Issue - decisions



The Board gave consideration to a report providing details of the review of Piers and Harbours fees and charges and listed recommendations for implementation based upon the outcome of the review.


Councillor MacDougall had emailed the Chair questions he wished to be raised in his absence and it was agreed that Officers would respond to him directly and copy the rest of the Harbour Board into any correspondence.


Particular attention was paid to the review of services provided at main ports which included staffing at Craignure and Port Askaig, crane provision at Campbeltown, charging for rope handling and shoreside customer services and the provision of electricity and CCTV with the possibility of charging commercial water rates to be explored in the ongoing review.




The Harbour Board;


a)    agreed to the structure of charging set out in section 5.8 of the report subject to legal advice confirming compliance with the relevant legislation and further consultation;


b)    noted that officers will consult with Transport Scotland, Calmac and other harbour users on the proposals to set fees and charges that meet both the asset sustainability costs and future improvement costs associated with the piers and harbours Argyll and Bute has responsibility for;


c)    noted the proposed appointment of two members of staff, one at Port Askaig and the other at Craignure to oversee these facilities;


d)    noted that further reports on the following will be provided in due course;


i)      opportunities to work in partnership with local community groups to maximise the recovery of berthing dues;


ii)     the introduction of CCTV at remote facilities;


iii)    expanding the current provision of electricity for visiting vessels;


iv)   the provision of a crane at Campbeltown; and


e)    noted that the legal advice outcome of the further consultation and the proposed level of the new fees and charges will be reported to the Board in January 2017.


(Reference: Report by Executive Director of Development and Infrastructure Services dated 10 November, submitted)