A report updating the Committee with information about interventions being taken within Education Services to ensure that Care Experienced Children and Young People achieve the best possible educational outcomes was considered.
The report also detailed the expenditure against the grant allocated by Scottish Government to Argyll and Bute for session 2020/21 from the Scottish Attainment Challenge Care Experienced Children and Young People Fund.
The Committee agreed:
1. to continue to endorse the work undertaken by Argyll and Bute Education Services as part of the Corporate Parenting Board to improve the educational attainment and life chances of Care Experienced Children and Young People;
2. to note that the spending plan for the grant allocated by Scottish Government to Argyll and Bute for session 2020/21 from the Scottish Attainment Challenge Care Experienced Children and Young People Fund has been produced and monitored by the Education Lead (Principal Teacher) for Care Experienced Children and Young People, in consultation with key partners and specifically the Social Work Lead for Care Experience, the Chief Education Officer and Chief Social Work Officer;
3. the attainment funding for Care Experienced Children and Young People would support the continued input from the Principal Teacher for Care Experienced Children and Young People role and roles of the Care Experience Health and Wellbeing Liaison Officers; and
4. that the Head of Education: Lifelong Learning and Support continues to provide updates on the improved outcomes for Care Experienced Children and Young People to the Corporate Parenting Board and the Community Services Committee.
(Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Education, submitted)