Issue - decisions


24/10/2017 - Policy Savings for 2018-19

A report which provided Members with information on Policy Savings which had been identified between 2018-19 to 2020-21 was considered. The savings totalled £1.847m in 2018-19 rising to £5.765m by 2020-21 have policy implications and in some cases could result in redundancies.


The Executive Director – Customer Services clarified that the figure of £1.997m in paragraph 1.1 of the submitted report should be £1.847m as detailed at the bottom of the table on page 49 of the agenda pack.




The Policy and Resources Committee –


1.     Noted the Policy Savings identified.


2.     Noted that even if all the savings options were to be accepted there would still be a revenue funding gap for 2018-19 and subsequent years as per the Head of Strategic Finance’s Budget Outlook Report.


3.     Agreed to recommend to the Special Council on 26 October 2017, the options for further development.


(Reference:  Report by Executive Director - Customer Services dated 22 September 2017, submitted)