Issue - decisions



The Board considered a report providing an update on ongoing initiatives to ensure compliance with the Port Marine Safety Code; it followed on from the last report presented to the Harbour Board on 14 January 2016.


Previous reports explained that the Council had appointed ‘Marico Marine’ to provide an independent “Designated Person” (DP) service, as described in the Port Marine Safety Code (PMSC), on a three year contract which expires in December 2017.  The PMSC states that each harbour authority must appoint an individual as the DP to provide independent assurance to the duty holder that the marine safety management system is working effectively; it describes the DP as ‘independent’, with direct access to the Board.  Prior to cessation of the existing contract, the position of DP will be re-tendered.


It was confirmed to the Board that at its meeting on 22 January 2015 the council agreed the publication of a notice confirming the Duty Holder as specified in the PMSC as Executive Director of Development and Infrastructure Services and operational management is delegated to the Head of Roads and Amenity Services and any future reports would be updated to reflect this ensuring that wording used is applicable to Argyll and Bute Council.




The Harbour Board noted the content of the report including the planned steps as identified in section 5.4:


1)            User Group meetings at four main ports have now been arranged for April and a programme of meetings going forward is to be agreed;


2)            Work on compilation of appendices to the SMS document for main piers and harbours to continue;


3)            Once documentation has been produced for the main piers and harbours, a similar exercise will be carried out for the less strategic ports; and


4)            Following the initial ‘User Groups’ for all main ports, further meetings at lesser ports are to be arranged.


(Reference: Report by Executive Director – Development and Infrastructure Services dated 17 March 2016, submitted)