Issue - decisions

Engaging with Young People

17/03/2014 - Engaging with Young People

The group heard updates from both Roanna Clark, Argyll and Bute Young Scot

Co-ordinator and Raymond Flanagan, Youth Development Worker in regards the processes currently in place for engagement with young people.


The Chair advised the group that the Short Life Working Group (SLWG) was currently working on these issues.


Discussion ensued and the group detailed the various procedures being implemented locally in encouraging more community involvement with local young people.  Roanna advised of the local representation on the Scottish Youth Parliament and the forthcoming Referendum workshop which would be held on 17 March in Lochgilphead.


Roanna highlighted various initiatives which included:-


Local Youth forums     

Homecoming Event

Leadership Courses – which were SVQ Level 2 accredited


The group gave further consideration to the most opportune ways to involve young people.  These included:


Leaflets/posters to be distributed on school buses

Use of social media sites.


Both Roanna and Raymond indicated their willingness to work with and advise Community Councils in relation to the best ways to engage with young people in their area.  The Community Council representatives welcomed this opportunity


The Chair thanked both Roanna and Raymond for their informative updates.