1 rep, 1 sub
SJC is Scotland’s largest council in terms of both employer representation and
the number of employees covered. The full SJC contains 32 councillors (one from
each Scottish local authority), the COSLA Resources Spokesperson, and 33 trades
union representatives.
full SJC meets once a year in November and has decision making authority. In
practice, however, decisions about financial matters, and pay in particular,
are reserved for COSLA Leaders who provide negotiating remits.
council is asked to nominate one member to the SJC. The SJC constitution does
not specify anything about the councillor nominated and, while it does not need
to be a Leader or Depute Leader, a resources spokesperson or similar may be
appropriate. When the nominated councillor is unable to attend a meeting, the constitution
allows another councillor to substitute. SJC advises that councils may wish to
nominate a member who can deputise in this way, or may wish to address it on an
ad hoc basis should the need arise.
Ed Gordon, Policy Assistant Email: ed@cosla.gov.uk