Budget planning 2025

The council services you use need funding. We do not have enough funding to meet all demands. We would like your views on prioritising, protecting and providing Argyll and Bute’s council services.

Faced with one of its highest budget gaps in recent times, we are asking communities for their views on what services we should prioritise.  

Despite services delivering a range of more than £50 million in savings over the last 10 years, the council still faces having to deliver further savings over the next five years to balance the budget. 

The budget gap prior to considering any savings options is £14.9 million.  After accounting for previously agreed savings, possible future savings, increases to fees and charges, and an indicative Council Tax increase of 5%, the gap reduces to £6.4m in 2025-26 and £27m over the next five years. 

A four-week budget survey aims to gather public views on what services matter most. The survey is available on the council website with paper copies available on request. 

Give us your views in our budget survey

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