Report by Head of Development and Economic Growth
The Senior Planning Officer spoke to
the terms of the report and
to supplementary report number 1 which advised that a holding objection by SEPA
in respect of proposals had now been withdrawn subject to the imposition of new
condition to replace condition 7 detailed in the main report of handling. The supplementary report also advised that
the examination into the Argyll and Bute Proposed Local Development Plan 2
(PLDP2) by the Scottish Government had now concluded and that the Examination
Report was a material consideration of significant weight. The supplementary report highlighted the
PLDP2 policies relevant to this application and it was concluded that in this
case there was no significant material change of policy between the Adopted
Plan and the PLDP2.
The proposal is for the erection of a
275kV substation as part of a number of infrastructure proposals to “maintain
an efficient, coordinate and economical electrical transmission system” and is
required to allow connection for renewable energy in the area across the wider
electricity network.
It is considered that the proposal
would accord with the principles and policies contained within the Local
Development Plan and National Planning Framework 4 and is acceptable in terms
of all other applicable material considerations.
It was recommended that planning
permission be granted subject to the revised conditions and reasons listed in
Appendix 1 of supplementary report number 1.
The Committee agreed to grant planning
permission subject to the following conditions and reasons:
The development shall be implemented in
accordance with the details specified on the application form dated 14.12.22;
the Environmental Appraisal (December 2022), supporting information and, the
approved drawings listed in the table below unless the prior written approval
of the planning authority is obtained for an amendment to the approved details
under Section 64 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997.
Plan Title. |
Plan Ref. No. |
Version |
Date Received |
Site Location Plan |
A01 |
A01 |
24.2.23 |
Site Layout Plan |
4534d-DR-P-0017 |
Rev.5 |
26.5.23 |
Existing Substation Proposed Platform Extension and Detail |
4534d-DR-P-0027 |
- |
24.2.23 |
Substation Compound Layout and Electrical Section Locations |
4534d-DR-P-0004 |
Rev.2 |
24.2.23 |
Proposed Site Access Profiles |
4534d-DR-P-0021 |
Rev.1 |
24.2.23 |
Proposed Site Profiles |
4534d-DR-P-0018 |
Rev.1 |
24.2.23 |
Site Access Details |
4534d-DR-P-0008 |
Rev.2 |
24.2.23 |
Typical Deer Fence and Gate |
4534d-DR-P-0016 |
- |
24.2.23 |
2.5m High Security Palisade Fencing Details |
CE/34/2015 |
Rev. E |
24.2.23 |
Electrical Layout Elevations 01 |
4534d-DR-P-0011 |
Rev.1 |
24.2.23 |
Compound layout& Electrical Section Locations |
4534d-DR_P-0004 |
Rev.2 |
24.2.23 |
Generator Building Elevations and Floor Plan |
4534d-DR-P-0009 |
Rev.2 |
24.2.23 |
Control Building Elevations |
4534d-DR-P-0006 |
Rev.1 |
24.2.23 |
Control Building Layout |
4534d-DR-P-0022 |
Rev.1 |
24.2.23 |
Control Building Elevations |
4534d-DR-P-0023 |
Rev.1 |
24.2.23 |
Transformer Building Elevations |
4534d-DR-P-0019 |
Rev.1 |
24.2.23 |
Transformer Building Layout |
4534d-DR-P-0020 |
Rev.1 |
24.2.23 |
Reason: For the purpose of clarity, to ensure
that the development is implemented in accordance with the approved details.
No construction works shall be commenced
until a Finalised Construction Environmental Management Plan [CEMP] has been
submitted to and approved in writing by the Planning Authority, in consultation
with SEPA and other consultees, as appropriate. The development shall then
proceed in accordance with the approved CEMP unless otherwise agreed in writing
by the Planning Authority. The CEMP shall include:
updated Schedule of Mitigation (SM) highlighting mitigation set out within each
chapter of the Environmental Appraisal (EA), and the conditions of this
to control/ action changes from the agreed SM;
Environmental Management Plans (CEMPs) for the construction phase covering:
and species protection, including ECoW Details,
surveys and species protection plans;
and Mitigation Restoration Plan including compensatory planting (refer to
Condition 9);
prevention and control;
management, including construction activity and vehicle movements;
noise and vibration
site lighting;
waste management
and ground water management, including: drainage and sediment management
measures from all construction areas including access tracks, mechanisms to
ensure that construction will not take place during periods of high flow or
high rainfall; and a programme of water quality monitoring;
of borrow pits and associated habitats identified for restoration;
Non-Native Species Management Plan
Response Plans;
for post construction restoration/ reinstatement of the temporary working areas
and construction compound; and
relevant environmental management as may be relevant to the development
statement of responsibility to ‘stop the job/ activity’ if a breach or
potential breach of mitigation or legislation occurs; and
of monitoring, auditing, reporting and the communication of environmental
management on site and with client, Planning Authority, and other relevant
To ensure protection of surrounding environmental interests and general
No development shall commence until a
Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP) and Phased Delivery Plan have been
prepared and approved in writing by the Planning Authority and Transport
Scotland as the trunk roads Authority. The Plan shall include details of:
access routes,
HGV construction traffic to use the Cross Kintyre Haul Route.
B8001 Redhouse - Skipness
Road and the B842 Claonaig - Southend Road must not
be used by HGV's.
B8001 Redhouse - Skipness
Road and the B842 Claonaig - Southend Road may be
used by LGV related to these works
operational practises (including avoidance of convoy movements, specifying
conduct in use of passing places, identification of turning areas, information
of wheel cleansing facilities, signage to be installed on the A83 warning of
construction traffic, signage or temporary traffic control measures to include
for larger or abnormal loads, reporting of verge damage);
provision of an appropriate Code of Practice to drivers of construction and
delivery vehicles.
load route surveys and finalised plan (including any accommodation measures
required including the removal of street furniture, junction widening, traffic
The development shall be implemented in
accordance with the duly approved Traffic Management Plan
To minimise the interference with the safety and free flow of traffic on the
trunk road and to ensure that the transportation of abnormal loads will not
have any detrimental effect on the trunk or local road network.
No development or ground breaking works shall
commence until a programme of archaeological works in accordance with a written
scheme of investigation, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the
Planning Authority in consultation with the West of Scotland Archaeology
Service. The scheme shall be prepared by a suitably qualified person and shall
provide for the recording, recovery and reporting of items of interest or finds
within the application site. Thereafter the development shall be implemented in
accordance with the duly approved details with the suitably qualified person
being afforded access at all reasonable times during ground disturbance works.
In order to protect archaeological resources.
No development shall commence, until a
strategy for housing incoming construction workers shall be submitted to and
approved in writing by the Planning Authority. Thereafter the development shall
be carried out in accordance with the approved details.
In order to ensure that any potential adverse impacts on the functioning of the
local housing market and tourist accommodation to the detriment of the
interests of the local community are identified and mitigated in accordance with
the requirements of NPF4, and in particular Policy 11C and Policy 25
No development shall commence until an
appraisal of the wholesomeness and sufficiency of the intended private water
supply and the system required to serve the development has been submitted to
and approved by the Planning Authority.
The appraisal shall be carried out by a
qualified hydrologist/ hydrogeologist or other suitably competent person and
shall include a risk assessment having regard to the requirements of Schedule 4
of the Private Water Supplies (Scotland) Regulations 2006 or Part 3 of the
Water Intended for Human Consumption (Private Supplies) (Scotland) Regulations
2017 (as appropriate) which shall inform the design of the system by which a
wholesome and sufficient water supply shall be provided and maintained. The
appraisal shall also demonstrate that the wholesomeness and sufficiency of any
other supply in the vicinity of the development, or any other person utilising
the same source or supply, shall not be compromised by the proposed
The development shall not be brought into use
or occupied until the required water supply system has been installed in
accordance with the agreed specification and is operational.
In the interests of public health and in order to ensure that an adequate
private water supply in terms of both wholesomeness and sufficiency can be
provided to meet the requirements of the proposed development and without
compromising the interests of other users of the same or nearby private water
No development shall commence
until a detailed peat management and reinstatement plan has been submitted to
and approved by the Planning Authority in consultation with SEPA.
This shall be submitted to the planning authority
and SEPA no later than two months prior to the intended commencement of
development date and include details of :
The restored peatland shall thereafter be
maintained in accordance with the terms of the approved peatland management
plan, and retained in perpetuity unless with the written agreement of the
Planning Authority in consultation with SEPA.
The restored area shall not be subject to any works
or operations in the future to undermine the objectives of the restoration
objectives contained in the approved Peat Management Plan.
The peat improvement works shall also be undertaken
in accordance with the objectives of the necessary habitat and management plan
set out at condition 08 below.
Reason: In order
to minimise disturbance of peat and ensure the appropriate reinstatement, reuse
and management of peat in accordance with NPF 4 Policy 5 (c) objectives.
No works to excavate any peat on the site
shall be undertaken until a Habitat Management and Enhancement Plan has been
submitted to and approved by the Planning Authority in consultation with its
biodiversity advisor.
To ensure that works result in habitat enhancement works being undertaken in
accordance with NPF 4 and LDP Objectives.
No development shall commence until a
detailed Compensatory Planting Plan (CPP) and Long Term Forestry Management
Plan (LTFMP) are submitted to and approved in writing by the Planning
Authority, in consultation with Scottish Forestry. The approved CPP and LTFMP
shall be implemented in full and in accordance with the approved timing, unless
otherwise agreed in writing by the Planning Authority.
To enable appropriate woodland removal to proceed, without incurring a net loss
in woodland related public benefit, in accordance with the Scottish
Government's policy on the Control of Woodland Removal.
No development shall commence, until a
revised Landscape Planting Plan and Maintenance Plan in accordance with BS EN
ISO 11091:1999 has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Planning
Authority. The revised plans must include:
plan showing numbers and locations of each tree and shrub species;
schedule to show for each species, the total number, type and size at planting;
for planting to include ground preparation, planting operations and protection
from herbivores;
planting scheme for tree loss
of implementation and phasing;
The approved Landscape Planting Plan and
Maintenance Plan shall thereafter be implemented in full in accordance with the
implementation schedule and maintained in accordance with the approved details.
Any plant losses within the first five years will be replaced at the next
planting season.
To ensure the development conserves and enhances the landscape character and
biodiversity interests of the area.
Any watercourse crossings, hereby permitted, shall
be designed to at least the capacity of the existing channel and to the 1 in
200 year plus climate change flow and an allowance for freeboard, unless
otherwise agreed in writing by the Planning Authority.
To ensure that new watercourse crossings do not affect the existing flows in
the interests of flood risk.
No external lighting shall be installed on
the site other than with the prior written approval of the planning authority.
In that event the location, type and luminance of the lighting units to be
installed shall be specified, and any duly approved lighting shall be installed
in a manner which minimises illumination and glare outwith
the boundary of the application site. The completed site shall not be
illuminated other than in the event of staff being present on site.
In order to avoid unnecessary visual intrusion in the interests of the visual
amenity of an area otherwise unaffected by the presence of light sources.
No development shall take place outside the
following hours:
07.00hrs and 19.00hrs Mon to Friday
07.00hrs and 18.00hrs Saturday
No construction works shall take place on
Sundays or Scottish Bank Holidays
unless as otherwise may be agreed in writing
with Environmental Protection Officers in advance of the operations
Non-construction work and switching works can
be carried out on Sundays and Scottish Bank Holidays between the hours of 08.00
and 13.00.
Reason: To minimise the impact of noise, generated by construction activities,
on occupiers of residential properties.
(Reference: Report by Head of Development and Economic Growth dated 8
June 2023 and supplementary report number 1 dated 20 June 2023, submitted)
Supporting documents: