Committee details

Performance Review and Scrutiny Committee

Purpose of committee

The Performance Review and Scrutiny Committee will have delegated powers in terms of the Scheme of Administration and Delegations which is referred to in Standing Order 26, in terms of the terms of reference outlined below and shall be a committee of the Council to which the standing orders of the Council shall apply.


The Performance Review and Scrutiny Committee will be responsible for the following:


Performance Review

(1) Reviewing performance when viewed against policy objectives arising from:

a) The Planning and Performance Management Framework and the  quarterly performance reports to committee.

b) External inspection reports e.g. School Inspections.

c) The Community Planning Partnership and other major partnership


d) Specific performance reports requested by the committee.

e) Ad hoc performance reports presented to the Committee by Chief


f) Any other reports of a performance-related nature.

(2) Making recommendations to the Council on performance matters in relation to (1) above.



(1) Monitoring the delivery of corporate improvement programmes and ensuring that they are progressing in line with corporate aims and objectives. Reporting the findings and recommendations to the Council.

(2) Commenting on decisions and policies agreed by the Council and other committees and the impact they have on Argyll and Bute as an area, and making recommendations as appropriate to the Council.

(3) Inviting Policy Lead Councillors to attend and elaborate on Council decisions or proposals.




Contact information

Support officer: Shona Marshall Tel: 01546 604407.