Issue - decisions



Question from Joe Reid, Tobermory Community Council


In relation to the Mull Traffic Road Order (TRO), Mr Reid asked the Committee who they choose to listen to, the voting public who Members’ represent or the advice of Officers?  Mr Reid tabled a document and asked the Committee to consider its contents and respond to the statements contained within.


Response from the Committee


The Chair confirmed that Members did listen to and work hard for their communities and take cognisance of the advice from professional officers.


Councillor Green stated that it is Officers who advise, but it is Councillors who decide and after weighing up advice given in good faith by Officers he felt that the decision reached at the Area Committee in 12 June 2019 regarding the Mull TRO was the right decision to make at that time. He stated that he welcomed the Chief Executive’s acknowledgment of the failings and how to proceed.


Councillor McGrigor stated that mistakes had been made of which the Council had recognised and that the Council and public should work together for a positive outcome. 


Councillor McKenzie apologised for what had happened and welcomed the people from Mull and Iona that were in attendance and asked the Chair to consider a recess in order for the Committee to consider the tabled item.


Councillor Devon spoke about the TRO process whereby she felt people were not allowed to speak and suggested an adjournment to allow the Committee to consider the tabled item and therefore their responses.


The Chair ruled, and the Committee agreed, to adjourn the meeting at 11.00am to allow Members of the Committee time to consider the tabled item.


The Committee reconvened at 11:10am.


The Chair recognised that mistakes and errors were made and apologised for these, adding that she and deeply regretted the anxiety and stress it had caused the communities of Mull and Iona. Councillor Robertson welcomed the Chief Executive’s apology and commitment to review the TRO consultation process in a meaningful manor. She stated that during the public meeting on Mull she was under the impression the Islands Community Impact Assessment would be incorporated into the TRO process but it was not until a later date it was discovered that the supporting legislation was not in place.


Councillor Vennard stated that there was a need to look at the way the Council consults and communicates in the future and they need to wait until the full terms of the Islands Act are in place.


Councillor Green referred to his earlier statement and agreed that procedural mistakes had been made, but he believed Councillors went beyond what they were required to do.  He stated that he welcomed the opportunity to improve procedures and to listen to communities and there was a need for any revised procedures to take into account the differing natures of communities.


Councillor McGrigor stated that Members had acknowledged the mistakes and he understood that car parking was not just about generating income but also about safety. 


Councillor Lynch said that he welcomed the statement from the Chief Executive and the opportunity to follow up and learn from what had happened in a positive way.


Councillor McKenzie felt the investigation process should be taken forward out with the Council and by an independent investigation team.


Councillor Devon welcomed the revocation of the Mull TRO but could not forget the concern caused amongst island communities and asked that the Committee listen to and back the affected communities.


The Chair thanked Members for all their contributions, adding that the Area Committee had acknowledged their concerns and deeply regretted the stress and anxiety it had caused to communities, specifically those on Mull and Iona.


Question from Adrian Steven


Mr Steven stated that the minutes of the Mull TRO Community participation meeting were not produced in a timely manner and that the notes released under a Freedom of Information Request were ineligible. Mr Steven also highlighted that the attendees had not been given the opportunity to comment on the accuracy of the minutes.  He asked what procedures were in place to ensure attendees were offered the opportunity to comment on the accuracy of the minutes?


Answer from Officers


The Executive Director of Customer Services advised that as a matter of principle any meeting note or minute would be produced within an appropriate timeframe, but they are not a verbatim record of proceedings but a summary.


Mr Hendry stated that he did not know the particular circumstances, adding that if the minutes had been produced 14 months after the meeting that this would certainly be of concern. Mr Hendry, on behalf of Chief Executive, assured Mr Steven that any short comings in procedures would be addressed and lessons learnt.


Question from Shiona Ruheman, Iona Community Council


Ms Ruheman stated that they want to work with Members to repair the damage done and welcomed the Chief Executive’s apology.  She said the community felt they were silenced by their elected representatives and asked that Councillors dig a bit deeper and to stop using a passive voice and acknowledge mistakes they had made.


Response from the Committee


Councillor Green stated that he was under no illusion of the representations from the community about an unpopular decision but safety concerns needed to be looked into.


Question from Neil MacIntyre, Oban Community Council


Mr MacIntyre asked for further details on the financial details contained within the ‘Mossfield Stadium Upgrade Proposal – Next Steps’ report that would be considered at the Area Committee, and for clarity on the aims and objectivise of the  Oban Strategic Framework.


Response from the Committee


The Chair advised that as these items would be considered later in the agenda they would be addressed at this point and that the Area Committee Manager would direct the responses back to Mr MacIntyre.


Question from John Steel


Mr Steel asked what the current policy was on the upkeep of verges along the A85 and what steps had been taken regarding the litter free Scotland 5 year plan. 


Answer from Officers


The Head of Roads and Amenity Services advised that the council had no direct remit as it is not the roads authority for the A85 but would take the specific issues back to BEAR Scotland for him.


Mr Smith advised that the council work with a multitude of agencies and that there were 2 formal litter picks each year. The Council also works to promote responsible behaviours.


The Chair ruled, and the Committee agreed, to adjourn the meeting at 12:28pm to allow for a short break.