Agenda item


Report by Head of Planning and Regulatory Services


The Principal Planning Officer spoke to the terms of the report advising that this application was before the Committee as the applicant is a Member of the Council.  Planning permission in principle is sought for the erection of 5 houses within the settlement boundary of Rahane.  Rahane is defined as a ‘minor settlement’ within Table C of the adopted Argyll and Bute Local Plan.  As this is an application in principle not all design details have been given, however, the agent has submitted sufficient information to be able to demonstrate that the application site would be capable of accommodating 5 houses in accordance with all other relevant policies contained within the Structure and Local Plans.  The Principal Planning Officer advised that the Applicant’s Agent had questioned the need for a footway which the Roads Officer had advised was a necessary requirement to access the bus stop on the main road.  There have been no objections received from statutory consultees.   4 objections have been received from third parties and a summary of these are contained within the report of handling.  It is considered that the proposal would accord with Development Plan policy subject to the satisfactory fulfilment of the conditions recommended.




Agreed to grant planning permission in principle subject to the following conditions and reasons:-


1.        Plans and particulars of the matters specified in conditions 3 to10 below shall be submitted by way of application(s) for Approval of Matters Specified in Conditions in accordance with the timescales and other limitations in Section 59 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 as amended.  Thereafter the development shall be completed wholly in accordance with the approved details.

Reason:  To accord with Section 59 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997.


2.        The development shall be implemented in accordance with the details specified on the application form dated 11/6/12, supporting information and the approved drawing refs AL(0)01, AL(0)02, AL(0)03B, AL(0)04 and AL(0)05A.  The layout plans reference nos. Al(0)03B and AL(0)05A are for indicative purposes only and are not approved as part of this permission.

Reason: To accord with Regulation 28 of the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Scotland) Regulations 2008.


3.        Pursuant to condition 1 – no development shall commence until details of the proposed means of private foul drainage to serve the development have been submitted to and approved by the Planning Authority.  The duly approved scheme shall be implemented in full concurrently with the development that it is intended to serve and shall be operational prior to the occupation of the development.

Reason: To ensure than an adequate means of foul drainage is available to serve the development.


4.        Pursuant to Condition 1 – no development shall commence until a Drainage Impact Assessment, which includes a scheme for management of surface water within the development site, has been submitted to and approved by the Planning Authority.  The duly approved scheme shall be implemented in full concurrently with the development that it is intended to serve and shall be operational prior to the occupation of the development and shall be maintained as such thereafter.

Reason:  To ensure the provision of an adequate surface water drainage system and to prevent flooding.


5.        Pursuant to condition 1 - no development shall commence until details of a Sustainable Urban Drainage system has been submitted to and approved by the Planning Authority.  This shall be compliant with the guidance set out in CIRIA’s SUDS Manual C697.  The requisite surface water drainage shall be operational prior to the development being brought into use and shall be maintained as such thereafter.


Reason:  To ensure the provision of an adequate surface water drainage system and to prevent flooding.


6.        Pursuant to Condition 1 – no development shall commence until a scheme of boundary treatment, surface treatment and landscaping has been submitted to and approved by the Planning Authority. Thereafter the development shall proceed in accordance with the approved details.  The scheme shall include details of:


(a)        Location, design and materials of proposed walls, fences and gates;


(b)        Surface treatment of proposed means of access and hardstanding areas. Road and driveway surfacing shall be a mixture of stone sett type paviours and natural gravel with the exception of the first 2 metres at the access onto Peaton Road which shall be of a bituminous material;


(c)        Any proposed re-contouring of the site by means of existing and proposed ground levels including details of any retaining walls.


(d)        Full details of the native tree belt to be planted along the entire length of the settlement edge.  This shall include the location, species and size (to BS standard) of each tree.  This tree belt shall be planted during the first planting season following the occupation of the first dwellinghouse hereby approved.


(e)        A tree survey of all existing trees along the watercourse on the site, indicating the position of each existing tree, its species, height, canopy width and condition including details of replacement planted where any of the existing trees are of a condition which would warrant their remove.  Details of the replacement trees shall include the location, species and size (to BS standard) of each tree and shall include a timetable for the completion of these works.


(f)          Full details of how the existing watercourse which crosses the site will be integrated into the overall scheme;


(g)        Full details of how the stone from the existing dykes on the site will be incorporated into the overall scheme.


Reason: To assist with the integration of the proposal with its surroundings in the interest of amenity.


7.        Pursuant to Condition 1 – no development shall commence in respect of any individual plot; until plans and particulars of the site layout, design and external finishes of the development within that plot have been submitted to and approved by the Planning Authority. Thereafter the development shall proceed in accordance with the approved details. These details shall incorporate:


(a)        Maximum of 1.5 storeys in design;


(b)        Symmetrically pitched roof angled between 37 and 42 degrees finished in natural  slate or good quality artificial slate;


(c)        External walls finished in natural stone and / or timber cladding or a mixture of both which may include a limited amount of traditional render;


(d)        Details of finished ground floor levels relative to an identifiable fixed datum located outwith the application site;


(e)        Details of arrangements for the storage, recycling, composting where appropriate, separation and collection of waste from within the development site.


Reason: To accord with Section 59 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 as amended, and in order to integrate the proposed dwellinghouse with its surrounds.


8.        Pursuant to condition 1. - no development shall commence until details of the proposed private access and connection with the existing public road have been submitted to and approved by the Planning Authority. Thereafter the development shall proceed in accordance with the approved details. Such details shall incorporate:


(a)        At the junction with the existing public road (Peaton Road) visibility splays of 2.4 x 75 x 1.05 metres to the west side and 2.4 x 42 x 1.05 metres to the east side formed from the centre line of the junction.  These sight lines to be in place prior to the commencement of any house construction works and maintained in perpetuity;


(b)        The new vehicle access shall be a minimum 4.5 metres in width for the first 10 metres with the first 5 metres surfaced in a bituminous material or other approved hard material. The gradient shall be no greater than 5% (1 in 20) for the first 5 metres and thereafter no greater than 12.5%(1 in 8);


(c)        Details of the proposed vehicle access crossing of the existing water course. This shall include a Structural engineer’s report to confirm that the structure has the capacity to accommodate emergency and service vehicles. Also on completion of the works prior to occupation of the first house to the north of the water course, a Structural engineer’s certificate shall be submitted to confirm the construction of the crossing is in accordance with the approved design;


(d)        The provision of a turning area to accommodate emergency and service vehicles.


Reason: In the interests of road safety and to ensure the timely provision of a service road commensurate to the scale of the overall development and having regard to the status of the proposed access as a residential service road.


9.        Pursuant to Condition 1 – no development shall be commenced in respect of any individual building until plans and particulars of the means of vehicular access and parking/turning arrangements to serve that building have been submitted to and approved by the Planning Authority. Such details shall incorporate:


(a)        Driveway gradients of no greater than 5% (1 in 20) for the first 5 metres and thereafter no greater than 12.5% (1 in 8).


(b)        The provision of parking and turning in accordance with the requirements of policy LP TRAN 6 and Appendix C of the Argyll and Bute Local Plan 2009.


Reason:  In the interests of road safety.


10.    Pursuant to Condition 1 – no development shall be commenced in respect of any individual building until details of a footway from the east side of the development vehicular access to the existing footway on the east side of Peaton Road near the junction with Shore Road is submitted to and approved in writing by the Planning Authority.  This footway shall be constructed to the satisfaction of the planning authority prior to the occupation of the first dwelling house.


Reason:  In the interests of road safety and the creation of link to the public transport facility.


(Reference: Report by Head of Planning and Regulatory Services dated 27 September 2012, submitted)

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