Issue - decisions


14/09/2020 - WINTER SERVICE POLICY 2020/21

The Committee gave consideration to a report presenting the Winter Service Policy 20202/21 which followed a similar format and covered a similar network to the Policy approved by the Committee in previous years.  This year the Policy included Covid-19 Vehicle Usage Guidelines.




The Environment, Development and Infrastructure Committee -


1.    Noted the proposals for community resilience.


2.    Noted the weather summary from 2019/20 contained at Appendix 1.


3.    Approved the 2020/21 Winter Maintenance Policy contained at Appendix 2.


4.    Noted the Advisory Signing, routes unsuitable in severe conditions contained at Appendix 3.


5.    Approved the Salt Use Reduction and Preservation of Stocks Protocol contained at Appendix 4.


6.    Approved the Use of Vehicles during Covid-19 Guidelines contained at Appendix 5.


(Reference:  Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Roads and Infrastructure dated August 2020, submitted)