Issue - decisions


06/07/2017 - LEADER'S REPORT

The Council gave consideration to a report which updated Members on the activities undertaken by the Leader of the Council since she was elected on 18 May 2017 and the issues which had been represented to her in her role.




The Council –


1.    Noted the content of the report.


2.    Noted that the full Leader’s report pack was available in the Leader’s office which included COSLA Briefing Papers as referenced in the report.


3.    Noted that COSLA items heard in public session could be provided to members electronically and the papers for items taken in private session could be reviewed in the Leader’s office.


(Reference:  Report by Leader of the Council dated 23 June 2017, submitted)


The Provost congratulated the Leader of the Council on her first report since she had been elected.