Declarations of interest for agenda item 'SUPPORTING COMMUNITIES FUND 2019/2020'
- Councillor Alan Reid - Non Financial - non-financial interest at item 3. Supporting Communities Fund 2019/20 (project 16. Kirn Gala) as he is a member of the Board.
- Councillor Gordon Blair - Non Financial - non-financial interest at item 3. Supporting Communities Fund 2019/20 as he is a member of Cowal Fiddle Workshop and Cowal Community Orchestra.
- Councillor Jim Anderson - Non Financial - non-financial interest at item 3. Supporting Communities fund 2019/20 (project 16. Kirn Gala) as he is a member of the board, (project 17. Kirn Primary School Parent Council) as his wife is a teacher at the school and (Project 20. PA23 BID Ltd - Dunoon Presents) as he has a Council Appointment on the Board.