Contact: Fiona McCallum Tel. No. 01546 604392
Note | No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from
Councillors Gordon Blair, Graham Archibald Hardie and Mark Irvine. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor
Paul Kennedy declared a financial interest in Agenda Item 4 (Civic Government
(Scotland) Act 1982: Taxi Fare Scale Review) as he held a Taxi Car Licence for
the Helensburgh and Lomond Area. He left the meeting and took no part in the
determination of this report. |
Additional documents:
Minutes: a) The Minute of the Planning, Protective Services and Licensing Committee held on 24 May 2023 at 10.30 am was approved as a correct record. b) The
Minute of the Planning, Protective Services and Licensing Committee held on 24
May 2023 at 2.00 pm was approved as a correct record. c) The Minute of the Planning, Protective Services and Licensing Committee held on 24 May 2023 at 2.30 pm was approved as a correct record. |
Having declared an interest in the following item, Councillor Paul Kennedy left the meeting at this point. |
CIVIC GOVERNMENT (SCOTLAND) ACT 1982: TAXI FARE SCALE REVIEW PDF 403 KB Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Legal and Regulatory Support Additional documents: Minutes: In
terms of Section 17 of the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982, the Local
Authority requires to fix maximum fares and other charges in connection with
the hire of taxis operating in their area and to review the scales for taxi
fares and other charges on a regular basis.
The new fare structure requires to come into force by 22 October
2023. The fares were last reviewed by
Members on 19 January 2022 and took effect on 22 April 2022. Consideration
was given to a report advising the Committee they were now required to carry
out a further review of taxi fares and other charges. Decision The Committee agreed: 1. To propose that there be no change to the existing scales and that this take effect from 22 October 2023; 2. To authorise the Head of Legal and Regulatory Support to advertise this proposal and to invite any responses within one month of the advertisement and report back to Members at their meeting on 23 August 2023; and 3. Should no objections or representations be received in relation to the proposal, to delegate to the Head of Legal and Regulatory Support, in consultation with the Chair of the PPSL Committee to conclude the review without the requirement for the Committee to consider a further report. (Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Legal and Regulatory Support dated 21 June 2023, submitted) |
Councillor Kennedy returned to the meeting. |
Report by Head of Development and Economic Growth Additional documents:
Minutes: The Planning Officer spoke to the terms of the report and to
supplementary report number 1 which advised that the examination into the
Argyll and Bute Proposed Local Development Plan 2 (PLDP2) by the Scottish
Government had now concluded and that the Examination Report was a material
consideration of significant weight. The
supplementary report highlighted the PLDP2 policies relevant to this
application and it was concluded that in this case there was no significant
material change of policy between the Adopted Plan and the PLDP2. The Planning Officer also referred to 3 late representations sent
directly to the PPSL Committee from Mr Flint, Mr Short, and Mr and Mrs
Manson. The submissions were reviewed by
Officers and it was considered that they did not raise any issues not already
addressed in the reports. A further
representation was also received from Councillor Julie McKenzie, on behalf on
an unnamed constituent, querying the validity of the ecological assessment submitted
with the application which, it was claimed, should be no older than 18
months. Referring to the ecological
survey which was dated September 2021 and the tree survey dated October 2021,
it was considered by Officers that there was no requirement for updated surveys
to be carried out. There was no
objection from the Council’s Biodiversity Officer and it was not considered
that any biodiversity issues affecting the site had changed since the surveys
were produced. The application seeks to secure planning permission for the change of
use of land to allow it to be utilised as a small scale holiday development
comprising 10 pods. In terms of the
Settlement Strategy set out in the adopted Local Development Plan (LDP), the
application site is situated within the defined Minor Settlement of Portsonachan where Policies LDP STRAT 1 and LDP DM 1 give
general encouragement to small scale development on appropriate sites. The proposed development benefits from direct
policy support from both National and Local Policy (NPF4 Policy 30 and LDP
Policy LDP 5, SG LDP TOUR 1 and SG LDP TOUR 3) which recognise that tourism is
a sustainable industry and has the potential to add value to the economy of
Argyll. Issues raised by third parties have all been assessed and in this
instance it is not considered by Planning Officers that the objections raise
any complex or technical issues that have not been addressed in the report. In this instance the proposed development is considered to be wholly
consistent with, and actively supported by, the provisions of the adopted
National Policy as underpinned by the LDP and it was recommended that planning
permission be granted subject to the conditions and reasons detailed in the
report of handling. Decision The Committee agreed to grant planning permission subject to the
following conditions and reasons: 1.
PP - Approved Details & Standard
Notes – Non EIA Development The
development shall be implemented in accordance with the details specified on
the application form dated 25/03/22, supporting information and, the approved
drawings listed in the table below unless the prior written approval of the
planning authority is obtained for an amendment to the approved details under
Section 64 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997.
For the purpose of clarity, to ensure that the development is implemented in
accordance with the approved details. 2.
Vehicular Access Notwithstanding
the provisions of Condition 1, the proposed access shall be formed in
accordance with the Council’s Roads Standard Detail Drawing SD 08/004a and
shall include visibility splays of 2.4 metres to point X by 53 metres to point
Y from the centre line of the proposed access. The access shall be surfaced
with a bound material in accordance with the stated Standard Detail Drawing.
Prior to work starting on site the access hereby approved shall be formed to at
least base course standard and the visibility splays shall be cleared of all
obstructions such that nothing shall disrupt visibility from a point 1.05
metres above the access at point X to a point 0.6 metres above the public road
carriageway at point Y. The final wearing surface on the access shall be
completed prior to the development first being brought into use and the
visibility splays shall be maintained clear of all obstructions thereafter. Reason: In the interests of road
safety. Note
to Applicant ·
Road Opening Permit under the Roads (Scotland) Act 1984 must be obtained from
the Council’s Roads Engineers prior to the formation/alteration of a junction
with the public road. · The access shall be constructed and drained to ensure that no surface ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
Report by Head of Development and Economic Growth Additional documents:
Minutes: The Planning Officer spoke to the terms of the report and to
supplementary report number 1 which advised that the examination into the
Argyll and Bute Proposed Local Development Plan 2 (PLDP2) by the Scottish
Government had now concluded and that the Examination Report was a material
consideration of significant weight. The
supplementary report highlighted the PLDP2 policies relevant to this
application and it was concluded that in this case there was no significant
material change of policy between the Adopted Plan and the PLDP2. Retrospective planning permission is sought for works that have been
carried out within the curtilage of No. 3 Academy Terrace, Rothesay, Isle of
Bute. Academy Terrace is a Category C
Listed Building. Development Plan
Policies and Supplementary Guidance and Historic Environment Scotland’s
publications seek to ensure that developments affecting the setting of a Listed
Building should preserve its character, and its special architectural or historic
interest. The application has elicited 4 objections from neighbouring properties. It is considered that the application is contrary to the relevant
Policies and Supplementary Guidance contained in National Planning Framework 4
and the Argyll and Bute Local Development Plan 2015, and the guidance provided
by Historic Environment Scotland in its “Managing Change in the Historic
Environment Setting”. It was recommended that planning permission be refused for the reasons
detailed in the report of handling. Decision The Committee agreed to refuse planning permission for the following
reasons: 1.
Terrace is a Category C Listed Building in Rothesay that is a symmetrical
gabled terrace set on a sloping site comprising six, two and three-storey, 2-bay
dwellinghouses. Academy
Road looks on to the building’s rear elevation and there is a set of steps that
runs centrally through the back gardens down to the property. Two footpaths
branch off diagonally from the steps to either end of the building. The
decking and fencing that have been erected within the rear garden area of No. 3
have a significantly adverse impact on the setting of Academy Terrace by virtue
of their relatively close proximity to the main building; their central
position in relation to the south western facade of the main building; and
their substantial vertical and horizontal scale. These result in the diminution
in one of the key views towards the building from Academy Road and the visual
intrusion into the relatively open and undeveloped character of the rear garden
areas. The front
elevation of Academy Terrace faces in a north easterly direction towards the
water and it occupies an elevated position above Argyle Street approximately 70
metres from the rear of the buildings at street level. Pedestrian access from
Argyle Street (which was already relatively steep) looks to have diminished
considerably over the years, with the path and set of steps becoming overgrown. The
fencing that has been erected around part of the north-eastern curtilage of No.
3 is considered to be unacceptable as it has a significantly adverse impact on
the setting of Academy Terrace by virtue of its solid form and appearance that
detracts from one of the key characteristics of the property, which is the relatively
open nature of its front garden areas. In view of the
foregoing, the application is considered to be contrary to the provisions of
the following: National Planning Framework 4
(2023) NPF4 Policy 7 – Historic Assets and
Places NPF4 Policy 14 – Design, Quality and
Place NPF 4 Policy 16 – Quality Homes Argyll and Bute Local Plan
2015 Policy LDP 3 – Supporting the
Protection Conservation and Enhancement of our Environment Policy LDP 9 – Development Setting,
Layout and Design Supplementary Guidance policy SG LDP
ENV 16(a) – Development Impact on Listed Buildings Supplementary Guidance policy SG LDP
Sustainable Siting and Design Principles Historic Environment Scotland
Published Guidance ‘Managing
Change in the Historic Environment: Setting’ (2020) 2.
decking that has been erected is 3 metres closer to the building than the patio
area that has been in existence for some time. The decking detracts from the
privacy and amenity of No. 2 Academy Terrace to a significantly adverse degree
as it constitutes an elevated external living space in association with No. 3
Academy Terrace that would allow the congregation of people for prolonged
periods with a relatively direct view into the ground floor kitchen window and
the upper floor bedroom window of the neighbouring dwellinghouse
at a distance of approximately 5 metres. In view of the foregoing, the
application is considered to be contrary to the provisions of the following: National Planning Framework 4
(2023) NPF 4 Policy 16 – Quality Homes Argyll and Bute Local Plan
2015 Policy LDP 9 – Development Setting,
Layout and Design Supplementary
Guidance policy SG LDP Sustainable Siting and Design Principles (Reference: Report by Head of
Development and Economic Growth dated 6 June 2023 and supplementary report
number 1 dated 19 June 2023, submitted) |
Report by Head of Development and Economic Growth Additional documents:
Minutes: The Senior Planning Officer spoke to
the terms of the report and
to supplementary report number 1 which advised that a holding objection by SEPA
in respect of proposals had now been withdrawn subject to the imposition of new
condition to replace condition 7 detailed in the main report of handling. The supplementary report also advised that
the examination into the Argyll and Bute Proposed Local Development Plan 2
(PLDP2) by the Scottish Government had now concluded and that the Examination
Report was a material consideration of significant weight. The supplementary report highlighted the
PLDP2 policies relevant to this application and it was concluded that in this
case there was no significant material change of policy between the Adopted
Plan and the PLDP2. The proposal is for the erection of a
275kV substation as part of a number of infrastructure proposals to “maintain
an efficient, coordinate and economical electrical transmission system” and is
required to allow connection for renewable energy in the area across the wider
electricity network. It is considered that the proposal
would accord with the principles and policies contained within the Local
Development Plan and National Planning Framework 4 and is acceptable in terms
of all other applicable material considerations. It was recommended that planning
permission be granted subject to the revised conditions and reasons listed in
Appendix 1 of supplementary report number 1. Decision The Committee agreed to grant planning
permission subject to the following conditions and reasons: 1.
The development shall be implemented in
accordance with the details specified on the application form dated 23.11.22;
the Environmental Appraisal (November 2022), supporting information and, the
approved drawings listed in the table below unless the prior written approval
of the planning authority is obtained for an amendment to the approved details
under Section 64 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997.
Reason: For the purpose of clarity, to ensure
that the development is implemented in accordance with the approved details. 2.
No construction works shall be commenced
until a Finalised Construction Environmental Management Document [CEMD] has
been submitted to and approved in writing by the Planning Authority, in
consultation with SEPA and other consultees, as appropriate. The development
shall then proceed in accordance with the approved CEMD unless otherwise agreed
in writing by the Planning Authority. The CEMD shall include: a)
updated Schedule of Mitigation (SM) highlighting mitigation set out within each
chapter of the Environmental Appraisal (EA), and the conditions of this
consent; b)
to control/ action changes from the agreed SM; c)
Environmental Management Plans (CEMPs) for the construction phase covering: i)
and species protection, including ECoW Details,
surveys and species protection plans; ii)
and Mitigation Restoration Plan including compensatory planting (refer to
Condition 9); iii)
prevention and control; iv)
management, including construction activity and vehicle movements; v)
noise and vibration vi)
site lighting; vii)
crossings; viii)
waste management ix)
and ground water management, including: drainage and sediment management
measures from all construction areas including access tracks, mechanisms to
ensure that construction will not take place during periods of high flow or
high rainfall; and a programme of water quality monitoring; x)
of borrow pits and associated habitats identified for restoration; xi)
Non-Native Species Management Plan xii)
Response Plans; xiii)
for post construction restoration/ reinstatement of the temporary working areas
and construction compound; and xiv)
relevant environmental management as may be relevant to the development d)
statement of responsibility to ‘stop the job/ activity’ if a breach or
potential breach of mitigation or legislation occurs; and e)
of monitoring, auditing, reporting and the communication of environmental
management on site and with client, Planning Authority, and other relevant
parties. Reason:
To ensure protection of surrounding environmental interests and general
amenity. 3.
No development shall commence until a
Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP) and Phased Delivery Plan have been
prepared and approved in writing by the Planning Authority and Transport
Scotland as the trunk roads Authority. The Plan shall include details of: a)
access routes, b)
operational practises (including avoidance of convoy movements, specifying
conduct in use of passing places, identification of turning areas, information
of wheel cleansing facilities, signage to be installed on the A83 warning of
construction traffic, signage or temporary traffic control measures to include
for larger or abnormal loads, reporting of verge damage); c)
provision of an appropriate Code of Practice to drivers of construction and
delivery vehicles. d)
load route surveys and finalised plan (including any accommodation measures
required including the removal of street furniture, junction widening, traffic
management). The development shall be implemented in
accordance with the duly approved Traffic Management Plan Reason:
To minimise the interference with the safety and free flow of traffic on the
trunk road and to ensure that the transportation of abnormal loads will not
have any detrimental effect on the trunk road network. 4. No development or ground breaking works shall commence until a programme of archaeological works in accordance with a written scheme of investigation, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Planning Authority in ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |
Report by Head of Development and Economic Growth Additional documents:
Minutes: The Senior Planning Officer spoke to
the terms of the report and
to supplementary report number 1 which advised that a holding objection by SEPA
in respect of proposals had now been withdrawn subject to the imposition of new
condition to replace condition 7 detailed in the main report of handling. The supplementary report also advised that
the examination into the Argyll and Bute Proposed Local Development Plan 2
(PLDP2) by the Scottish Government had now concluded and that the Examination
Report was a material consideration of significant weight. The supplementary report highlighted the
PLDP2 policies relevant to this application and it was concluded that in this
case there was no significant material change of policy between the Adopted
Plan and the PLDP2. The proposal is for the erection of a
275kV substation as part of a number of infrastructure proposals to “maintain
an efficient, coordinate and economical electrical transmission system” and is
required to allow connection for renewable energy in the area across the wider
electricity network. It is considered that the proposal
would accord with the principles and policies contained within the Local
Development Plan and National Planning Framework 4 and is acceptable in terms
of all other applicable material considerations. It was recommended that planning
permission be granted subject to the revised conditions and reasons listed in
Appendix 1 of supplementary report number 1. Decision The Committee agreed to grant planning
permission subject to the following conditions and reasons: 1.
The development shall be implemented in
accordance with the details specified on the application form dated 14.12.22;
the Environmental Appraisal (December 2022), supporting information and, the
approved drawings listed in the table below unless the prior written approval
of the planning authority is obtained for an amendment to the approved details
under Section 64 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997.
Reason: For the purpose of clarity, to ensure
that the development is implemented in accordance with the approved details. 2.
No construction works shall be commenced
until a Finalised Construction Environmental Management Plan [CEMP] has been
submitted to and approved in writing by the Planning Authority, in consultation
with SEPA and other consultees, as appropriate. The development shall then
proceed in accordance with the approved CEMP unless otherwise agreed in writing
by the Planning Authority. The CEMP shall include: a)
updated Schedule of Mitigation (SM) highlighting mitigation set out within each
chapter of the Environmental Appraisal (EA), and the conditions of this
consent; b)
to control/ action changes from the agreed SM; c)
Environmental Management Plans (CEMPs) for the construction phase covering: i)
and species protection, including ECoW Details,
surveys and species protection plans; ii)
and Mitigation Restoration Plan including compensatory planting (refer to
Condition 9); iii)
prevention and control; iv)
management, including construction activity and vehicle movements; v)
noise and vibration vi)
site lighting; vii)
crossings; viii)
waste management ix)
and ground water management, including: drainage and sediment management
measures from all construction areas including access tracks, mechanisms to
ensure that construction will not take place during periods of high flow or
high rainfall; and a programme of water quality monitoring; x)
of borrow pits and associated habitats identified for restoration; xi)
Non-Native Species Management Plan xii)
Response Plans; xiii)
for post construction restoration/ reinstatement of the temporary working areas
and construction compound; and xiv)
relevant environmental management as may be relevant to the development d)
statement of responsibility to ‘stop the job/ activity’ if a breach or
potential breach of mitigation or legislation occurs; and e)
of monitoring, auditing, reporting and the communication of environmental
management on site and with client, Planning Authority, and other relevant
parties. Reason:
To ensure protection of surrounding environmental interests and general
amenity. 3.
No development shall commence until a
Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP) and Phased Delivery Plan have been
prepared and approved in writing by the Planning Authority and Transport
Scotland as the trunk roads Authority. The Plan shall include details of: a)
access routes, b)
operational practises (including avoidance of convoy movements, specifying
conduct in use of passing places, identification of turning areas, information
of wheel cleansing facilities, signage to be installed on the A83 warning of
construction traffic, signage or temporary traffic control measures to include
for larger or abnormal loads, reporting of verge damage); c)
provision of an appropriate Code of Practice to drivers of construction and
delivery vehicles. d)
load route surveys and finalised plan (including any accommodation measures
required including the removal of street furniture, junction widening, traffic
management). The development shall be implemented in
accordance with the duly approved Traffic Management Plan Reason:
To minimise the interference with the safety and free flow of traffic on the
trunk road and to ensure that the transportation of abnormal loads will not
have any detrimental effect on the trunk road network. 4. No development or ground breaking works shall commence until a programme of archaeological works in ... view the full minutes text for item 8. |
Report by Head of Development and Economic Growth Additional documents:
Minutes: The Senior Planning Officer spoke to
the terms of the report and
to supplementary report number 1 which advised that a holding objection by SEPA
in respect of proposals had now been withdrawn subject to the imposition of new
condition to replace condition 7 detailed in the main report of handling. The supplementary report also advised that
the examination into the Argyll and Bute Proposed Local Development Plan 2
(PLDP2) by the Scottish Government had now concluded and that the Examination
Report was a material consideration of significant weight. The supplementary report highlighted the
PLDP2 policies relevant to this application and it was concluded that in this
case there was no significant material change of policy between the Adopted
Plan and the PLDP2. The proposal is for the erection of a
275kV substation as part of a number of infrastructure proposals to “maintain
an efficient, coordinate and economical electrical transmission system” and is
required to allow connection for renewable energy in the area across the wider
electricity network. It is considered that the proposal
would accord with the principles and policies contained within the Local
Development Plan and National Planning Framework 4 and is acceptable in terms
of all other applicable material considerations. It was recommended that planning
permission be granted subject to the revised conditions and reasons listed in
Appendix 1 of supplementary report number 1. Decision The Committee agreed to grant planning
permission subject to the following conditions and reasons: 1.
The development shall be implemented in
accordance with the details specified on the application form dated 14.12.22;
the Environmental Appraisal (December 2022), supporting information and, the
approved drawings listed in the table below unless the prior written approval
of the planning authority is obtained for an amendment to the approved details
under Section 64 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997.
Reason: For the purpose of clarity, to ensure
that the development is implemented in accordance with the approved details. 2.
No construction works shall be commenced
until a Finalised Construction Environmental Management Plan [CEMP] has been
submitted to and approved in writing by the Planning Authority, in consultation
with SEPA and other consultees, as appropriate. The development shall then
proceed in accordance with the approved CEMP unless otherwise agreed in writing
by the Planning Authority. The CEMP shall include: a)
updated Schedule of Mitigation (SM) highlighting mitigation set out within each
chapter of the Environmental Appraisal (EA), and the conditions of this
consent; b)
to control/ action changes from the agreed SM; c)
Environmental Management Plans (CEMPs) for the construction phase covering: i)
and species protection, including ECoW Details,
surveys and species protection plans; ii)
and Mitigation Restoration Plan including compensatory planting (refer to
Condition 9); iii)
prevention and control; iv)
management, including construction activity and vehicle movements; v)
noise and vibration vi)
site lighting; vii)
crossings; viii)
waste management ix)
and ground water management, including: drainage and sediment management
measures from all construction areas including access tracks, mechanisms to
ensure that construction will not take place during periods of high flow or
high rainfall; and a programme of water quality monitoring; x)
of borrow pits and associated habitats identified for restoration; xi)
Non-Native Species Management Plan xii)
Response Plans; xiii)
for post construction restoration/ reinstatement of the temporary working areas
and construction compound; and xiv)
relevant environmental management as may be relevant to the development d)
statement of responsibility to ‘stop the job/ activity’ if a breach or
potential breach of mitigation or legislation occurs; and e)
of monitoring, auditing, reporting and the communication of environmental
management on site and with client, Planning Authority, and other relevant
parties. Reason:
To ensure protection of surrounding environmental interests and general
amenity. 3.
No development shall commence until a
Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP) and Phased Delivery Plan have been
prepared and approved in writing by the Planning Authority and Transport
Scotland as the trunk roads Authority. The Plan shall include details of: a)
access routes, ·
HGV construction traffic to use the Cross Kintyre Haul Route. ·
B8001 Redhouse - Skipness
Road and the B842 Claonaig - Southend Road must not
be used by HGV's. ·
B8001 Redhouse - Skipness
Road and the B842 Claonaig - Southend Road may be
used by LGV related to these works b)
operational practises (including avoidance of convoy movements, specifying
conduct in use of passing places, identification of turning areas, information
of wheel cleansing facilities, signage to be installed on the A83 warning of
construction traffic, signage or temporary traffic control measures to include
for larger or abnormal loads, reporting of verge damage); c)
provision of an appropriate Code of Practice to drivers of construction and
delivery vehicles. d)
load route surveys and finalised plan (including any accommodation measures
required including the removal of street furniture, junction widening, traffic
management). The development shall be implemented in
accordance with the duly approved Traffic Management Plan Reason: To minimise the interference with the safety and free flow of traffic on the trunk road and to ensure that the transportation of abnormal loads will not have any detrimental ... view the full minutes text for item 9. |
The Chair ruled, and the Committee agreed, to take a short comfort break at 3.00 pm. The Committee reconvened at 3.10 pm. |
Report by Head of Development and Economic Growth Additional documents:
Minutes: The Planning Officer spoke to the terms of supplementary report number
1 which advised that the examination into the Argyll and Bute Proposed Local
Development Plan 2 (PLDP2) by the Scottish Government had now concluded and
that the Examination Report was a material consideration of significant
weight. The supplementary report
highlighted the PLDP2 policies relevant to this application and it was
concluded that in this case there was no significant material change of policy
between the Adopted Plan and the PLDP2. The supplementary report also referred to a further representation
received from one of the objectors. The
Planning Officer also advised of a further representation received by an
original objector which related to the same subject as the late objection
referred to in the supplementary report regarding concerns about flooding and
drainage. The Planning Officer advised that the most significant item in the
supplementary report was a request from the Applicant that determination of
this application be deferred to allow an opportunity for him to engage in
discussions with Council Officers and to prepare further details of a scheme of
commensurate off-site road improvements for assessment by Planning Officers in
consultation with Area Roads Engineers. It was recommended that determination of this application be deferred
to allow an opportunity for the Applicant to prepare and submit further details
to demonstrate to the satisfaction of Council Officers that there were no constraints
to the implementation of an agreed scheme of commensurate off-site road
improvements. Decision The Committee agreed to defer determination of this application to allow an opportunity for the Applicant to prepare and submit further details to demonstrate to the satisfaction of Council Officers that there were no constraints to the implementation of an agreed scheme of commensurate off-site road improvements and noted that this would be reported back to the Committee at a future meeting. (Reference: Report by Head of Development and Economic Growth dated 13 June 2023 and supplementary report number 1 dated 20 June 2023, submitted) |
PROPOSED PROGRAMME OF PLANNING TRAINING FOR MEMBERS PDF 116 KB Report by Head of Development and Economic Growth Additional documents: Minutes: Over
the past 10 years a series of short training sessions or occasionally
workshops/site visits have been delivered for all elected Members with an aim
to improve knowledge of the planning system on a wide range of issues. A report
seeking endorsement of the training programme from August 2023 to June 2024 was
before the Committee for consideration. Decision The
Committee: 1.
agreed to continuing an ongoing
programme of planning related training for Members of the PPSL Committee, and
that it be open to any other Members not currently involved in planning
decision-making; and 2.
endorsed the initial subject areas
for training and the provisional dates for delivery, on the understanding that
the programme may be varied to take account of any additional training
requirements Members may wish to identify, along with any other particular
training needs identified by Officers as a consequence of matters emerging
during the course of the year. (Reference:
Report by Head of Development and Economic Growth dated 5 June 2023, submitted) |
REGULATORY SERVICES - SERVICE PLAN 2023-25 PDF 286 KB Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Development and Economic Growth Additional documents: Minutes: A report presenting the Regulatory Services Service Plan 2023-25 was considered. The Plan provided details of service achievements and performance in 2022-23 together with service priorities for 2023-25. Decision The Committee considered and approved the Regulatory Services Service Plan 2023-25. (Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Development and Economic Growth dated 12 June 2023 and Regulatory Services Service Plan 2023-2025, submitted) |
BUILDING STANDARDS BALANCED SCORECARD 2023-25 PDF 846 KB Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Development and Economic Growth Additional documents: Minutes: A report presenting the Building Standards Balanced Scorecard 2023-25 was considered. The Scorecard provided details of achievements and performance in 2022-23, together with service priorities for 2023-25. Decision The Committee considered and approved the Building Standards Balanced Scorecard 2023-25. (Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Development and Economic Growth dated 12 June 2023 and Building Standards Service Plan 2023-2025, submitted) |
The Committee resolved in terms of Section 50(A)(4) of the
Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 to exclude the press and public for the
following item of business on the grounds that it was likely to involve the
disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 13 of Part 1 of
Schedule 7A to the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973. |
E1 |
ENFORCEMENT REPORT REFERENCE 22/00002/ENFHSH Report by Head of Development and Economic Growth Minutes: Consideration was given to Enforcement Report reference 22/00002/ENFHSH. Decision The Committee agreed the recommendations detailed in the report. (Reference: Report by Head of Development and Economic Growth dated 6 June 2023, submitted) |