Meetings, agendas and minutes

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Welcome to Argyll & Bute Councils Committee Information pages. Here you will find details of meetings of the Council, its Committees, Area Committees and Policy Development Groups together with public documents associated with these meetings including Agendas, Reports and Minutes. Confidential items are not available to be viewed here by statutory provision.

Select Calendar for details of all of the Councils Committee Meetings taking place over the next few days and links to view the agendas and minutes for these meetings. Agendas are put on this site, three clear working days before the meeting. Where the business is confidential the Committee or Group may agree to exclude the public in terms of the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985. The agenda will show whether the public are likely to be excluded, for part or all of a meeting.

Select Meetings to give you access to decisions taken by the Council from approximately August 2002.

The Search facility allows all available documents to be viewed containing the matched query. This facility shows the matches by highlighting web links directly to appropriate Meeting date, the Agenda item and the reports themselves. Click on Tips for Searching for further help.

IMPORTANT – Agendas and Reports are NOT agreed documents. They are discussion documents and do not necessarily reflect the final agreed position of the Council. Consult the minutes, available on this system, for the decisions of the Council. A minute on an Agenda is subject to ratification at the next meeting of that Committee as a correct record.

Further Information

For further information or general enquiries on Committee business please contact:

Committee Services Section
Customer Services
Argyll & Bute Council
Argyll PA31 8RT

Telephone : 01546 605522