2023/24) with specific reference to the application from
Crossroads Caring For Carers Cowal & Bute,
advising that a family member is involved with the group. He advised that he
would leave the meeting during the consideration of this item of Business. |
Bute and Cowal Area Committee - 7 March 2023 Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting of the Bute and Cowal Area Committee, held on 7 March 2023 were approved as a correct record. |
Bute and Cowal Area Community Planning Group - 2 May 2023 Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting of the
Bute and Cowal Area Community Planning Group, held on
2 May 2023 were noted. |
Cowal Transport Forum - 16 May 2023 Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting of the
Cowal Transport Forum, held on 16 May 2023 were
noted. |
PUBLIC QUESTION TIME Minutes: Question on Dunoon’s
Active Travel Route Several members of the public
raised concerns on the plans to link Dunoon and
Hunters Quay with a new active travel route and asked if further detail on the
justification for this route could be shared with residents. Councillor Moreland advised that
the active travel route was instigated by the Charette
that had been drafted in 2016 and that at the moment a stage 1 consultation is
being undertaken, with a further 6 stages of development to follow. Councillor
Moreland highlighted that members of the public need to make their feelings
known during the consultation process and that he expects the final route to
look very different once resident’s comments had been taken into consideration. The Committee were asked what
their feelings were on the proposals. Members of the Area Committee recognised
that the initial plans do not have widespread support and encouraged people to
engage with the consultation to ensure the final route reflects the wishes of
residents, offers value for money and encourages active travel. A resident commented that the
consultation did not offer an opportunity to suggest alternative proposals and
that residents were forced to choose from 3 options. Councillor Moreland confirmed
that should responders to the consultation wish they can submit alternative
plans to Stantec via e-mail. Question from Valerie Edmonson Valerie Edmonson
raised concerns regarding the demise of the Dial-a-Bus and replacement Pingo Service in the Cowal
Peninsula which has negatively impacted on elderly and disabled users. Ms Edmonson advised that she had been told that the Pingo service was to be booked via an app or call centres
which was not user friendly for service users, specifically elderly customers. Councillor Hampsey
advised that as Chair of the Cowal Transport Forum he
was happy to take this issue forward and provide an update at the next meeting
of the Forum which is scheduled to be held on 13 September 2023. Question from John Brint,
Ardentinny Community Council Mr Brint
raised concerns on road safety in Ardentinny and
advised that Ardentinny Community Council had sent a
letter of improvement requests to the Roads Department and asked the Committee
for support on this matter. The Project Manager advised that
the department had received the letter on the 29th May and that they
were currently in the process of looking through it. Mr Calder further advised
that the department would respond to Mr Brint on all
his points and would organise a meeting onsite to discuss further. |
PRIMARY SCHOOL REPORT 2022-23 - BUTE AND COWAL AREA Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Education Minutes: The Committee gave consideration to a
report and presentation which provided a range of key information about primary
school provision in the Bute and Cowal area during
the school session August 2022 to June 2023 and reported the National
collection of attainment and achievement data from June 2022. Decision The Bute and Cowal
Area Committee considered and noted the contents of the report. (Reference: Report by Executive
Director with responsibility for Education dated June 2023, submitted) |
Dunoon Grammar School Report by Head Teacher, Dunoon Grammar School Minutes: The Committee heard from Mr
Mitchell, Head Teacher of Dunoon Grammar School, who
picked out some highlights from the school report which had been provided to
Members. The report included information in relation to S3 attainment of
Curriculum for Excellence levels in literacy and numeracy and Gaelic; the pass
rates of National qualifications and the Insight dashboard. Information in
relation to wider achievement qualifications; equity and attainment and Pupil
Equity Funding was also provided. The Committee wished Mr Mitchell
the best of luck at the Education Awards in which he is nominated as Head
Teacher of the Year. Decision The Bute and Cowal
Area Committee noted the contents of the report and information provided. (Reference: Report by Head
Teacher, Dunoon Grammar School, dated June 2023,
submitted) |
Rothesay Joint Campus Report by Head Teacher, Rothesay Joint Campus Minutes: The Committee heard from Ms
Nicoll, Head Teacher of Rothesay Joint Campus, who picked out some highlights
from the school report which had been provided to Members. The report included information in relation to
S3 attainment of Curriculum for Excellence levels in literacy and numeracy and
Gaelic; the pass rates of National qualifications and the Insight dashboard. Information
in relation to wider achievement qualifications; equity and attainment and
Pupil Equity Funding was also provided. Decision The Bute and Cowal
Area Committee noted the contents of the report and information provided. (Reference: Report by Head
Teacher, Rothesay Joint Campus, dated June 2023, submitted) |
AREA PERFORMANCE REPORT - FQ4 2022/23 Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Customer Support Services Minutes: Consideration was given to the
Area Performance Report for financial quarter 4 of 2022/23 (January to March
2023) which illustrated the agreed performance measures for this period. Decision The Bute and Cowal
Area Committee: 1. noted and considered the performance and supporting
commentary as presented; 2. noted that upon receipt of the Quarterly
Performance Report the Area Committee should contact either the Responsible
Named Officer or Sonya Thomas with any queries; and 3. noted that work is ongoing and to respond to Sonya
Thomas with requests or comments regarding the layout and format of the
Performance Report and Scorecard. (Reference: Report by Executive
Director with responsibility for Customer Support Services, dated 4 May 2023,
submitted) |
by Executive Director with responsibility for Roads and Infrastructure Services Minutes: The Committee gave consideration
to a report which provided links to the recent activities of Roads and
Infrastructure Services. Decision The Bute and Cowal
Area Committee considered and noted the contents of the report. (Reference:
Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Roads and Infrastructure
Services, dated May 2023, submitted) |
CEMETERY MAINTENANCE AND ROADS ACCESS FUND Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Roads
and Infrastructure Services Minutes: The
Committee gave consideration to a report that provided options on how to spend £75,000 that had been
allocated from the Crown Estates funding to a Cemetery Maintenance and Roads
Access Fund. Decision The Bute and Cowal Area Committee: 1. agreed the package of proposals up to
the value of £75,000; and 2. noted that regular updates would be
provided via the Roads and Infrastructure weekly briefings. (Reference:
Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Roads and Infrastructure
Services, dated May 2023, submitted) |
ARGYLL AND BUTE HSCP PERFORMANCE REPORT 2022/23 Report by Chief Officer, Argyll and Bute HSCP Minutes: Consideration was given to the
HSCP Annual Performance Report for 2022-23.
The report detailed how the HSCP had performed and also provided
progress updates on how they have improved and adapted services which are fit
for the future. Decision The Bute and Cowal
Area Committee considered and noted the contents of the report. (Reference: Report by Chief
Officer, Health and Social Care Partnership, dated June 2023, submitted) |
DUNOON BID 3RD TERM BALLOT RESULTS Verbal Update by Bute and Cowal Development Officer Minutes: The Committee gave consideration to a
verbal update on the outcome of the Dunoon
BID Ballot held on Thursday 2 March 2023. Decision The Bute and Cowal Area Committee
considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Verbal Presentation by Bute and Cowal Development Officer) |
Councillor Reeni Kennedy-Boyle, Councillor Audrey Forrest, Councillor Ross Moreland and Councillor Peter Wallace, having declared an interest in relation to the following item of business, left the meeting and took no part in the consideration of this item. |
SUPPORTING COMMUNITIES FUND 2023/24 Report by Chief Executive Minutes: Consideration was given to a
report which detailed recommendations for the award of the Council’s Supporting
Communities Fund (SCF) for the 2023/24 round of funding that had been made
available in the Bute and Cowal area. Decision The Bute and Cowal Area Committee agreed that
the 17 applications, marked as ‘Award’ within Appendix 1 of the report, are
awarded funding from the Supporting Communities Fund Budget totalling £38,228.09, as follows:
(Reference: Report by Chief
Executive, dated 12 May 2023, submitted) |
ROTHESAY JOINT CAMPUS ELC DELIVERY Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Education Minutes: A report providing details of a planned change to the current Early Learning & Childcare (ELC) delivery model within Rothesay Joint Campus was before members for information. Decision The Bute and Cowal Area Committee noted: 1. the work of the early years’ team in identifying a solution to the childcare issue on Bute; and 2. the plan to deliver non statuary childcare from within existing revenue. (Reference: Report by Executive
Director with responsibility for Education, dated 24 April 2023, submitted) |
CRUACH MOR AND CLACHAN FLATS WINDFARM TRUSTS Report by Executive Director with responsibilities for Legal and Regulatory Support Additional documents:
Minutes: A report providing an update on the work undertaken by the wind farm trusts set up at both Cruach Mhor (Glendaruel) and Clachan Flats (Cairndow) in accordance with consented developments was before the Committee for information. Decision The Bute and Cowal Area Committee noted the contents of the report. (Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Legal and Regulatory Support, dated May 2023, submitted) |
Area Committee work plan was before members for information. Decision The Bute and Cowal
Committee noted the contents of the work plan. (Reference: Bute and Cowal Area Committee work plan, dated 6 June 2023) |
LAMONT BEQUEST AWARD RECOMMENDATIONS Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee gave consideration
to a report providing information regarding an application that had been
received for support from the Lamont Bequest. Decision The Bute and Cowal
Area Committee agreed to award £50 to the individual applicant who met the
criteria for support from the Lamont Bequest. (Reference: Report by Executive
Director with responsibility for Legal and Regulatory Support dated May 2023,
submitted) |
The Committee resolved in terms of Section 50(A)(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 to exclude the press and public for the following item of business on the grounds that it was likely to involve the disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 8 of Part 1 of Schedule 7A to the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973. |
E2 |
ROTHESAY TOWNSCAPE HERITAGE - RECOMMENDATION OF AWARD Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Development and Economic Growth Minutes: The
Committee gave consideration to a report which asked Members to approve a grant
award in relation to a shopfront within the town centre of Rothesay as part of
the Rothesay Townscape Heritage Project. Decision The
Bute and Cowal Area Committee approved the grant as detailed in the report. (Reference:
Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Development and Economic
Growth dated 25 April 2023, submitted) |