Issue - decisions



Notification of the Argyll and Bute Joint Inspection of Children’s Services was received on 20 June 2018.  The Care Inspectorate and its partner agencies are inspecting the services for children, young people and families that are delivered across Argyll and Bute by the Community Planning Partnership.  Argyll and Bute is the first partnership in Scotland to be inspected to the revised quality improvement framework published in August 2018.  The inspection report will be published in March 2019 and will set out what works well and what could improve.  The Community Planning Partnership will be expected to take action on any recommendations the inspectors make for improvements.  A report providing the Committee with a note of the preparation and activity that has taken place across Argyll and Bute in support of the Joint Inspection of Children’s Services was before the Committee for consideration.




The Committee agreed:


1.    to note the preparation and activity that had taken place across Argyll and Bute in support of the Joint Inspection of Children’s Services and to thank all involved with this process; and


2.    to request a detailed report on the inspection findings and associated improvement plan be brought to the June 2019 meeting of the Community Services Committee.


(Reference: Report by Executive Director – Customer Services dated 1 November 2018, submitted)